
RE: Brexit

in Politik 08.12.2020 15:41
von Willie (gelöscht)

Trump administration refused offer to buy millions more Pfizer vaccine doses
Decision could delay the delivery of a second batch until the manufacturer meets its orders for other countries

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RE: Brexit

in Politik 08.12.2020 15:45
von nahal | 24.479 Beiträge

Zitat von Willie im Beitrag #4976
Trump administration refused offer to buy millions more Pfizer vaccine doses
Decision could delay the delivery of a second batch until the manufacturer meets its orders for other countries

Fake News

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RE: Brexit

in Politik 08.12.2020 15:52
von Willie (gelöscht)

Pfizer has told the Trump administration it cannot provide substantial additional doses of its coronavirus vaccine until late June or July because other countries have rushed to buy up most of its supply, according to multiple individuals familiar with the situation.
That means the U.S. government may not be able to ramp up as rapidly as it had expected from the 100 million doses of the Pfizer vaccine that it purchased earlier this year, raising questions about whether it can keep to its aggressive schedule to vaccinate most Americans by late spring or early summer. ...

Last summer, Pfizer officials had urged Operation Warp Speed to purchase 200 million doses, or enough of the two-shot regimen for 100 million people, according to people knowledgeable about the issue who spoke on the condition of anonymity because they weren’t authorized to discuss the situation. But the Warp Speed officials declined, opting instead for 100 million doses, they said.
“Anyone who wanted to sell us … without an [FDA] approval, hundreds of millions of doses back in July and August, was just not going to get the government’s money,” said a senior administration official.

But last weekend, with an FDA clearance expected any day, federal officials reached back out to the company asking to buy another 100 million doses. By then, Pfizer said it had committed the supply elsewhere and suggested elevating the conversation to “a high level discussion,” said a person familiar with the talks who spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to share the conversation.

zuletzt bearbeitet 08.12.2020 15:52 | nach oben springen


RE: Brexit

in Politik 08.12.2020 22:09
von Willie (gelöscht)

Boris Johnson warned caving to EU in final moments for Brexit deal would be 'kamikaze'
BORIS Johnson has been left in no doubt about the risk he would face if he signs up to any Brexit deal which leaves the UK "shackled" to the EU, a Tory MP has said.

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RE: Brexit

in Politik 08.12.2020 22:22
von Willie (gelöscht)
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RE: Brexit

in Politik 08.12.2020 23:49
von Willie (gelöscht)
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RE: Brexit

in Politik 08.12.2020 23:57
von Willie (gelöscht)

Every argument made for Brexit can be made for #indyref2, with one major exception,
the claim about regaining sovereignty is actually a real argument this time round rather than a complete fabrication
1:53 AM · Dec 1, 2020

zuletzt bearbeitet 09.12.2020 00:02 | nach oben springen


RE: Brexit

in Politik 09.12.2020 00:06
von Willie (gelöscht)

Drive to a second independence referendum looks unstoppable
- Lesley Riddoch
The drive towards a second independence referendum now looks unstoppable – and public disagreement over strategy at the SNP conference is, strangely enough, one of the surest signs.

zuletzt bearbeitet 09.12.2020 00:06 | nach oben springen


RE: Brexit

in Politik 09.12.2020 16:21
von Maga-neu | 35.179 Beiträge

Die Brexit-Entscheidung ist keine moralische Frage, sondern eine genuin politische. Weder waren die Remainer moralischere Menschen noch die Brexiteers. Es scheint aber so, dass die Globalisten, die in jeder Pizza Hawai ein wunderbares Symbol der Globalisierung sehen, die meinen, Multilateralismus sei immer gut (nein, ist er nicht immer - und auch nicht immer vorteilhaft), die im Mehrebenensystem der EU ein Modell für die One World sehen, sich nicht damit abfinden können, dass sich ein Land aus diesem "Modell" verabschiedet. Und wie immer bei Moralisten üblich, träumen sie von der Bestrafung der Bösewichte (so wie man sich als Zuschauer die Bestrafung der Bösen im Krimi oder im Western wünscht). Um Schottland oder Nordirland geht es ihnen überhaupt nicht, und wäre UK in der EU verblieben, wäre der Ruf nach Unabhängigkeit zweifellos ein Anachronismus, um nicht zu sagen ein gefährlicher Separatismus. Dass die Devise lautete "once in a lifetime", kümmert die Guten nicht. Dass jetzt sogar ein ungeliebter (von manchen) Premier herangezogen wird, um dem Ruf nach Unabhängigkeit Nachdruck zu verleihen, ist kurios. Hier hat der Wahnsinn Methode, könnte doch auch Texas, Tennessee oder South Dakota die Wahl des präsumptiven Wahlsiegers Biden zum Anlass nehmen, aus der Union auszutreten.

Es bleiben mehrere Probleme zwischen London und Brüssel, politische (nicht moralische*) Streitfragen:
- die Grenze in Nordirland. Guten Willen vorausgesetzt könnte man daraus eine weiche Grenze machen, auch wenn die Zollunion nicht existiert. Aber das würde Pragmatiker statt juristischer Korinthenkacker bzw. Ideologen voraussetzen.
- die Fischereifrage. UK war Nettozahler in der EU, im Gegenzug durften die britischen Fischgründe von Franzosen, Dänen, Spaniern leergefischt werden. Schwierig, sich hier anzunähern.
- die Wettbewerbsverzerrung durch Subventionen an die jeweiligen Unternehmen im Land. Schwierig, da von beiden Seiten praktiziert - in Coronazeiten besonders schwierig, aber vielleicht das Gebiet, auf dem man sich am ehesten annähern kann.
- die Jurisdiktion. Würde sich UK hier dem Urteil des EuGH unterwerfen, wäre der Brexit ein halber Brexit. Man wäre dann besser in der EU geblieben. Diese Aufgabe müssten unabhängige Schiedsgerichte übernehmen.

*Den Moralheinis fällt diese Unterscheidung schwer.

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RE: Brexit

in Politik 09.12.2020 18:54
von Willie (gelöscht)
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RE: Brexit

in Politik 09.12.2020 18:56
von Willie (gelöscht)
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RE: Brexit

in Politik 09.12.2020 19:23
von Willie (gelöscht)

UK presses ahead with breaking international law at crucial moment in Brexit trade talks
Government to enrage Brussels by overwriting Brexit withdrawal agreement

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RE: Brexit

in Politik 09.12.2020 20:59
von Willie (gelöscht)
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RE: Brexit

in Politik 09.12.2020 21:03
von Willie (gelöscht)

Hear me out, I want to see a No Deal Brexit,
this Country needs to suffer the full horror of what its people voted for,
Industry going to the wall, mass unemployment, food shortages, the lot
and then they will blame the People that led them into this...there will be blood!
5:24 PM · Dec 8, 2020

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RE: Brexit

in Politik 09.12.2020 21:08
von Willie (gelöscht)

Daniel Kawczynski@DKShrewsbury
Mistake EU making is they are treating us as if we were Malta leaving the EU!
We are 5th largest economy in world, Permanent Member of UN Security Council & major European military power.
I hope citizens across Europe begin to realise how EU mishandling their interests
9:14 AM · Dec 8, 2020

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RE: Brexit

in Politik 10.12.2020 09:28
von Maga-neu | 35.179 Beiträge

Zitat von Willie im Beitrag #4989

and then they will blame the People that led them into this...there will be blood!
5:24 PM · Dec 8, 2020
Ja, man soll die Hoffnung nie aufgeben...

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RE: Brexit

in Politik 10.12.2020 10:01
von Maga-neu | 35.179 Beiträge

Das Vereinigte Königreich von heute ist nicht mehr das von vor 80 Jahren, das mit "stiff upper lip" die Bombenangriffe ertrug, das Britain der "finest hour". Es ist auch nicht mehr das der 1960er Jahre. (Man vergleiche nur die Aufnahmen der Beisetzung von Winston Churchill und von Lady Di in den 1990ern, die würdevolle Trauer auf der einen, das hysterische Geschrei auf der anderen Seite.) Dennoch: Die Vorstellung, jetzt könne ein Bürgerkrieg beginnen oder auch nur nennenswerte "blutige" Aufstände - und das, weil man eine Scheißorganisation wie die EU verlassen hat -, ist abstrus.

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RE: Brexit

in Politik 10.12.2020 15:53
von Willie (gelöscht)

Warning of ‘catastrophic’ no-deal Brexit impact on farmers, as minister suggests tariffs on agriculture will not be manageable
NFU warns of ‘savage’ consequences of failure to secure free trade agreement with EU

Farmers have warned of “catastrophic” damage to British agriculture if Boris Johnson fails to secure a trade deal with Europe, after environment secretary George Eustice suggested that tariffs on foodstuffs would not be “manageable”.
National Farmers Union president Minette Batters said that no-deal Brexit would see tariffs as high as 85 per cent imposed on British beef and 62 per cent on lamb, pricing UK products out of the export market.

zuletzt bearbeitet 10.12.2020 16:49 | nach oben springen


RE: Brexit

in Politik 10.12.2020 16:40
von Willie (gelöscht)

Morgan Stanley to Shift $120 Billion of Assets to Germany
Morgan Stanley plans to move about 100 billion euros ($120 billion) of assets to Frankfurt, the latest Wall Street bank to shift business away from the U.K.

zuletzt bearbeitet 10.12.2020 16:45 | nach oben springen


RE: Brexit

in Politik 10.12.2020 16:44
von Willie (gelöscht)

Brexit food shortage fears a reality
Food sector fears 'worst-case' scenario Brexit will become reality from January with 40 per cent of trade grinding to a halt

The government’s ‘worst-case scenario’ planning for Brexit border disruption and food shortages next year is now set to become reality, food industry leaders warned The Grocer this week.

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RE: Brexit

in Politik 10.12.2020 16:50
von Willie (gelöscht)

Ursula von der Leyen@vonderleyen
Negotiations are still ongoing but the end of the transition is near.
There is no guarantee that if & when an agreement is found it can enter into force on time.
We have to be prepared including for not having a deal in place on 1 January.
Today we present contingency measures
3:57 AM · Dec 10, 2020


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RE: Brexit

in Politik 10.12.2020 17:05
von Willie (gelöscht)

David Henig@DavidHenigUK
Plenty of talk this morning about how UK sovereignty is what is stopping an EU deal, that the EU want to impinge on this.

Sorry, the argument is totally bogus. It is a combination of EU hatred and cakeism dressed up in respectable clothing.
How do we define sovereignty in trade deals? Complex question, so let's just look at this government. It believes in trade deals and membership of the WTO. These contain binding rules. Therefore for this government sovereignty and binding rules are compatible.
Therefore sovereignty in terms of trade rules for this government is a relative concept either in content or partner terms. So when they say the EU proposals go too far is that because of what is proposed, or who it is proposed with?
We haven't been told the detail. But with regard to the level playing field it is suggested that no country could sign up to a situation where not following the rules leads to tariffs being imposed. However we agree to this in the WTO and FTAs. So that is untrue.

Fish is a slightly different matter, and it is being said that the EU proposal would deny the UK control of our waters. But definitionally that can't be true. We're showing our control through the discussion. We don't have to do a deal.
And in fact this is true of the trade deal with the EU as a whole. There does not have to be a deal. If there is not, then WTO terms. We have both signed up to these a long time ago. Apparently sanctions under the WTO aren't breaches of sovereignty.

So why do we even want a trade deal with the EU? To avoid tariffs, get more haulage permits, have greater rights to provide services, that sort of thing? This sounds then like a transaction, where we have to choose the price we're prepared to pay.
Neither the EU or UK has to do this deal. It is a choice. So why is this choice a matter of sovereignty? Just say no.
Unless, perhaps, you think you are entitled to a special deal without paying a price? Or that the other side is wrong?

We are back to cake. Back to the belief that the EU 'should' give us a special deal. And anger that they won't. This isn't about sovereignty. It is about a failure to agree commercial terms. It doesn't matter if the EU is right or wrong. It is whether you can do the deal.
And, just perhaps, the idea that the EU is not the body that the UK 'should' be dealing with. That it is illegitimate, not being a country but a bloc. That should be brought down.
Well tough. Countries want trade deals with the EU and hate the experience. Live with it.

So let's not indulge the sovereignty myth with regard to an EU deal. If it isn't sovereignty when it is a deal with Japan it isn't when it is with the EU. This is about the terms of preferential trade. They strike a hard bargain. Crying sovereignty = failure. Do better.
2:30 AM · Dec 10, 2020

Right on the money!

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RE: Brexit

in Politik 10.12.2020 17:07
von Willie (gelöscht)

That's what they sold to the British people:


And that was a lie.

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RE: Brexit

in Politik 10.12.2020 20:53
von Willie (gelöscht)

Boris Johnson: 'Strong possibility' of UK not reaching trade deal with EU
U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson said on Thursday there was a “strong possibility” that a trade deal with the European Union would not be reached.

Johnson said it was looking increasingly unlikely that there would be an agreement before Dec. 31, when the U.K. is set to stop adhering to EU trade rules, the BBC reported.

The U.K. officially left the EU on Jan. 31 but was allotted an 11-month transition period to address issues like trade rules.

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RE: Brexit

in Politik 10.12.2020 21:23
von Rico (gelöscht)

Ich denke, es wird noch einen Kurzfristdeal geben.

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