
RE: Brexit

in Politik 26.01.2020 23:00
von Willie (gelöscht)

There is triumph as well as tragedy in the story of Britain and Europe
As we leave the EU, we should not forget what was gained while we were members

... Membership was a spur to the modernisation of Britain by both extending the nation’s cultural horizons and raising its expectations. The EU caricatured in the rightwing British media was a sinister scheme to ban bendy bananas and force the sturdy yeomen of olde England into condoms of only Euro-approved dimensions. The EU of lived experience impelled Britain to clean up filthy beaches and toxic rivers, and to greatly enhance protections and rights for employees and consumers. The EU is not a flawless regulator, but it is not a bad one either. The fact that you can (generally) trust your food, your medicines, your motor cars and much else owes a great deal to the UK’s membership. What did the EU ever do for us? Quite a lot, actually.

To my mind, Britain’s single most important contribution came after the fall of the Berlin Wall. When others, especially the French, were highly reluctant to embrace the nations that had just been released from vassalage in the Soviet bloc, the British were at the vanguard of the argument that the countries of central and eastern Europe, many of whom had no historical experience of freedom, be locked into democratic norms and human rights by putting them on a fast track to membership of an enlarged EU. Has it worked out perfectly? No. Could it have worked out much more nightmarishly? Absolutely.

One of the most significant drivers of the original decision to seek membership was that the United Kingdom had started to feel a bit lost in the world. In the confirmatory referendum of 1975, the Yes campaign deployed the potent slogan: “It’s cold outside.” Membership of the EU furnished the UK with a unique and uniquely useful identity. Connections with other parts of the world, including but not limited to the United States, enhanced the UK’s leverage in the EU. Britain’s membership amplified its influence in the rest of the globe. Above and beyond that, there was something precious about the ideal, however imperfectly practised, of the countries of what had been the world’s most murderous continent working together across borders for the prosperity and security of their peoples.

For Brexiters, this Friday may be a night to revel. For the many who will feel a profound sense of loss, it will be an occasion for anguish. Indifference will be the least appropriate emotion. Dusk falls on a long, hugely significant and in many ways fruitful period of our modern history. What comes next, no one is sure, least of all those who most willed this rupture.

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RE: Brexit

in Politik 26.01.2020 23:28
von Maga-neu | 35.169 Beiträge

Zitat von Willie im Beitrag #4323
Independence Day will expose Brexit as a ruse to free an imaginary nation
Next Friday, Britain officially leaves the EU but it’s difficult to see who or what is being liberated. Perhaps an England without London?

... But here there is a great irony: Britain is not and never has been a nation state. For most of its history as a state, it has been at the heart not of a national polity, but of a vast multinational and polyglot empire. And the UK is itself a four-nation amalgam of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. There is no single pre-EU UK “nation” to return to. There is no unified “people” to whom power is being returned. And this is the contradiction that the Brexit project cannot even acknowledge, let alone resolve.

Scotland and Northern Ireland rejected Brexit even more emphatically in the general election of 2019 than they had done in the referendum of 2016 and a clear majority of voters in the UK as a whole voted in 2019 for parties that promised a second referendum and an opportunity to stay in the EU. So while Johnson likes to talk of 31 January as “this pivotal moment in our national story”, there is neither a settled nation nor a shared story. Brexit is not Northern Ireland’s story. It is not Scotland’s story. It is not even London’s story. It is the national origin myth of the place that Anthony Barnett, co-founder of openDemocracy, calls “England without London”.

There is a particular paradox here when we think back on that great Brexit slogan: take back control. It is that the parts of the UK that have actually “taken back control” into their own local democratic institutions reject Brexit; while the parts that support Brexit have no such institutions. The Scottish parliament, the Welsh Senedd and the Northern Ireland assembly have all voted overwhelmingly in recent weeks to reject the withdrawal agreement. (Their votes will of course be ignored by the government in London.)

But the voters in England who actually want Brexit are not recognised at all as a “people” with a voice of their own. They are nationalist revolutionaries without a political nation. They are creating a country for themselves, but it is one that dare not speak its name.

At the heart of this dilemma is the illusion that a fragile multinational state can play with the fire of nationalism yet not get burned. The allure of leaving a larger multinational political entity and going your own way is very potent. But once you establish it as the core value of politics, where do you stop? Brexit sets in motion the logic that shared sovereignty is unnatural and that all “peoples” must return to the pure dominion of their ancient nations.

However, it then commands the tide of separatism to stop at the current borders of the UK. It dictates that the nation must take back control of its own fate in order to inaugurate for itself what Johnson and Rees-Mogg unblushingly hail as a “golden age”. But apparently the only nation that is supposed to hear this thrilling call of destiny is the new England that has been conjured into being. You would need to be half blind on scrumpy not to see the fatal contradiction.

Meine Güte, müssen diese Leute ihr eigenes Land hassen, wenn sie so einen Quatsch schreiben. England war mit Portugal und noch vor Frankreich und Spanien der erste Nationalstaat in Europa, natürlich mit London. Es geht auch nicht nur um national sovereignty, es geht auch um parliamentary sovereignty, und damit um die Frage, wer entscheiden soll? Some mandarins and so-called experts in Brussels or an accountable government in Westmister. Und das gilt auch für Schottland, Wales und Nordirland.

zuletzt bearbeitet 26.01.2020 23:29 | nach oben springen


RE: Brexit

in Politik 26.01.2020 23:35
von Willie (gelöscht)
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RE: Brexit

in Politik 26.01.2020 23:35
von Willie (gelöscht)
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RE: Brexit

in Politik 27.01.2020 08:38
von Leto_II. | 27.811 Beiträge

Zitat von Maga-neu im Beitrag #4327
parliamentary sovereignty

Ein unliebsames Parlament wird dann auch mal passend in die Ferien geschickt, ganz souverän.

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RE: Brexit

in Politik 27.01.2020 10:00
von Maga-neu | 35.169 Beiträge

Zitat von Leto_II. im Beitrag #4330
Zitat von Maga-neu im Beitrag #4327
parliamentary sovereignty

Ein unliebsames Parlament wird dann auch mal passend in die Ferien geschickt, ganz souverän.

"the King / Queen in parliament"...

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RE: Brexit

in Politik 27.01.2020 10:45
von Hans Bergman | 23.327 Beiträge

Zitat von Willie im Beitrag #4328

Wenn Sie ein Geschäft in Frankreich betreiben, sinkt die Zahl der Länder, die in Ihre Entscheidungen eingreifen können, von 31 auf 30.
Ist Ihr Unternehmen im UK, geht es von 31 auf 0.

zuletzt bearbeitet 27.01.2020 10:47 | nach oben springen


RE: Brexit

in Politik 27.01.2020 13:46
von Maga-neu | 35.169 Beiträge


Man muss wahrscheinlich nach England gehen, wo eccentricity immer mehr geschätzt wurde als in Deutschland, um derart gegen den Strich gebürstete Historiker zu erleben, denen der öffentlich-rechtliche Rundfunk auch noch eine Plattform bietet. :-)

zuletzt bearbeitet 27.01.2020 13:47 | nach oben springen


RE: Brexit

in Politik 27.01.2020 14:17
von Willie (gelöscht)

Zitat von Hans Bergman im Beitrag #4332
Zitat von Willie im Beitrag #4328

Wenn Sie ein Geschäft in Frankreich betreiben, sinkt die Zahl der Länder, die in Ihre Entscheidungen eingreifen können, von 31 auf 30.
Ist Ihr Unternehmen im UK, geht es von 31 auf 0.

Sie haben offensichtlich noch nie nennenswerte Exportverantwortung getragen.:-)

zuletzt bearbeitet 27.01.2020 14:18 | nach oben springen


RE: Brexit

in Politik 27.01.2020 14:18
von Willie (gelöscht)
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RE: Brexit

in Politik 27.01.2020 19:06
von Willie (gelöscht)

Chefökonomin des britischen Industrieverbands
"Der Hard Brexit ist nicht vom Tisch"
In wenigen Tagen tritt Großbritannien aus der EU aus. Die Wirtschaft hat sich damit arrangiert, sagt die Chefvolkswirtin des britischen Industrieverbands - doch noch kann einiges schiefgehen.

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RE: Brexit

in Politik 27.01.2020 19:31
von Willie (gelöscht)

The best alternative designs for the commemorative Brexit 50p coin
Opinion is split on the Treasury's decision to release three million commemorative Brexit 50p coins into circulation on January 31st.

HM Treasury of Chancellor of the Exchequer Sajid Javid holding the Brexit coin, a 50p bearing the inscription 'Peace, prosperity and friendship with all nations' and the date the UK leaves the EU. Photograph: HM Treasury/PA.

Meanwhile others took to social media to come up with their own designs for the Brexit 50p coin.









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RE: Brexit

in Politik 27.01.2020 19:39
von Hans Bergman | 23.327 Beiträge

Zitat von Willie im Beitrag #4334
Zitat von Hans Bergman im Beitrag #4332
Zitat von Willie im Beitrag #4328

Wenn Sie ein Geschäft in Frankreich betreiben, sinkt die Zahl der Länder, die in Ihre Entscheidungen eingreifen können, von 31 auf 30.
Ist Ihr Unternehmen im UK, geht es von 31 auf 0.

Sie haben offensichtlich noch nie nennenswerte Exportverantwortung getragen.:-)

Ich kenne die Handelsbeziehungen meines Spezls mit Taiwan und China - die waren problemlos. Mit der EU wurden sie komplizierter und aufwändiger.

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RE: Brexit

in Politik 27.01.2020 19:40
von Hans Bergman | 23.327 Beiträge

Zitat von Willie im Beitrag #4337
The best alternative designs for the commemorative Brexit 50p coin
Opinion is split on the Treasury's decision to release three million commemorative Brexit 50p coins into circulation on January 31st.

HM Treasury of Chancellor of the Exchequer Sajid Javid holding the Brexit coin, a 50p bearing the inscription 'Peace, prosperity and friendship with all nations' and the date the UK leaves the EU. Photograph: HM Treasury/PA.

Meanwhile others took to social media to come up with their own designs for the Brexit 50p coin.










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RE: Brexit

in Politik 27.01.2020 19:50
von Willie (gelöscht)

Zitat von Hans Bergman im Beitrag #4338
Zitat von Willie im Beitrag #4334
Zitat von Hans Bergman im Beitrag #4332
Zitat von Willie im Beitrag #4328

Wenn Sie ein Geschäft in Frankreich betreiben, sinkt die Zahl der Länder, die in Ihre Entscheidungen eingreifen können, von 31 auf 30.
Ist Ihr Unternehmen im UK, geht es von 31 auf 0.

Sie haben offensichtlich noch nie nennenswerte Exportverantwortung getragen.:-)

Ich kenne die Handelsbeziehungen meines Spezls mit Taiwan und China - die waren problemlos. Mit der EU wurden sie komplizierter und aufwändiger.

Sie haben also keine Ahnung von Exportverantwortung. Klar.

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RE: Brexit

in Politik 27.01.2020 19:56
von Willie (gelöscht)

Zitat von Hans Bergman im Beitrag #4339
Zitat von Willie im Beitrag #4337
The best alternative designs for the commemorative Brexit 50p coin
Opinion is split on the Treasury's decision to release three million commemorative Brexit 50p coins into circulation on January 31st.

HM Treasury of Chancellor of the Exchequer Sajid Javid holding the Brexit coin, a 50p bearing the inscription 'Peace, prosperity and friendship with all nations' and the date the UK leaves the EU. Photograph: HM Treasury/PA.

Meanwhile others took to social media to come up with their own designs for the Brexit 50p coin.










Die sind zum aufheben. Hier. Zur Wiedervorlage in einem Jahr. :-)
Die erste ist uebrigens die geplante Ausgabe durch die BoJo Administration.

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RE: Brexit

in Politik 27.01.2020 21:26
von Maga-neu | 35.169 Beiträge

Zitat von Willie im Beitrag #4337
The best alternative designs for the commemorative Brexit 50p coin
Opinion is split on the Treasury's decision to release three million commemorative Brexit 50p coins into circulation on January 31st.

HM Treasury of Chancellor of the Exchequer Sajid Javid holding the Brexit coin, a 50p bearing the inscription 'Peace, prosperity and friendship with all nations' and the date the UK leaves the EU. Photograph: HM Treasury/PA.

Meanwhile others took to social media to come up with their own designs for the Brexit 50p coin.









The British people have chosen Brexit. Get over it!

While no expert, not even the smartest one, can foresee the degree of advantages or disadvantages for Britain's economy, there is one clear consequence of Brexit: Parliamentary sovereignty will be restored.

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RE: Brexit

in Politik 27.01.2020 21:37
von Willie (gelöscht)
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RE: Brexit

in Politik 28.01.2020 00:31
von Willie (gelöscht)
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RE: Brexit

in Politik 28.01.2020 20:27
von Willie (gelöscht)
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RE: Brexit

in Politik 28.01.2020 21:18
von Maga-neu | 35.169 Beiträge

Zitat von Willie im Beitrag #4345

Genau, dumpfe, rassistische, nationalistische, xenophobe, islamophobe, europhobe, abgehängte Nullitäten. Und davon 17,4 Millionen...

Meine Güte, was für eine Arroganz!

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RE: Brexit

in Politik 28.01.2020 22:45
von Maga-neu | 35.169 Beiträge

Zitat von Willie im Beitrag #4347


No one said that all woes are caused by the EU, not even Nigel Farage. What's caused by the EU is the lack of national sovereignty and of parliamentary sovereignty. Brexit will restore the UK as an independent nation, not as a nation without any troubles.

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RE: Brexit

in Politik 28.01.2020 22:58
von Hans Bergman | 23.327 Beiträge

Zitat von Maga-neu im Beitrag #4348
Zitat von Willie im Beitrag #4347


No one said that all woes are caused by the EU, not even Nigel Farage. What's caused by the EU is the lack of national sovereignty and of parliamentary sovereignty. Brexit will restore the UK as an independent nation, not as a nation without any troubles.
Die knackigste Zusammenfassung.
Der Strang kann geschlossen werden. :-))

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RE: Brexit

in Politik 28.01.2020 23:12
von Willie (gelöscht)

Zitat von Hans Bergman im Beitrag #4349
Zitat von Maga-neu im Beitrag #4348
Zitat von Willie im Beitrag #4347


No one said that all woes are caused by the EU, not even Nigel Farage. What's caused by the EU is the lack of national sovereignty and of parliamentary sovereignty. Brexit will restore the UK as an independent nation, not as a nation without any troubles.
Die knackigste Zusammenfassung.
Der Strang kann geschlossen werden. :-))

Hoechstens fuer Fanatiker, Dummschwaetzer, Wunschtraeumer und Nichtswisser. Dabei faengt es ja jetzt erst richtig an.
Die Zeit der Luegen ist vorbei, jetzt kommt die Realitaet der Implementierung. Die Zeit der "Butter bei die Fische" Phase sozusagen. Es wird spannend und entertaining werden, dessen bin ich mir sicher. Wenn auch fuer die Betroffenen nicht unbedingt erfreulich.

Beginning right here:
NHS counting down last seven days of underfunding before the extra £350 million per week arrives
The NHS just has to struggle through this last week and then everything will be fine, it has emerged.

With the extra £350 million per week that was promised by the ever truthful Boris Johnson only a matter of days away, NHS bosses across the land are relieved that soon their financial woes will be over.

The chairman of one foundation trust, Simon Williams, told us, “We just have to survive these last seven days, then we’ll be able to breathe a lot more easily, financially speaking.
“This time next week, when the first cheque arrives with our share of the first payment of £350 million arrives, I intend to buy a couple more MRI machines, and possibly a new children’s ward.
“Then the following week, perhaps I’ll invest our share of that week’s £350 mil on the latest chemotherapy medicines, which were previously too expensive to afford.”

Wistfully, he added, “It’s just such a shame that some of our best consultants, doctors, nurses and cleaning staff have left the country and gone back to their homes in the EU.
“Still, I’m sure there are loads of Brits queuing up to work in healthcare, and with Boris reintroducing generous nursing bursaries then I’m sure we’ll have no problem recruiting more.”


Der Beweis:

Die 350 k Schmaeckesser kommen selbstverstaendlich on top auf das, was derzeit sowieso an die NHS bezahlt, versteht sich. Denn das ist ja der EU Beitrag, der nun frei wird. Und das war ja, was man den Waehlern versprochen hatte.
Nicht dass da jetzt irgendwie so ein ganz schlauer auf einmal meint, davon was abziehen zu koennen.:-)


zuletzt bearbeitet 29.01.2020 00:20 | nach oben springen

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