Trump, seine Persoenlichkeitsstoerungen und deren Auswirkungen auf die Praesidentschaft, die USA. und die Welt
Trump, seine Persoenlichkeitsstoerungen und deren Auswirkungen auf die Praesidentschaft, die USA. und die Welt
in Politik 11.07.2020 23:04von Willie (gelöscht)

Joining up the dots shows the true depths of Trump’s dangerous narcissistic pathology
There has only been one headline worth printing since Donald Trump was elected president. That headline is "Donald Trump suffers from a dangerous incurable narcissistic disorder which makes him incapable of empathy and reason. He is a grave danger to the US and the world."
Instead of stating this disturbing fact, the evidence for which is voluminous, the mainstream media have over the last three years led America down the rabbit holes of normalising him and trying to understand him as you would a psychologically healthy human being. But Donald Trump is not a psychologically healthy human being and reporting on him as if he were, empowers him and disempowers people of reason. Acknowledging his pathology is fundamental to reversing this imbalance.
Although the mainstream media have largely refused to name Trump’s disordered mind, a cohort of mental health professionals have been consistently sounding the alarm. During the 2016 presidential election campaign, three psychiatrists wrote to then-President Barack Obama warning that Trump’s widely-reported symptoms of mental instability led them to question his fitness for office. Since Trump was sworn in as president, Yale psychiatrist Bandy Lee has been leading a group of mental health professionals in a concerted campaign to raise awareness of the dangers posed by Trump’s pathological mental state.
"While individual characteristics of Trump’s behaviour are routinely covered in mainstream media, there has been no concerted effort to connect these disparate symptoms to this underlying pathological condition that unites and explains them all."
-Ian Hughes Author and Senior Research Fellow at MaREI Centre, University College Cork
The condition that these mental health professionals converge upon to explain Trump’s wide range of abnormal behaviours is a disorder known as malignant narcissism. While individual characteristics of Trump’s behaviour are routinely covered in mainstream media, there has been no concerted effort to connect these disparate symptoms to this underlying pathological condition that unites and explains them all. An understanding of Trump’s dangerously disordered mind, however, demands that we join the dots between the various aspects of his extreme behaviours; particularly his narcissism, his paranoia and his incapacity to accept reality. ...

RE: Trump, seine Persoenlichkeitsstoerungen und deren Auswirkungen auf die Praesidentschaft, die USA. und die Welt
in Politik 11.07.2020 23:06von Willie (gelöscht)

Mary Trump tell-all paints president as a ‘narcissist’ who is ‘lost to his own delusional spin’
President Donald Trump is a textbook narcissist and his late father, the real estate developer Fred Trump Sr., was a sociopath, writes the president’s niece, Mary Trump, a clinical psychologist and the author of the forthcoming “Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World’s Most Dangerous Man.” ...

RE: Trump, seine Persoenlichkeitsstoerungen und deren Auswirkungen auf die Praesidentschaft, die USA. und die Welt
in Politik 12.07.2020 22:16von Willie (gelöscht)

Trump claims he recently 'aced' a cognitive test, challenges Biden to take it
President Trump on Thursday defended his mental fitness and claimed that he “very recently” took a cognitive test at Walter Reed Medical Center and “aced” it.
“I actually took one very recently,” Trump told Fox News’ Sean Hannity during a radio interview on his program late Thursday. “The radical left was saying, 'Is he all there? Is he all there?' and I proved I was all there because I aced it, I aced the test.”
“I took it at Walter Reed Medical Center in front of doctors and they were very surprised. They said, 'That’s an unbelievable thing, rarely does anybody do what you just did,'” the president continued. He did not provide a specific date that he took the test.
The White House last disclosed that Trump passed a cognitive test in 2018. The memo issued by the White House doctor in June on the president’s multipart physical exam at Walter Reed did not make mention of a cognitive test. ....
David Reiss, M.D.@DMRDynamics
37 yrs of in psychiatry, I've NEVER been "surprised" or found a clean cognitive test "unbelievable!" - unless the person had already been diagnosed w cognitive impairment/dementia.
It's the EXPECTED result in normal people
NOT "acing" cognitive screening = significant problems.
1:33 PM · Jul 10, 2020
trumski most probably was just lying again. The usual.
Or maybe he couldn't remember that it was in 2018.
On second thought, maybe he had just a colonoscopy. And doesn't know the difference. :-)

RE: Trump, seine Persoenlichkeitsstoerungen und deren Auswirkungen auf die Praesidentschaft, die USA. und die Welt
in Politik 13.07.2020 16:04von Willie (gelöscht)

President Trump has made more than 20,000 false or misleading claims
It took President Trump 827 days to top 10,000 false and misleading claims in The Fact Checker’s database, an average of 12 claims a day.
But on July 9, just 440 days later, the president crossed the 20,000 mark — an average of 23 claims a day over a 14-month period, which included the events leading up to Trump’s impeachment trial, the worldwide pandemic that crashed the economy and the eruption of protests over the death of George Floyd in police custody.
The coronavirus pandemic has spawned a whole new genre of Trump’s falsehoods. The category in just a few months has reached nearly 1,000 claims, more than his tax claims combined. Trump’s false or misleading claims about the impeachment investigation — and the events surrounding it — contributed almost 1,200 entries to the database. ...
Die Luege wird normalisiert.
"The result of a consistent and total substitution of lies for factual truth is not that the lie will now be accepted as truth, and truth be defamed as lie, but that the sense by which we take our bearings in the real world - and the category of truth versus falsehood is among the mental means to this end - is being destroyed."
Hannah Arendt
"Before mass leaders seize the power to fit reality to their lies, their propaganda is marked by its extreme contempt for facts as such, for in their opinion fact depends entirely on the power of man who can fabricate it."
Hannah Arendt
"What convinces masses are not facts, and not even invented facts, but only the consistency of the system of which they are presumably part.”
Hannah Arendt

RE: Trump, seine Persoenlichkeitsstoerungen und deren Auswirkungen auf die Praesidentschaft, die USA. und die Welt
in Politik 13.07.2020 16:36von Willie (gelöscht)

‘He Is and Always Will Be a Terrified Little Boy’
Mary Trump has not indicted her uncle. She has indicted the whole family. And that could give it a "seismic imprint."
Donald Trump is the damaged product of an absent mother and a sociopathic father.
That’s in essence Mary Trump’s assessment in her ultra-anticipated instant bestseller that’s due out Tuesday—Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World’s Most Dangerous Man. ...
Too Much and Never Enough (at least on its own) is not likely to hurt the president politically. (There’s plenty else at this point that’s doing that.) It’s not going to lead immediately to any legal jeopardy he doesn’t already face. It’s almost certainly not going to “take Donald down,” either, as she characterizes her impetus—first, she reveals, by having been foundationally helpful to a Pulitzer Prize-winning New York Times investigation, then by writing the rest of what she herself has written.
But what this book does do is help us understand him, offering the most incisive rendering yet of why he is the way he is. ...
... Similarly unsparing are her descriptions of the president’s father. The book actually reads at times like a portrait principally of him, sketching Fred Trump as a callous, sneering, domineering, lying, cheating, vindictive, workaholic bigot. (He didn’t rent apartments to die Schwarze, which is how he referred to Black people, employing his first language of German. He also frequently used the phrase “Jew me down,” a pejorative term for haggling for a lower price.)
He was in the end, in the words of Mary Trump, a “torturer,” “an iron-fisted autocrat,” “a high-functioning sociopath” who equated kindness with weakness and favored his second son at the disastrous expense of his four other children—particularly his namesake, Fred Jr., or Freddy, who “wasn’t who he wanted him to be” and was “dismantled” because of it.
She reveals as well by far the most intimate, even poignant glimpses at his late-in-life Alzheimer’s, describing a wig-wearing husk, coming downstairs in the evenings in “a fresh dress shirt and tie but no pants, just his boxers, socks and dress shoes,” asking what’s for dinner over and over, steadily forgetting the names and faces of everybody in his family—everybody, evidently, except Donald. “I don’t know if he remembered Dad,” Mary Trump writes, “because I never once heard him mention my father in the years after his death.”
“Fred,” she writes, “dismantled his oldest son by devaluing and degrading every aspect of his personality and his natural abilities until all that was left was self-recrimination and a desperate need to please a man who had no use for him,” she continues. “Fred destroyed Donald, too, but not by snuffing him out as he did Freddy; instead, he short-circuited Donald’s ability to develop and experience the entire spectrum of human emotion. By limiting Donald’s access to his own feelings and rendering many of them unacceptable, Fred perverted his son’s perception of the world and damaged his ability to live in it.”
The upshot, in her judgment: “Having been abandoned by his mother for at least a year, and having his father fail not only to meet his needs but to make him feel safe or loved, valued or mirrored, Donald suffered deprivations that would scar him for life,” leading to “displays of narcissism, bullying, grandiosity,” she concludes. “The rigid personality he developed as a result was a suit of armor that often protected him against pain and loss.”
She calls her uncle—the 45th president of the United States—“an epic tragedy of parental failure.” ...

RE: Trump, seine Persoenlichkeitsstoerungen und deren Auswirkungen auf die Praesidentschaft, die USA. und die Welt
in Politik 13.07.2020 16:45von Willie (gelöscht)

Zitat von Leto_II. im Beitrag #5
Die Heilige Dreifaltigkeit hat weniger Aspekte als Donald Trump.
Die Heilige Dreifaltigkeit ist Teil der christlichen Religionen. Die fuer viele Menschen wenig oder garkeine Bedeutung mehr haben.
Donald Trumski dagegen sitzt im WH an den Hebeln der "weltlichen" Macht der z. Zt. maechtigten Nation der Welt. Die sich derzeit selbst in tiefster Krise befindet.
Nur Narren ignorieren, wer auf einer Wasser nehmenden Titanic eigentlich auf der Bruecke ist. Das gilt auch wenn man in Deutschland wohnt und sich der Illusion hingibt, die USA betreffend nur unbeteiligter Zuschauer zu sein.

RE: Trump, seine Persoenlichkeitsstoerungen und deren Auswirkungen auf die Praesidentschaft, die USA. und die Welt
in Politik 13.07.2020 17:50von Leto_II. •

Zitat von Willie im Beitrag #7Zitat von Leto_II. im Beitrag #5
Die Heilige Dreifaltigkeit hat weniger Aspekte als Donald Trump.
Die Heilige Dreifaltigkeit ist Teil der christlichen Religionen. Die fuer viele Menschen wenig oder garkeine Bedeutung mehr haben.
Donald Trumski dagegen sitzt im WH an den Hebeln der "weltlichen" Macht der z. Zt. maechtigten Nation der Welt. Die sich derzeit selbst in tiefster Krise befindet.
Nur Narren ignorieren, wer auf einer Wasser nehmenden Titanic eigentlich auf der Bruecke ist. Das gilt auch wenn man in Deutschland wohnt und sich der Illusion hingibt, die USA betreffend nur unbeteiligter Zuschauer zu sein.
Ich werde ihn nicht wählen, versprochen.

RE: Trump, seine Persoenlichkeitsstoerungen und deren Auswirkungen auf die Praesidentschaft, die USA. und die Welt
in Politik 13.07.2020 17:57von Willie (gelöscht)

Zitat von Leto_II. im Beitrag #8Zitat von Willie im Beitrag #7Zitat von Leto_II. im Beitrag #5
Die Heilige Dreifaltigkeit hat weniger Aspekte als Donald Trump.
Die Heilige Dreifaltigkeit ist Teil der christlichen Religionen. Die fuer viele Menschen wenig oder garkeine Bedeutung mehr haben.
Donald Trumski dagegen sitzt im WH an den Hebeln der "weltlichen" Macht der z. Zt. maechtigten Nation der Welt. Die sich derzeit selbst in tiefster Krise befindet.
Nur Narren ignorieren, wer auf einer Wasser nehmenden Titanic eigentlich auf der Bruecke ist. Das gilt auch wenn man in Deutschland wohnt und sich der Illusion hingibt, die USA betreffend nur unbeteiligter Zuschauer zu sein.
Ich werde ihn nicht wählen, versprochen.
Als ob es darum ginge. Kopfschuettel.

RE: Trump, seine Persoenlichkeitsstoerungen und deren Auswirkungen auf die Praesidentschaft, die USA. und die Welt
in Politik 13.07.2020 18:26von Leto_II. •

Zitat von Willie im Beitrag #10Zitat von Leto_II. im Beitrag #8Zitat von Willie im Beitrag #7Zitat von Leto_II. im Beitrag #5
Die Heilige Dreifaltigkeit hat weniger Aspekte als Donald Trump.
Die Heilige Dreifaltigkeit ist Teil der christlichen Religionen. Die fuer viele Menschen wenig oder garkeine Bedeutung mehr haben.
Donald Trumski dagegen sitzt im WH an den Hebeln der "weltlichen" Macht der z. Zt. maechtigten Nation der Welt. Die sich derzeit selbst in tiefster Krise befindet.
Nur Narren ignorieren, wer auf einer Wasser nehmenden Titanic eigentlich auf der Bruecke ist. Das gilt auch wenn man in Deutschland wohnt und sich der Illusion hingibt, die USA betreffend nur unbeteiligter Zuschauer zu sein.
Ich werde ihn nicht wählen, versprochen.
Als ob es darum ginge. Kopfschuettel.
Letztlich geht es genau darum Willis. Verhindern kann ich diese Unheilige Multifaltigkeit nicht, das kann allein der US-Wähler. Weitere Threats werden das kaum ändern.

RE: Trump, seine Persoenlichkeitsstoerungen und deren Auswirkungen auf die Praesidentschaft, die USA. und die Welt
in Politik 13.07.2020 18:49von Maga-neu •

Zitat von Leto_II. im Beitrag #8Ich würde ihn wählen, wenn ich Amerikaner wäre, da wir eine Gemeinsamkeit haben: "He Is and Always Will Be a Terrified Little Boy."Zitat von Willie im Beitrag #7Zitat von Leto_II. im Beitrag #5
Die Heilige Dreifaltigkeit hat weniger Aspekte als Donald Trump.
Die Heilige Dreifaltigkeit ist Teil der christlichen Religionen. Die fuer viele Menschen wenig oder garkeine Bedeutung mehr haben.
Donald Trumski dagegen sitzt im WH an den Hebeln der "weltlichen" Macht der z. Zt. maechtigten Nation der Welt. Die sich derzeit selbst in tiefster Krise befindet.
Nur Narren ignorieren, wer auf einer Wasser nehmenden Titanic eigentlich auf der Bruecke ist. Das gilt auch wenn man in Deutschland wohnt und sich der Illusion hingibt, die USA betreffend nur unbeteiligter Zuschauer zu sein.
Ich werde ihn nicht wählen, versprochen.

RE: Trump, seine Persoenlichkeitsstoerungen und deren Auswirkungen auf die Praesidentschaft, die USA. und die Welt
in Politik 13.07.2020 19:14von Willie (gelöscht)

RE: Trump, seine Persoenlichkeitsstoerungen und deren Auswirkungen auf die Praesidentschaft, die USA. und die Welt
in Politik 13.07.2020 23:43von Willie (gelöscht)

Dr. John Gartner: "Donald Trump is the most successful bio-terrorist in human history"
Psychologist and former Johns Hopkins professor on Trump's pandemic conduct: "He is a first-degree mass murderer"
... He has shown himself to be the most corrupt president in the history of the United States. The most recent example of Trump's unlimited perfidy: last Friday, in a naked quid pro quo, Donald Trump commuted the sentence of his longtime confidant and adviser Roger Stone as a way of insulating himself from any future charges related to the Russia scandal or other criminal matters.
Aided by Trump and his agents' willful malevolence, negligence and cruelty, the coronavirus pandemic continues to spread across the United States. The country continues its slide towards a second Great Depression. ...
... Ultimately, Donald Trump's fascism, his apparent mental pathologies, and his sabotaged response to the coronavirus are not discrete and separate things. Rather, they are all connected. ...
... Dr. John Gartner, whom I have interviewed on several previous occasions, is a psychologist, psychoanalyst and former professor at the Johns Hopkins University Medical School. Gartner is also the founder of the Duty to Warn PAC, an organization working to raise awareness about the danger to the United States and the world posed by Donald Trump. Gartner is a contributor to the 2017 bestseller "The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump: 27 Psychiatrists and Mental Health Experts Assess a President" and is featured in the upcoming documentary "Unfit: The Psychology of Donald Trump."
In our latest conversation, Gartner warns that Donald Trump is actively using the coronavirus pandemic as a type of biological weapon against the American people. Gartner also explains how Donald Trump, like other malignant narcissists who attain great power, is willing to hurt and even kill his own followers as a way of satisfying his personal sadism and need for narcissistic energy.
Gartner also explains that Donald Trump's supporters are members of a political death cult in which not wearing a mask and refusing other rational measures to stop the coronavirus pandemic are acts of loyalty and love to their personal savior and Great Leader. ...

RE: Trump, seine Persoenlichkeitsstoerungen und deren Auswirkungen auf die Praesidentschaft, die USA. und die Welt
in Politik 14.07.2020 00:48von Willie (gelöscht)

Tony Schwartz@tonyschwartz
Trump tweets that he loved the music of Charlie Daniels.
Trump doesn't listen to any music, even country.
Pure pandering to his vanishing base.
7:41 PM · Jul 7, 2020

RE: Trump, seine Persoenlichkeitsstoerungen und deren Auswirkungen auf die Praesidentschaft, die USA. und die Welt
in Politik 14.07.2020 08:55von ghassan (gelöscht)

Zitat von Willie im Beitrag #10
Als ob es darum ginge. Kopfschuettel.
Natürlich nicht, sondern .....
In der Psychoanalyse nach Sigmund Freud versteht man unter Projektion einen Abwehrmechanismus, bei dem eigene, unerwünschte Impulse z. B. im Sinne von Gefühlen und Wünschen einem anderen Menschen (oder Gegenstand) zugeschrieben werden.
Die Projektion des Schattens, also unbeliebter eigener Eigenschaften, Wünsche und Taten – vor allem solcher, die mit gesellschaftlichen Normen in Konflikt stehen, oder für die sich der Projizierende schämt – auf andere Menschen, um sich selbst von diesen distanzieren zu können. Es handelt sich um einen Abwehrmechanismus zur Bewältigung der Negativanteile der eigenen Persönlichkeit. Dieser Abwehrmechanismus führt aber häufig zu sozialen Konflikten, bis hin zu der Verfolgung von Minderheiten und Krieg.
..... darum geht es

RE: Trump, seine Persoenlichkeitsstoerungen und deren Auswirkungen auf die Praesidentschaft, die USA. und die Welt
in Politik 14.07.2020 10:01von Maga-neu •

Zitat von Willie im Beitrag #14
Dr. John Gartner: "Donald Trump is the most successful bio-terrorist in human history"
Psychologist and former Johns Hopkins professor on Trump's pandemic conduct: "He is a first-degree mass murderer"
... He has shown himself to be the most corrupt president in the history of the United States. The most recent example of Trump's unlimited perfidy: last Friday, in a naked quid pro quo, Donald Trump commuted the sentence of his longtime confidant and adviser Roger Stone as a way of insulating himself from any future charges related to the Russia scandal or other criminal matters.
Aided by Trump and his agents' willful malevolence, negligence and cruelty, the coronavirus pandemic continues to spread across the United States. The country continues its slide towards a second Great Depression. ...
... Ultimately, Donald Trump's fascism, his apparent mental pathologies, and his sabotaged response to the coronavirus are not discrete and separate things. Rather, they are all connected. ...
... Dr. John Gartner, whom I have interviewed on several previous occasions, is a psychologist, psychoanalyst and former professor at the Johns Hopkins University Medical School. Gartner is also the founder of the Duty to Warn PAC, an organization working to raise awareness about the danger to the United States and the world posed by Donald Trump. Gartner is a contributor to the 2017 bestseller "The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump: 27 Psychiatrists and Mental Health Experts Assess a President" and is featured in the upcoming documentary "Unfit: The Psychology of Donald Trump."
In our latest conversation, Gartner warns that Donald Trump is actively using the coronavirus pandemic as a type of biological weapon against the American people. Gartner also explains how Donald Trump, like other malignant narcissists who attain great power, is willing to hurt and even kill his own followers as a way of satisfying his personal sadism and need for narcissistic energy.
Gartner also explains that Donald Trump's supporters are members of a political death cult in which not wearing a mask and refusing other rational measures to stop the coronavirus pandemic are acts of loyalty and love to their personal savior and Great Leader. ...
That's utterly absurd. The man who is the first POTUS since Carter who hasn't started a new war, the man who fired the Dims' new hero John Bolton is a "first degree mass murderer".
You are welcome!

RE: Trump, seine Persoenlichkeitsstoerungen und deren Auswirkungen auf die Praesidentschaft, die USA. und die Welt
in Politik 14.07.2020 10:05von Maga-neu •

The "first degree mass muderer" on John "Drop Bombs" Bolton:

RE: Trump, seine Persoenlichkeitsstoerungen und deren Auswirkungen auf die Praesidentschaft, die USA. und die Welt
in Politik 14.07.2020 15:30von Willie (gelöscht)

Dr. Lance Dodes on the dangers of 2020: "Trump is a psychopath who will destroy democracy"
Former Harvard psychiatrist on the hair-raising months ahead: "Donald Trump cares nothing about anyone else's life"
... As many of the nation's and the world's leading mental health professionals have warned, Trump appears mentally unwell in the extreme. His evident mental pathologies, likely including malignant narcissism, an addiction to violence, a God complex and near-psychotic levels of delusional thinking, have only served to exacerbate his many defects of character and values....

RE: Trump, seine Persoenlichkeitsstoerungen und deren Auswirkungen auf die Praesidentschaft, die USA. und die Welt
in Politik 14.07.2020 23:56von Willie (gelöscht)

Trump may be no good at leading America – but he's really, really good at lying
US credibility has been contorted to protect the feelings of one man-child. No wonder he finds Anthony Fauci so offensive

RE: Trump, seine Persoenlichkeitsstoerungen und deren Auswirkungen auf die Praesidentschaft, die USA. und die Welt
in Politik 15.07.2020 15:31von Willie (gelöscht)

President Trump's 'dysfunctional' upbringing created 'dangerous situation' for America, niece claims
Mary Trump says Donald and siblings were taught to view people as "expendable."
President Donald Trump grew up in a "dysfunctional" family that believed “money stood in” for acts of love and one whose patriarch used his own kin as "pawns" -- creating a “quite dangerous situation” for America decades later, the commander-in-chief’s niece warned in an exclusive interview with ABC News.
“He is utterly incapable of leading this country, and it’s dangerous to allow him to do so,” Mary Trump told ABC News chief anchor George Stephanopoulos.

RE: Trump, seine Persoenlichkeitsstoerungen und deren Auswirkungen auf die Praesidentschaft, die USA. und die Welt
in Politik 16.07.2020 04:38von Willie (gelöscht)

Asha Rangappa@AshaRangappa_
OK. I’m done with Mary Trump’s book.
Basically the President is, psychologically-speaking, a Frankenstein-like amalgamation of Idi Amin, John Gotti, Bernie Madoff, and Nell (the jungle-child character played by Jodie Foster).
I need a drink
6:18 PM · Jul 14, 2020
Asha Rangappa@AshaRangappa_
For those asking whether you should read the book, even though the above might be obvious — read the book.
Seeing these qualities played out in the context of ordinary family interactions and dramas — dinners, weddings, births and funerals — is uniquely horrifying and educational
6:57 PM · Jul 14, 2020

RE: Trump, seine Persoenlichkeitsstoerungen und deren Auswirkungen auf die Praesidentschaft, die USA. und die Welt
in Politik 16.07.2020 14:38von Willie (gelöscht)

Team Trump Frantically Plots New Ways to Make Him Feel Good About Himself
From the campaign trail to combating coronavirus, the goal is to please the boss.
As Trump’s re-election campaign has struggled to tear down former Vice President Joe Biden with less than four months until Election Day, the president’s staff have devoted considerable resources to finding novel ways to make him feel better about the crumbling world around him.
They tell him tales of his sagging poll numbers being fake. They’ve concocted ways of convincing him that the adoring crowds he loves on the campaign trail are still there and ready. They’ve pledged that the social, racial, and economic crises ravaging the nation are ephemeral. And they’ve carried his water as he seeks to reassert his authority over situations falling beyond his control. ...
Nero's world.

RE: Trump, seine Persoenlichkeitsstoerungen und deren Auswirkungen auf die Praesidentschaft, die USA. und die Welt
in Politik 18.07.2020 16:07von Willie (gelöscht)

White House portraits of Bill Clinton and George W. Bush moved from prominent space to rarely used room
The official portraits of former Presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush were removed from the Grand Foyer of the White House within the last week, aides told CNN, and replaced by those of two Republican presidents who served more than a century ago.
White House tradition calls for portraits of the most recent American presidents to be given the most prominent placement, in the entrance of the executive mansion, visible to guests during official events.
That was the case through at least July 8, when President Donald Trump welcomed Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador. The two stood in the Cross Hall of the White House and made remarks, with the portraits of Clinton and Bush essentially looking on as they had been throughout Trump's first term.
But in the days after after that, the Clinton and Bush portraits were moved into the Old Family Dining Room, a small, rarely used room that is not seen by most visitors. ...
Der alte Narzisst kann die Realitaet nicht ertragen. Ein fragiles Knaeblein eben.:-)

RE: Trump, seine Persoenlichkeitsstoerungen und deren Auswirkungen auf die Praesidentschaft, die USA. und die Welt
in Politik 18.07.2020 17:47von Willie (gelöscht)
Because he is not serving America, but only himself.

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