
RE: The Republican Party -also known as GOP (Grand Old Party)

in Forum Interna 11.07.2020 21:56
von Willie (gelöscht)

Chris Hayes Unloads On GOP: ‘One Of Worst Parties In Power In Entire Democratic World’
The Republican Party “has now given us, let’s be clear, two successive presidencies that have brought the country to its knees,” said the MSNBC host.

Chris Hayes slammed the current state of the GOP on Friday’s broadcast of his MSNBC show, ripping the Republican Party as “intellectually bankrupt” and “entirely unable to meet the moment” amid the coronavirus pandemic.

The United States has the most confirmed cases of COVID-19 — and the highest death toll — not just because President Donald Trump is “one of the worst presidents in our country’s history who doesn’t seem to care about containing the virus, but also because we have one of the worst political parties in power in the entire democratic world,” said Hayes.

The “All In” host acknowledged how some Democratic officials have made massive mistakes amid the public health crisis and some Republican officials have fared well.
But the GOP, he argued, had “on the whole” been “an irredeemable disaster.”

Hayes called out the Republican governors who prematurely eased lockdown restrictions without ensuring that proper measures aimed at slowing the spread of the virus were in place.
Multiple states are now seeing record spikes in new infections.

GOP senators “pretending like they’re full-time tweeters or right-wing talk radio hosts or some dude somewhere with a cool new podcast or just actively working to make life harder for people and make things easier for the virus” also drew Hayes’ ire.

The Republican Party “has now given us, let’s be clear, two successive presidencies that have brought the country to its knees,” said Hayes. “It is so corroded, so desiccated, so dangerous, it will revolt against one of its own members when they do something right to fight the plague to save lives.”
“It is becoming a pro-COVID party before our eyes,” Hayes concluded. “And, remember, it is more than Donald Trump. It’s the entire party.”

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RE: The Republican Party -also known as GOP (Grand Old Party)

in Forum Interna 12.07.2020 16:52
von Willie (gelöscht)
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RE: The Republican Party -also known as GOP (Grand Old Party)

in Forum Interna 20.07.2020 20:25
von Willie (gelöscht)

The Republican Party has evolved into an American version of Europe's far-right neo-fascists

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RE: The Republican Party -also known as GOP (Grand Old Party)

in Forum Interna 20.07.2020 21:30
von Maga-neu | 35.255 Beiträge

Zitat von Willie im Beitrag #98
The Republican Party has evolved into an American version of Europe's far-right neo-fascists

That's utterly ridiculous. I come from a country where Neo-Fascism was strong. Fascism had nothing to do with xenophobia, islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, afrophobia and all other invented phobias. It had nothing to do with exclusion and borders or building a wall. (To the contrary as fascism aimed at the foundation of an "impero" it was opposed to borders.) And though there was racism against Africans and Jews (the so-called "leggi razziali"), racism was never an integral part of Fascist ideology. Fascism was about an allmighty state, a mixed economy, an opportunistic international policy.

And I really doubt that the guy with the Confederate flag is a Republican.

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RE: The Republican Party -also known as GOP (Grand Old Party)

in Forum Interna 20.07.2020 21:36
von Maga-neu | 35.255 Beiträge


"Wir können mit überlegener Verachtung einige Doktrinen jenseits der Alpen betrachten von Völkern, die keine Schrift kannten, mit der sie ihr eigenes Leben überliefern konnten, zu einer Zeit, als Rom einen Caesar, ein Virgil und einen Augustus hatte."
So äußerte sich der "Duce" 1934 über die Rassentheorie der Nazis.

zuletzt bearbeitet 20.07.2020 21:38 | nach oben springen


RE: The Republican Party -also known as GOP (Grand Old Party)

in Forum Interna 20.07.2020 22:10
von Willie (gelöscht)

Donald Trump Is the Culmination of an Irresistible Conservative Chaos Theory
The great modern conservative project, launched by the Goldwater campaign in 1964, has finally reached its inevitable end-point in the kind of president* that project made inevitable.

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RE: The Republican Party -also known as GOP (Grand Old Party)

in Forum Interna 21.07.2020 15:50
von Willie (gelöscht)

The Trumper Incel Loser Who Tried Assassinate Judge Salas
Last night a man attempted to assassinate U.S. District Court Judge for New Jersey Esther Salas. Disguised as a FedEx deliveryman he rang the doorbell. When Salas’ 20 year old son, home from college, answered a hail of bullets followed that killed Salas’ son and left her husband clinging to life. The killer was later found in his car, dead from a self inflicted gunshot.

The murderer, Roy Den Hollander, and Obama hater attorney who brought lawsuits claiming, women studies programs, ladies nights at bars and the male only draft were unconstitutional. His webpage attacks decisions of “Obamite bigots.” The lawsuit claiming the male only draft was unconstitutional gave him 15 minutes of conservative media hero fame. That was the case before Judge Salas, though she had not ruled on it yet. ...

Ein wuerdiger Verteter der fragilen kleinen Pisser.

zuletzt bearbeitet 21.07.2020 15:51 | nach oben springen


RE: The Republican Party -also known as GOP (Grand Old Party)

in Forum Interna 23.07.2020 14:33
von Willie (gelöscht)

Mitt Romney questions Trump getting ‘cozy’ with dictators, direction of GOP
Republican Party ‘has taken a different course,’ Utah senator says

Sen. Mitt Romney says he doesn’t know where the Republican Party is headed as the president cozies up to dictators, and character doesn’t seem to matter in leaders anymore.

The Utah Republican also said during a Center for Strategic and International Studies webcast Tuesday that the U.S. response to COVID-19 has hurt its role as a world leader.
“I have no idea what’s going to happen with my party. I represent a very small slice of my party. The party has taken a different course. My party was very strong anti-dictators, anti-authoritarian leaders, anti people like Kim Jong Un and Vladimir Putin, and now the party seems to be more comfortable with people like that,” he said.

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RE: The Republican Party -also known as GOP (Grand Old Party)

in Forum Interna 23.07.2020 15:42
von Willie (gelöscht)

Barr claimed feds in KC made 200 arrests in two weeks. That’s not even close to true.

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RE: The Republican Party -also known as GOP (Grand Old Party)

in Forum Interna 23.07.2020 22:15
von Willie (gelöscht)


Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Shredded Ted Yoho Like a Rotting Battle Flag
This was a rare moment for the House floor, and another demonstration of AOC’s natural political chops.

Wirklich eine beeindruckende Vorstellung an die Neanderthaler in der Repugnian Party dass die Aera der misogynistischen Arschloecher vorbei ist.
Ich mag starke Frauen.

zuletzt bearbeitet 23.07.2020 22:25 | nach oben springen


RE: The Republican Party -also known as GOP (Grand Old Party)

in Forum Interna 24.07.2020 03:24
von Willie (gelöscht)

Rep. Ocasio-Cortez: “My Parents Did Not Raise Me To Accept Abuse From Men”
“I do not need Representative Yoho to apologize to me. Clearly he does not want to. Clearly when given the opportunity he will not. And I will not stay up late at night waiting for an apology from a man who has no remorse over calling women & using abusive language towards women.”

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RE: The Republican Party -also known as GOP (Grand Old Party)

in Forum Interna 27.07.2020 04:59
von Willie (gelöscht)

How the Republican Party opened itself up to the Trump takeover
Washington in 2020 often beggars belief: an American President answering a deadly pandemic with ignorance, inflaming racial unrest with racism, stoking violent confrontations while his fearful party stands mute.

Merely observing those realities provokes familiar complaints. President Donald Trump and his allies insist that mainstream journalists offer "fake news" reflecting "bias" against the older, rural, conservative, Christian, White, working-class adherents of the modern GOP.
But what if the accounting comes from one of the Republican Party's most accomplished political strategists, an insider provoked by Trump to reconsider his life's work? In fact, it has.
Consider "It Was All A Lie," the forthcoming book by disillusioned Republican ad-maker Stuart Stevens. He casts Trump as not an aberration but rather the culmination of decades-long evolution within the GOP. Having advised four Republican presidential nominees and dozens of winning Senate and gubernatorial campaigns, Stevens blends diagnosis of the party's ills with confession for having fostered them.

"Blame me when you look around and see a dysfunctional political system and a Republican Party that has gone insane," Stevens writes. "Many will argue that my view of the Republican Party is distorted by my loathing of Trump. The truth is that Trump brought it all into clarity and made the pretending impossible."
Trump's crudeness, he argues, has stripped the veneer from familiar Republican themes concerning social order, values and even economic policy. If they once represented principled ideological arguments, they've now curdled into content-free bludgeons to preserve power for the dwindling ranks of white conservatives in a rapidly-diversifying America. ...

Es lohnt sich den Artikel in Gaenze zu lesen.

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RE: The Republican Party -also known as GOP (Grand Old Party)

in Forum Interna 28.07.2020 17:11
von Willie (gelöscht)

The Revenge of the Never Trumpers
Conservatives who have repudiated the president are an essential part of the coalition that could elect Biden—and reshape American politics for years to come.

... It is possible for Biden to beat Trump without attracting many conservative votes. But it is not possible for him to win in a giant landslide without winning moderate conservative votes. Biden is now running far ahead in the major swing states, and running competitively in solidly Republican states like Georgia and Texas, because a whole lot of people who are traditional Republican voters are thinking about abandoning their party’s nominee. Likewise, if Democrats take the Senate this year, it will probably be because a lot of moderate Republicans threw their lot in with Democrats—exactly as the Never Trumpers have. Such voters are not a group of people Democrats instinctively know how to talk to. They are people Never Trump Republicans know how to talk to. So the more Biden’s and congressional Democrats’ leads grow, the more likely the marginal vote in the election is to belong to someone sympathetic to Never Trump conservatism. ...

...Second, the country is currently facing a giant governance challenge that is not ideological in character. There is not a great deal of daylight between sensible conservatives and sensible liberals or leftists on how to handle the coronavirus—and there’s a great deal of agreement across the political spectrum that to protect the economy from its ravages, the country is going to need to spend a lot of money. The more Trump mishandles this constellation of issues, the longer the time horizon on this challenge grows. Addressing these issues will likely dominate the entire first portion of the new administration. If Biden successfully manages this crisis, he will be well into his term before the virus yields as the paramount issue to questions more likely to separate his coalition along left-right lines.

What fundamentally unites the Biden coalition is the demand for decent and competent government. If Biden can display these traits, it is possible that both the left and the right might consider him a success.

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RE: The Republican Party -also known as GOP (Grand Old Party)

in Forum Interna 28.07.2020 18:16
von Maga-neu | 35.255 Beiträge

Zitat von Willie im Beitrag #106
Rep. Ocasio-Cortez: “My Parents Did Not Raise Me To Accept Abuse From Men”
“I do not need Representative Yoho to apologize to me. Clearly he does not want to. Clearly when given the opportunity he will not. And I will not stay up late at night waiting for an apology from a man who has no remorse over calling women & using abusive language towards women.”
What a f... b... (Tut mir leid, Leto, aber ich will das nicht auf Deutsch formulieren.)

zuletzt bearbeitet 28.07.2020 18:17 | nach oben springen


RE: The Republican Party -also known as GOP (Grand Old Party)

in Forum Interna 28.07.2020 21:17
von Willie (gelöscht)
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RE: The Republican Party -also known as GOP (Grand Old Party)

in Forum Interna 29.07.2020 20:33
von Willie (gelöscht)

GOP says it's Democrats' fault they had to cancel convention in virus hotspot
Republican National Committee chair Ronna McDaniel said she was concerned that Democratic governors 'would refuse to let our delegates return to their states.'

The chair of the Republican National Committee contradicted Donald Trump's explanation of why he scrapped his plan to accept his party's nomination for reelection in Jacksonville, Florida.

While Trump had claimed the cancellation was due to the coronavirus surge in the state, Ronna McDaniel said that the real blame lay with Democratic governors.


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RE: Getrennte Foren für Männer und Frauen

in Forum Interna 18.09.2020 23:11
von Rico (gelöscht)

Was es nicht alles gibt?

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RE: Getrennte Foren für Männer und Frauen

in Forum Interna 19.09.2020 11:07
von Hans Bergman | 23.327 Beiträge

Zitat von sysop im Beitrag #1
Als besonderen Service will Mirror Offline in Kürze ein Forum getrennt nach Männern und Frauen anbieten.
Das soll aber jetzt nicht etwa ein extra Service für streng gläubige Muslime sein, sondern nur dazu dienen, die Streitereien zwischen den beiden Geschlechtern etwas einzudämmen.

Zum anderen den männlichen Mitgliedern endlich Gelegenheit geben, ihre Masken vom Gesicht zu reissen und sich so zu geben, wie sie sind.

Den Frauen darf ich schon mal ankündigen, das ich unter einem weiblich klingenden Nick das Geheimnis des G-Punktes beim Manne preisgeben und ausführlich erläutern werde.

(Es ist in Überlegung, auch eine extra Rubrik für Damen einzurichten, falls Nachfrage besteht. :))
Später kommen noch folgende Trennungen: schwarz/weiße, katholisch/evangelisch etc.)

Auf die Antworten im HPM-Support bin ich schon gespannt. :)

Spiegel--Offline: 10 Jahre seiner Zeit voraus. Mindestens...!

Kleiner Makel: Es hätte korrekterweise Schwarz*innen und Weiß*innen heißen müssen.

zuletzt bearbeitet 19.09.2020 11:09 | nach oben springen


RE: Getrennte Foren für Männer und Frauen

in Forum Interna 19.09.2020 12:26
von Rico (gelöscht)

Ob es bald auch

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RE: Getrennte Foren für Männer und Frauen

in Forum Interna 19.09.2020 14:09
von Hans Bergman | 23.327 Beiträge

Zitat von Rico im Beitrag #11
Ob es bald auch

Freilich. Wird gleichzeitig mit Müllmänner*innen eingeführt.

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RE: Getrennte Foren für Männer und Frauen

in Forum Interna 19.09.2020 15:19
von Rico (gelöscht)

Heißen die Freunde dann
Freund*innen und die
Ehefrauen Ehefrau*innen?

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Euer erstes und euer letztes Buch

in Forum Interna 14.10.2020 23:53
von Rico (gelöscht)

Normalerweise dütften beide Bücher inhaltlich weit voneinander entfernt sein.

Was war das erste Buch, das Ihr komplett gelesen habt (keine Bücher in der Schule) und was war Euer letztes Buch, das Ihr gelesen habt?

Soweit ich mich erinnere, mein erstes:
Rudolf Caraciola
Mein Leben als Rennfahrer

Mein letztes Buch:
Christa Kühnhold
Der Begriff des Sprungs und
der Weg des Sprachdenkens

zuletzt bearbeitet 15.10.2020 00:16 | nach oben springen


RE: Euer erstes und euer letztes Buch

in Forum Interna 15.10.2020 00:14
von Maga-neu | 35.255 Beiträge

Zitat von Rico im Beitrag #1
Normalerweise dütften beide Bücher unhaltlich weit voneinander entfernt sein.

Was war das erste Buch, das Ihr komplett gelesen habt (keine Bücher in der Schule) und was war Euer letztes Buch, das Ihr gelesen habt?

Soweit ich mich erinnere, mein erstes:
Rudolf Caraciola
Mein Leben als Rennfahrer

Mein letztes Buch:
Christa Kühnhold
Der Begriff des Sprungs und
der Weg des Sprachdenkens

Oliver Hassencamp, Das Rätsel von Burg Schreckenstein.

George Weigel, The Next Pope. The Office of Peter and a Church in Mission. (Es geht um den Trümmerhaufen Kirche, den der nächste Papst zu beseitigen hat.)

zuletzt bearbeitet 15.10.2020 00:16 | nach oben springen


RE: Euer erstes und euer letztes Buch

in Forum Interna 15.10.2020 00:24
von Rico (gelöscht)

Ratzinger war zu meinen Lebzeiten der beste, bei Wojtila war ich auf der ersten Ostermesse in Rom, wo mir meine Geldbörse geklaut wurde.

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RE: The Republican Party -also known as GOP (Grand Old Party)

in Forum Interna 06.01.2021 20:23
von Willie (gelöscht)

Loeffler vows to not concede, because that's the new GOP stupid, but things have changed...
Kelly Loeffler has never won an election, and last night was no different. Raphael Warnock won. Big. Right now he’s over 40 thousand votes. The race has been called. Big thanks to Stacey Abrams, who is without a doubt the best political operator in our history. Also, thanks to Donald Trump, who no doubt contributed to the big defeat by convincing his own clueless idiots not to vote. Way to go, DT.

Classless as ever, Loeffler has refused to concede. She vowed to “Fight ON” in a defiant speech—although since the polls closed, many were left wondering what the hell that means. It likely means she will use Trump’s crack legal team to challenge the results in court, claim that space aliens made Republicans dislike her, or whatever the hell. Trump already tried to blame broken voting machines in GOP counties, although election officials called B.S. ...

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