RE: The Republican Party -also known as GOP (Grand Old Party)
in Forum Interna 16.01.2021 16:54von Willie (gelöscht)
Kudlow Criticizes Trump for Handling of Riot, Treatment of Pence
President’s top economic adviser faulted his boss for recent actions, praised administration policy legacy on taxes and trade
Mr. Kudlow joined the ranks of administration officials who have publicly criticized the president’s actions in relation to the riot. Three cabinet secretaries and several senior officials across the administration have stepped down in the aftermath of the attack.
Alex Azar resigns as Health and Human Services Secretary, citing Capitol mob
Azar said his resignation would become effective on Jan. 20th, which is the same date he would have been leaving office once President-elect Joe Biden is sworn in.
RE: The Republican Party -also known as GOP (Grand Old Party)
in Forum Interna 16.01.2021 17:03von Willie (gelöscht)
Trump blows up the Arizona GOP on his way out
“The craziness from the state Republican Party … it’s pretty embarrassing,” said a former top Republican official.
The Trump era did more damage to the Republican Party in Arizona than almost anywhere else. Over the past two years, Republicans lost both Senate seats. In November, the state flipped Democratic in a presidential race for the first time since 1996. The GOP state party chair is currently at war with the governor.
RE: The Republican Party -also known as GOP (Grand Old Party)
in Forum Interna 16.01.2021 23:11von Willie (gelöscht)
NRA heading to Texas, leaving 'corrupt' New York after filing for bankruptcy
The National Rifle Association of America announced on Friday it will restructure as a Texas nonprofit to exit what it calls a "corrupt political and regulatory environment in New York."
Last August, New York Attorney General Letitia James filed a lawsuit seeking to dissolve the NRA over claims that top executives illegally diverted tens of millions of dollars for lavish personal trips, no-show contracts for associates and other questionable expenditures.
Specifically, it alleges that NRA Executive Vice-President Wayne Lapierre misallocated funds by way of hair and makeup for his wife to a $17 million post-employment contract for himself, to name two.
Obwohl die NRA by taxation eine Non-profit -also eine gemeinnuetzige- Organsiation ist, kann sie bestimmt in Texas munter weiter machen, wie zuvor. Da nimmt man das nicht so genau.
RE: The Republican Party -also known as GOP (Grand Old Party)
in Forum Interna 17.01.2021 17:20von Willie (gelöscht)
Sasse, in fiery op-ed, says QAnon is destroying GOP
In a fiery op-ed for The Atlantic published Saturday, Sen. Ben Sasse (R-Neb.) said that the QAnon conspiracy theory is “destroying” the GOP and urged his fellow Republicans to reject it.
Delusions sind ein schleichendes Gift. Fuer das Bewusstsein.
Viele Religionen, sogar christliche Denominationen zeugen davon. Kulte aller Art an erster Stelle.
Sich das Hirn mit Illusionen zu vergiften kostet nichts und schaedigt den Koerper per se auch nicht. Es schlaegt also diesbezueglich jedes Rauschgift um Laengen.
Und es ist frei von jeglichem Energieverbrauch. Aber es "erfuellt". Es fuellt mentale Vakuums vielfaeltiger aller Art.
Und Befriedigung schafft es auch.
Dafuer wird es aber permanent, grenzenlos ueberwaeltigend. Es uebernimmt die Kontrolle ueber den funktionalen Menschen total.
Und wenn dies dann noch in totaler Hingabe zu einem Fuehrer oder einer Ideologie geschieht, dann wird der Menschen zu einem perfekten Zombie. Immun gegen jegliche Vernunft und unfaehig fuer Empathie Andersdenkenden gegenueber.
Er wird zu einem verlaesslichen voll funktionalen Kampfroboter bzw. Parteisoldaten fuer den Fuehrer, bzw. die Manipulatoren. Das ist Orwell pur.
RE: The Republican Party -also known as GOP (Grand Old Party)
in Forum Interna 17.01.2021 17:29von Willie (gelöscht)
Newly sworn-in GOP representative says he may have ended his career by voting to impeach Trump
First-term Republican Rep. Peter Meijer (Mich.) said on Sunday that he may have ended his political career when he joined nine GOP colleagues in the House in voting to impeach President Trump.
On ABC’s “This Week,” host George Stephanopoulos asked Meijer if he was concerned that he had ended his career by voting to impeach Trump.
“I may very well have,” Meijer responded. “But I think it's also important that we have elected leaders who are not thinking solely about what's in their individual self-interest, not what is going to be politically expedient, but what we actually need for the country.”
So radikal ist das. Das bringt Erinnerung an die Mantra der Neocons:
"You are either with us -or you are with the terrorists."
-G.W. Bush
RE: The Republican Party -also known as GOP (Grand Old Party)
in Forum Interna 17.01.2021 17:37von Willie (gelöscht)
Can we protect our country — from our rulers, and ourselves?
Extremists who have drunk the Kool-Aid about a rigged election (served up by Trump and his enablers) invaded the Capitol on Jan. 6, leaving five people dead. And hundreds have already signed on to a group billed as “Million Militia March,” who plan to return to Washington D.C.: “We took the building once. We can take it again.” ...
Die illusionsbesoffenen Parteisoldaten.
RE: The Republican Party -also known as GOP (Grand Old Party)
in Forum Interna 17.01.2021 17:40von Willie (gelöscht)
Zur vorstehenden Bezugnahme auf "drinking the Kool-Aid" -falls jemand den Ausdruck nicht kennt und gerne wissen moechte, was damit gemeiut ist.:
Drinking the Kool-Aid
"Drinking the Kool-Aid" is an expression used to refer to a person who believes in a possibly doomed or dangerous idea because of perceived potential high rewards. The phrase often carries a negative connotation. It can also be used ironically or humorously to refer to accepting an idea or changing a preference due to popularity, peer pressure, or persuasion. In recent years it has evolved further to mean extreme dedication to a cause or purpose, so extreme that one would "drink the Kool-Aid" and die for the cause.
The phrase originates from events in Jonestown, Guyana, on November 18, 1978, in which over 900 members of the Peoples Temple movement died. The movement's leader, Jim Jones, called a mass meeting at the Jonestown pavilion after the murder of U.S. Congressman Leo Ryan and others in nearby Port Kaituma. Jones proposed "revolutionary suicide" by way of ingesting a powdered drink mix lethally laced with cyanide and other drugs which had been prepared by his aides....
Hier in den USA ist dies laengst ein gaengiger Ausdruck und jeder weiss genau, was damit gemeint ist. Nicht dass es was aendern wuerde.
RE: The Republican Party -also known as GOP (Grand Old Party)
in Forum Interna 17.01.2021 19:44von Willie (gelöscht)
The Republican Party's Final Humiliation
Even now, they're still covering for Trump.
... As Timothy Snyder wrote this week, even the best intentioned of them are happy to game our democratic system to their advantage sitting idly by as some of their colleagues and president try to break it.
Exzellenter Kommentar.
RE: The Republican Party -also known as GOP (Grand Old Party)
in Forum Interna 17.01.2021 20:16von Willie (gelöscht)
Longtime GOP insider Mike Lofgren on his former party: "Going easy on these people will not work"
Lofgren spent 28 years on Capitol Hill. Now he says Republican zealots should be crushed, banished and ostracized
Republican officials at the highest level support insurrection, terrorism and treason. They have presided over a political culture that, for many years, has inculcated seditious desires within millions of expertly programmed citizens. The consequences became manifest on Jan. 6 when a rabid mob of neo-Confederates, fascists and associated psychotics took the Capitol by force, perhaps hoping to murder duly elected members of Congress — not to mention the vice president — and install Donald Trump as dictator.
As surreal as that summary of recent events might seem, it was not entirely unpredictable. Mike Lofgren, a former Republican congressional staff member of 28 years, began warning about the danger of the GOP in 2011, even going so far as to condemn his longtime party as a "death cult." ...
RE: The Republican Party -also known as GOP (Grand Old Party)
in Forum Interna 17.01.2021 20:19von Willie (gelöscht)
... Given how fast the Capitol Police chief resigned and left the building, there's some credence to that. Second, that view is reinforced by a former senior official on Trump's National Security Council — Fiona Hill, whom everyone should recognize from the Russiagate testimony she gave. She believes that Trump was consciously trying to trigger a coup using the military, and that the intervention from 10 former secretaries of defense may have prevented it.
We now know that the Republican Attorneys General Association sent out robocalls the day before, encouraging people to descend on the Capitol. Republican dark money financed the rioters, gave them bus tickets and chartered the transportation. Dark money is the so-called 501(c)(4) organizations with anonymous donors, that Republicans on the Supreme Court claim is such a wonderful idea for freedom. ...
RE: The Republican Party -also known as GOP (Grand Old Party)
in Forum Interna 17.01.2021 22:46von Willie (gelöscht)
Conservatives want everyone to know that they’re the real victims of the January 6 insurrection
Rather than take any accountability for their actions, right-wing media are retreating to familiar territory: perpetual victimhood
... Through the lens of Trump’s past self-pitying comments, the conservative response to the January 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol makes sense.
Even as the mob tore through the Capitol, Trump continued to position himself as the actual victim. Sure, five people died, members of Congress were terrorized, and the rioters chanted, “Hang Mike Pence,” but Trump couldn’t help but throw himself a pity party. ...
RE: The Republican Party -also known as GOP (Grand Old Party)
in Forum Interna 19.01.2021 21:56von Willie (gelöscht)
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Wrote Nancy Pelosi and Hillary Clinton Orchestrate School Shootings Like Parkland
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) thinks a group of Satanic pedophiles running the government is more likely than a school shooting. At least, that’s what a 2018 Facebook comment from the now-congresswoman, uncovered by Media Matters on Tuesday, seems to imply. “I am told that Nancy Pelosi tells Hillary Clinton several times a month that ‘we need another school shooting’ in order to persuade the public to want strict gun control,’” Greene wrote.
In another post, Greene implied the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida, which killed 17 people, was also orchestrated. Greene has a history of pushing crackpot theories, most notably the aforementioned QAnon conspiracy, as well as similarly unfounded theories that President Obama is secretly a Muslim and that no plane struck the Pentagon on 9/11.
Most recently, she was suspended from Twitter for 12 hours for sharing lies about the 2020 election in Georgia.
RE: The Republican Party -also known as GOP (Grand Old Party)
in Forum Interna 20.01.2021 17:14von Willie (gelöscht)
GOP Replaces Canvasser Who Certified Biden's Win in Michigan
n November, Van Langevelde angered GOP activists when he joined two Democrats on the Board of State Canvassers to confirm Biden's convincing 154,000-vote win despite pressure to delay from party chairman Laura Cox and other Trump allies. The other Republican canvasser, Norm Shinkle, abstained.
Daunt will serve a four-year term. After the board certified the results, Daunt applauded the move, saying the vote should have been 4-0. The Freedom Fund is affiliated with the DeVos family, which funds conservative and GOP causes. ...
Die Rache innerhalb der Repugnian Gangstertruppe is bereits in full swing.
RE: The Republican Party -also known as GOP (Grand Old Party)
in Forum Interna 20.01.2021 18:38von Willie (gelöscht)
Zitat von Leto_II. im Beitrag #178Zitat von Willie im Beitrag #177
Ich hoffe dass trumski eine neue Partei startet.
Würde er damit nicht Masterminds und Geldgeber verprellen?
Das bliebe abzuwarten. Viele hat er ja laengst verprellt.
Jetzt muss er sowieso in anderen Gewaessern fischen. Und das dringenst. Denn eine Irrelevanz ab heute ist ruinoes fuer ihn. Time therefore is of the essence.
Und wer weiss, vielleicht finden sich da wieder neue Seilschaften zusammen -worin jeder jeden zu bescheissen sucht.
Wie man sagt: "A new sucker is born everyday." Und trumski hat ja sein leben nichts anderes getan. Es liegt quasi auf der Hand.
Aber vor allen Dingen muesste er versuchen seine Gefolgschaft aus der Repugnianischen Partei abzusaugen. Er koennte denen einen Weg in der momentanen Hoffnungslosigkeit versprechen.
Was auch angebracht waere -bevor die vielleicht zu sich kommen und sich gegen ihn wenden. Sowas kann schnell gehen.
Nicht vergessen: Zwischen "Hosianna" und "Kreuzigt ihn" lagen auch nur drei Tage.
RE: The Republican Party -also known as GOP (Grand Old Party)
in Forum Interna 20.01.2021 19:11von Willie (gelöscht)
Shayan Sardarizadeh@Shayan86
Current mood in Q circles
"I just want to throw up"
"I'm so sick of the disinformation and false hope"
"What a waste of my life"
"I feel sick"
"Burning my flag"
"Game over"
"Where is the military"
"I'm just so confused"
"I'm just sick"
"It's done and we were played"
"It's over"
"It's always tomorrow, next week, stop the BS"
"I'm literally cold sweat. I'm beyond buckled up"
"Now what? All lies and bullshit???"
So many people are getting a dose of reality today. If you know them, please offer support and help.
11:10 AM · Jan 20, 2021
Beim Quanon Cult geht es schon los.
RE: The Republican Party -also known as GOP (Grand Old Party)
in Forum Interna 20.01.2021 22:16von Willie (gelöscht)
Biggs and Gosar sought pardons for Capitol riot, but didn’t get them
Arizona Republican Congressmen Andy Biggs and Paul Gosar have asked President Donald Trump to preemptively pardon them for their roles in the Jan. 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol, but the president has no plans to do so, CNN reported Tuesday.
RE: The Republican Party -also known as GOP (Grand Old Party)
in Forum Interna 20.01.2021 22:18von Willie (gelöscht)
Liz Cheney gets 2022 primary challenger after Trump impeachment vote
Wyoming state Sen. Anthony Bouchard throws his hat in the ring
Retribution is swift against anyone who isn't with the cult.
RE: The Republican Party -also known as GOP (Grand Old Party)
in Forum Interna 20.01.2021 22:21von Willie (gelöscht)
RE: The Republican Party -also known as GOP (Grand Old Party)
in Forum Interna 20.01.2021 23:46von Leto_II. • | 27.957 Beiträge
Zitat von Willie im Beitrag #179Zitat von Leto_II. im Beitrag #178Zitat von Willie im Beitrag #177
Ich hoffe dass trumski eine neue Partei startet.
Würde er damit nicht Masterminds und Geldgeber verprellen?
Das bliebe abzuwarten. Viele hat er ja laengst verprellt.
Jetzt muss er sowieso in anderen Gewaessern fischen. Und das dringenst. Denn eine Irrelevanz ab heute ist ruinoes fuer ihn. Time therefore is of the essence.
Und wer weiss, vielleicht finden sich da wieder neue Seilschaften zusammen -worin jeder jeden zu bescheissen sucht.
Wie man sagt: "A new sucker is born everyday." Und trumski hat ja sein leben nichts anderes getan. Es liegt quasi auf der Hand.
Aber vor allen Dingen muesste er versuchen seine Gefolgschaft aus der Repugnianischen Partei abzusaugen. Er koennte denen einen Weg in der momentanen Hoffnungslosigkeit versprechen.
Was auch angebracht waere -bevor die vielleicht zu sich kommen und sich gegen ihn wenden. Sowas kann schnell gehen.
Nicht vergessen: Zwischen "Hosianna" und "Kreuzigt ihn" lagen auch nur drei Tage.
Wenn er die REPs spaltet, haben die DEMs leichtes Spiel. Warum sollte ihm das jemand finanzieren?
RE: The Republican Party -also known as GOP (Grand Old Party)
in Forum Interna 21.01.2021 00:41von Maga-neu • | 35.431 Beiträge
Zitat von Leto_II. im Beitrag #184Niemand weiß, was passieren wird. Möglich ist, dass Trump seinem Vorbild Teddy Roosevelt folgt, der gegen seine Partei, die Republikaner, antrat und damit eine achtjährige Präsidentschaft von Woodrow Wilson ermöglichte. Dann wäre Biden 86. :-)Zitat von Willie im Beitrag #179Zitat von Leto_II. im Beitrag #178Zitat von Willie im Beitrag #177
Ich hoffe dass trumski eine neue Partei startet.
Würde er damit nicht Masterminds und Geldgeber verprellen?
Das bliebe abzuwarten. Viele hat er ja laengst verprellt.
Jetzt muss er sowieso in anderen Gewaessern fischen. Und das dringenst. Denn eine Irrelevanz ab heute ist ruinoes fuer ihn. Time therefore is of the essence.
Und wer weiss, vielleicht finden sich da wieder neue Seilschaften zusammen -worin jeder jeden zu bescheissen sucht.
Wie man sagt: "A new sucker is born everyday." Und trumski hat ja sein leben nichts anderes getan. Es liegt quasi auf der Hand.
Aber vor allen Dingen muesste er versuchen seine Gefolgschaft aus der Repugnianischen Partei abzusaugen. Er koennte denen einen Weg in der momentanen Hoffnungslosigkeit versprechen.
Was auch angebracht waere -bevor die vielleicht zu sich kommen und sich gegen ihn wenden. Sowas kann schnell gehen.
Nicht vergessen: Zwischen "Hosianna" und "Kreuzigt ihn" lagen auch nur drei Tage.
Wenn er die REPs spaltet, haben die DEMs leichtes Spiel. Warum sollte ihm das jemand finanzieren?
RE: The Republican Party -also known as GOP (Grand Old Party)
in Forum Interna 21.01.2021 02:28von Willie (gelöscht)
Zitat von Leto_II. im Beitrag #184Zitat von Willie im Beitrag #179Zitat von Leto_II. im Beitrag #178Zitat von Willie im Beitrag #177
Ich hoffe dass trumski eine neue Partei startet.
Würde er damit nicht Masterminds und Geldgeber verprellen?
Das bliebe abzuwarten. Viele hat er ja laengst verprellt.
Jetzt muss er sowieso in anderen Gewaessern fischen. Und das dringenst. Denn eine Irrelevanz ab heute ist ruinoes fuer ihn. Time therefore is of the essence.
Und wer weiss, vielleicht finden sich da wieder neue Seilschaften zusammen -worin jeder jeden zu bescheissen sucht.
Wie man sagt: "A new sucker is born everyday." Und trumski hat ja sein leben nichts anderes getan. Es liegt quasi auf der Hand.
Aber vor allen Dingen muesste er versuchen seine Gefolgschaft aus der Repugnianischen Partei abzusaugen. Er koennte denen einen Weg in der momentanen Hoffnungslosigkeit versprechen.
Was auch angebracht waere -bevor die vielleicht zu sich kommen und sich gegen ihn wenden. Sowas kann schnell gehen.
Nicht vergessen: Zwischen "Hosianna" und "Kreuzigt ihn" lagen auch nur drei Tage.
Wenn er die REPs spaltet, haben die DEMs leichtes Spiel. Warum sollte ihm das jemand finanzieren?
Keine Ahnung. Wir werden sehen was wird.
Aber es gab schon immer Leute, die ihr Geld fuer die veruecktesten Dinge ausgaben. In den USA und anderswo.
Auch Vladimir hat jede Menge davon. Seine Oligarchen stellen das sicher.
RE: The Republican Party -also known as GOP (Grand Old Party)
in Forum Interna 21.01.2021 16:42von Willie (gelöscht)
Comey: 'Republican Party has to be burned to the ground'
Former FBI Director James Comey said in an interview published Thursday that the Republican Party must “be burned to the ground” before it can rebuild now that former President Trump's term in the Oval Office has ended.
Comey told Australia’s ABC “7.30” news program that the GOP “doesn't stand for anything that is valuable to our country.”
“It doesn't stand for anything, that is other than a cult of personality around a man who is a demagogue and a liar,” he added.
The longtime Republican, who now describes himself as an independent, told the news outlet, “the Republican Party has to be burned to the ground, in some form or fashion."
"If it's going to survive, and we need two healthy parties to have a healthy democracy, it has to be rebuilt in some way,” he added. "I think you may see principled Republicans splitting off or finding a way to push the Trumpers off, so they can reconstitute the Republican Party on a set of real values." ...
Obwohl ich ihm diesbezueglich zustimme, ich habe es selbst oft genug hier geschrieben, habe ich Zweifel dass das moeglich sein wird.
Die Dummheit der Menschen, die Schlechtigkeit und Ruecksichtslosigkeit deren Manipulatoren und Interessengruppen, sowie ein voellig veraltetes und unbrauchbares politisches System, setzt die Nation auf eine verhaengnisvolle trajectory, von der es schwerlich eine rettende Korrektur gibt.
Ich kann es zur Zeit nicht sehen.
Die Episode trumski hat gezeigt, wie fragil das ganze Gebilde mittlerweile ist. Das Land ist durch die Wahl Biden's dem Zusammenbruch der Demokratie gerade nochmal so entkommen. Aber auch nur das. Ausser damit eine kurze Frist von nur 2 Jahren erhalten zu haben, loest das nichts. Garnichts.
Schon in wenigen Tagen bricht der Propagandasturm der Landeszerstoerer wieder los. Und in November 2022 sind bereits die naechsten Wahlen.
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