
RE: Klimawandel, Gefahren, Folgen und Moeglichekeiten der Abwendung.

in Politik 30.05.2019 21:55
von Hans Bergman | 23.327 Beiträge

Zitat von Maga-neu im Beitrag #250


Unbestätigten Meldungen zufolge soll er Greta zuliebe den Wagen grün lackieren lassen.

zuletzt bearbeitet 30.05.2019 21:58 | nach oben springen


RE: Klimawandel, Gefahren, Folgen und Moeglichekeiten der Abwendung.

in Politik 02.06.2019 21:54
von Willie (gelöscht)

Climate change: ‘We’ve created a civilisation hell bent on destroying itself – I’m terrified’, writes Earth scientist
... The IPCC was established in 1988 as a response to increasing concern that the observed changes in the Earth’s climate are being largely caused by humans.

The IPCC reviews the vast amounts of science being generated around climate change and produces assessment reports every four years. Given the impact the IPPC’s findings can have on policy and industry, great care is made to carefully present and communicate its scientific findings. So I wasn’t expecting much when I straight out asked him how much warming he thought we were going to achieve before we manage to make the required cuts to greenhouse gas emissions.

“Oh, I think we’re heading towards 3°C at least,” he said.

“Ah, yes, but heading towards,” I countered: “We won’t get to 3°C, will we?” (Because whatever you think of the 2°C threshold that separates “safe” from “dangerous” climate change, 3°C is well beyond what much of the world could bear.)

“Not so,” he replied.

That wasn’t his hedge, but his best assessment of where, after all the political, economic, and social wrangling we will end up.

“But what about the many millions of people directly threatened,” I went on. “Those living in low-lying nations, the farmers affected by abrupt changes in weather, kids exposed to new diseases?”

He gave a sigh, paused for a few seconds, and a sad, resigned smile crept over his face. He then simply said: “They will die.” ....


Ein langer Artikel. Lesenswert.

zuletzt bearbeitet 02.06.2019 21:56 | nach oben springen


RE: Klimawandel, Gefahren, Folgen und Moeglichekeiten der Abwendung.

in Politik 02.06.2019 22:16
von Willie (gelöscht)

Those who deny climate change will be death of us all
You don’t have to be a physicist or geologist to know that the Earth’s climate is changing in ways that are destined to make the landscape less hospitable for humans. Just look around. The dangers are evident.

In the final weeks of May, tornadoes ripped through the center of the United States day after day, destroying homes and schools, hurling trees as if they were mere matchsticks, inflicting countless injuries across communities and leaving some families to mourn their dead. This virulent tornado season is just one example of extreme weather: The past few months have also seen record cold, record heat and record flooding.

If human beings were rational, our top scientists and political leaders would be huddled together, hashing out plans and policies to try to mitigate the damage from greenhouse gases — with the goal of salvaging human life. Faced with an existential threat, a fierce peril that will alter the planet in significant ways, presidents and premiers and prime ministers would overcome their traditional enmities, as they do in the movies, and come together to save humanity.

Alas, that has not happened. Human beings, it turns out, are deeply irrational, tribal, ignorant, greedy and selfish. Sometimes, we are just plain crazy. President Donald Trump has reversed a series of steps taken by his predecessors to ameliorate climate change and has commenced initiatives that will further damage the environment. Moreover, the president has launched a war on the science of climate change and the experts who practice it, trying to create widespread doubts about their expertise. ...

... Meanwhile, extreme weather events have become the norm. Climate scientists are not sure that increased tornado activity is caused by global warming — contrary to the nonsense spewed by the doubters, the experts are very cautious — but some are beginning to suspect a link.Penn State climate researcher Michael Mann said recently there is growing evidence that “a warming atmosphere, with more moisture and turbulent energy, favors increasingly large outbreaks of tornadoes, like the outbreak we’ve witnessed in the last few days,” according to InsideClimateNews.The tornadoes add to the destruction from more floods, more wildfires, hotter days, more droughts and, counterintuitively, more rain (because warmer air holds more moisture). The continental United States has just experienced the wettest year on record, according to the National Weather Service.

So, despite the blithe denials of the climate skeptics, the planet is undergoing fundamental shifts that will prove hostile to humankind. All the know-nothings have accomplished is to ensure that humanity won’t change its habits quickly enough to survive.

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RE: Klimawandel, Gefahren, Folgen und Moeglichekeiten der Abwendung.

in Politik 02.06.2019 23:45
von Leto_II. | 27.822 Beiträge

Zitat von Willie im Beitrag #253
Those who deny climate change will be death of us all
You don’t have to be a physicist or geologist to know that the Earth’s climate is changing in ways that are destined to make the landscape less hospitable for humans. Just look around. The dangers are evident.

In the final weeks of May, tornadoes ripped through the center of the United States day after day, destroying homes and schools, hurling trees as if they were mere matchsticks, inflicting countless injuries across communities and leaving some families to mourn their dead. This virulent tornado season is just one example of extreme weather: The past few months have also seen record cold, record heat and record flooding.

If human beings were rational, our top scientists and political leaders would be huddled together, hashing out plans and policies to try to mitigate the damage from greenhouse gases — with the goal of salvaging human life. Faced with an existential threat, a fierce peril that will alter the planet in significant ways, presidents and premiers and prime ministers would overcome their traditional enmities, as they do in the movies, and come together to save humanity.

Alas, that has not happened. Human beings, it turns out, are deeply irrational, tribal, ignorant, greedy and selfish. Sometimes, we are just plain crazy. President Donald Trump has reversed a series of steps taken by his predecessors to ameliorate climate change and has commenced initiatives that will further damage the environment. Moreover, the president has launched a war on the science of climate change and the experts who practice it, trying to create widespread doubts about their expertise. ...

... Meanwhile, extreme weather events have become the norm. Climate scientists are not sure that increased tornado activity is caused by global warming — contrary to the nonsense spewed by the doubters, the experts are very cautious — but some are beginning to suspect a link.Penn State climate researcher Michael Mann said recently there is growing evidence that “a warming atmosphere, with more moisture and turbulent energy, favors increasingly large outbreaks of tornadoes, like the outbreak we’ve witnessed in the last few days,” according to InsideClimateNews.The tornadoes add to the destruction from more floods, more wildfires, hotter days, more droughts and, counterintuitively, more rain (because warmer air holds more moisture). The continental United States has just experienced the wettest year on record, according to the National Weather Service.

So, despite the blithe denials of the climate skeptics, the planet is undergoing fundamental shifts that will prove hostile to humankind. All the know-nothings have accomplished is to ensure that humanity won’t change its habits quickly enough to survive.

Ist das nun ein Aufruf, Deiche zu erhöhen, oder CO2-Emissionen zu senken?

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RE: Klimawandel, Gefahren, Folgen und Moeglichekeiten der Abwendung.

in Politik 03.06.2019 09:29
von Hans Bergman | 23.327 Beiträge

Greta Thunfisch will nun ein ganzes Jahr der Schule fernbleiben.

Mit all den jungen, leicht beeinflussbaren Unwissenden (und den älteren und alten Hysterikern), hat sie jetzt wohl genug abgezockt, um sich einen Privatlehrer leisten zu können.
Wenn der mit dem Fahrrad zum Haus kommt, dann ist das immerhin umweltfreundlicher, als sie täglich mit dem SUV in die Schule zu karren.

zuletzt bearbeitet 03.06.2019 09:29 | nach oben springen


RE: Klimawandel, Gefahren, Folgen und Moeglichekeiten der Abwendung.

in Politik 03.06.2019 09:42
von Maga-neu | 35.179 Beiträge

Zitat von Leto_II. im Beitrag #254
Zitat von Willie im Beitrag #253
Those who deny climate change will be death of us all
You don’t have to be a physicist or geologist to know that the Earth’s climate is changing in ways that are destined to make the landscape less hospitable for humans. Just look around. The dangers are evident.

In the final weeks of May, tornadoes ripped through the center of the United States day after day, destroying homes and schools, hurling trees as if they were mere matchsticks, inflicting countless injuries across communities and leaving some families to mourn their dead. This virulent tornado season is just one example of extreme weather: The past few months have also seen record cold, record heat and record flooding.

If human beings were rational, our top scientists and political leaders would be huddled together, hashing out plans and policies to try to mitigate the damage from greenhouse gases — with the goal of salvaging human life. Faced with an existential threat, a fierce peril that will alter the planet in significant ways, presidents and premiers and prime ministers would overcome their traditional enmities, as they do in the movies, and come together to save humanity.

Alas, that has not happened. Human beings, it turns out, are deeply irrational, tribal, ignorant, greedy and selfish. Sometimes, we are just plain crazy. President Donald Trump has reversed a series of steps taken by his predecessors to ameliorate climate change and has commenced initiatives that will further damage the environment. Moreover, the president has launched a war on the science of climate change and the experts who practice it, trying to create widespread doubts about their expertise. ...

... Meanwhile, extreme weather events have become the norm. Climate scientists are not sure that increased tornado activity is caused by global warming — contrary to the nonsense spewed by the doubters, the experts are very cautious — but some are beginning to suspect a link.Penn State climate researcher Michael Mann said recently there is growing evidence that “a warming atmosphere, with more moisture and turbulent energy, favors increasingly large outbreaks of tornadoes, like the outbreak we’ve witnessed in the last few days,” according to InsideClimateNews.The tornadoes add to the destruction from more floods, more wildfires, hotter days, more droughts and, counterintuitively, more rain (because warmer air holds more moisture). The continental United States has just experienced the wettest year on record, according to the National Weather Service.

So, despite the blithe denials of the climate skeptics, the planet is undergoing fundamental shifts that will prove hostile to humankind. All the know-nothings have accomplished is to ensure that humanity won’t change its habits quickly enough to survive.

Ist das nun ein Aufruf, Deiche zu erhöhen, oder CO2-Emissionen zu senken?
Ein Aufruf zur Panik: "Klimaleugner" sind Mörder, ist die bescheuerte Aussage.

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RE: Klimawandel, Gefahren, Folgen und Moeglichekeiten der Abwendung.

in Politik 03.06.2019 12:16
von nahal | 24.480 Beiträge

Neues Lied von Lisa Minelli:
Panic makes the world go round

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RE: Klimawandel, Gefahren, Folgen und Moeglichekeiten der Abwendung.

in Politik 03.06.2019 13:34
von Maga-neu | 35.179 Beiträge


"Faschistoid" - gut, ich dachte schon, das in den 1980er Jahren so beliebte Wort wäre ausgestorben - und durch Nazis, Rassisten, Sexisten, Misogyne, Transphobe etc. ersetzt worden. Naja, der gute Khan - hat er übrigens was zum Djihadismus zu sagen? - hat vielleicht die vielen positiven Dinge vergessen, die Mussolini getan hat (so jedenfalls laut Tajani, Präsident des EP).

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RE: Klimawandel, Gefahren, Folgen und Moeglichekeiten der Abwendung.

in Politik 03.06.2019 13:34
von Willie (gelöscht)

Zitat von Leto_II. im Beitrag #254
Zitat von Willie im Beitrag #253
Those who deny climate change will be death of us all
You don’t have to be a physicist or geologist to know that the Earth’s climate is changing in ways that are destined to make the landscape less hospitable for humans. Just look around. The dangers are evident.

In the final weeks of May, tornadoes ripped through the center of the United States day after day, destroying homes and schools, hurling trees as if they were mere matchsticks, inflicting countless injuries across communities and leaving some families to mourn their dead. This virulent tornado season is just one example of extreme weather: The past few months have also seen record cold, record heat and record flooding.

If human beings were rational, our top scientists and political leaders would be huddled together, hashing out plans and policies to try to mitigate the damage from greenhouse gases — with the goal of salvaging human life. Faced with an existential threat, a fierce peril that will alter the planet in significant ways, presidents and premiers and prime ministers would overcome their traditional enmities, as they do in the movies, and come together to save humanity.

Alas, that has not happened. Human beings, it turns out, are deeply irrational, tribal, ignorant, greedy and selfish. Sometimes, we are just plain crazy. President Donald Trump has reversed a series of steps taken by his predecessors to ameliorate climate change and has commenced initiatives that will further damage the environment. Moreover, the president has launched a war on the science of climate change and the experts who practice it, trying to create widespread doubts about their expertise. ...

... Meanwhile, extreme weather events have become the norm. Climate scientists are not sure that increased tornado activity is caused by global warming — contrary to the nonsense spewed by the doubters, the experts are very cautious — but some are beginning to suspect a link.Penn State climate researcher Michael Mann said recently there is growing evidence that “a warming atmosphere, with more moisture and turbulent energy, favors increasingly large outbreaks of tornadoes, like the outbreak we’ve witnessed in the last few days,” according to InsideClimateNews.The tornadoes add to the destruction from more floods, more wildfires, hotter days, more droughts and, counterintuitively, more rain (because warmer air holds more moisture). The continental United States has just experienced the wettest year on record, according to the National Weather Service.

So, despite the blithe denials of the climate skeptics, the planet is undergoing fundamental shifts that will prove hostile to humankind. All the know-nothings have accomplished is to ensure that humanity won’t change its habits quickly enough to survive.

Ist das nun ein Aufruf, Deiche zu erhöhen, oder CO2-Emissionen zu senken?

Not to worry. Einfach nur Liza Minelli Zitaten vertrauen.:-)

zuletzt bearbeitet 03.06.2019 14:44 | nach oben springen


RE: Klimawandel, Gefahren, Folgen und Moeglichekeiten der Abwendung.

in Politik 03.06.2019 20:08
von Willie (gelöscht)

No end in sight as record flooding in Midwest, Southeast persists
The continental U.S. has had its 12 soggiest months since modern record-keeping began.

The Trump administration escalates its war on reality
The reality about climate change isn't convenient, or comfortable. So the administration is pretending it isn't there.

zuletzt bearbeitet 03.06.2019 20:11 | nach oben springen


RE: Klimawandel, Gefahren, Folgen und Moeglichekeiten der Abwendung.

in Politik 03.06.2019 20:32
von Willie (gelöscht)

'So much land under so much water': extreme flooding is drowning parts of the midwest
Weeks of flooding is drowning large parts of the midwest, wrecking communities and turning farms into inland seas. On top of that, a near record number of tornadoes has whipped through the region, smashing homes and claiming nearly 40 lives so far. All of this comes after the wettest 12 months in the US since records began.

Storms and near record rainfall have caused the region’s three major rivers to flood, inundating communities from Nebraska to Michigan and Illinois to Oklahoma, driving tens of thousands in to shelters, shutting businesses and closing interstate highways.

Waters that used to surge and recede have stayed around, swamping millions of acres of farmland and devastating the planting season. The amount of land farmers are being prevented from sowing by the water is estimated to be as much as double the previous record of 3m acres of corn, set in 2013. The worst-hit states include Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska and Indiana.

In Nebraska, where farmers are already grappling with the effects of Donald Trump’s trade war with China, which has killed off a good part of the soybean trade, flooding is estimated to have destroyed $1bn-worth of crops and livestock.

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RE: Klimawandel, Gefahren, Folgen und Moeglichekeiten der Abwendung.

in Politik 03.06.2019 23:15
von Willie (gelöscht)

New Report Suggests ‘High Likelihood of Human Civilization Coming to an End’ in 2050
The climate change analysis was written by a former fossil fuel executive and backed by the former chief of Australia's military.

A harrowing scenario analysis of how human civilization might collapse in coming decades due to climate change has been endorsed by a former Australian defense chief and senior royal navy commander.
The analysis, published by the Breakthrough National Centre for Climate Restoration, a think-tank in Melbourne, Australia, describes climate change as “a near- to mid-term existential threat to human civilization” and sets out a plausible scenario of where business-as-usual could lead over the next 30 years.

The paper argues that the potentially “extremely serious outcomes” of climate-related security threats are often far more probable than conventionally assumed, but almost impossible to quantify because they “fall outside the human experience of the last thousand years.”
On our current trajectory, the report warns, “planetary and human systems [are] reaching a ‘point of no return’ by mid-century, in which the prospect of a largely uninhabitable Earth leads to the breakdown of nations and the international order.”

The only way to avoid the risks of this scenario is what the report describes as “akin in scale to the World War II emergency mobilization”—but this time focused on rapidly building out a zero-emissions industrial system to set in train the restoration of a safe climate.

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RE: Klimawandel, Gefahren, Folgen und Moeglichekeiten der Abwendung.

in Politik 04.06.2019 03:18
von Willie (gelöscht)

India weather: Temperature passes 50C Celsius in northern India
A heatwave has suddenly borne down on millions of people, killing several as the temperature passes 50C Celsius.

The Indian Meteorological Department said severe heat could stay for up to a week across Rajasthan, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana and Uttar Pradesh states.

Several deaths from heatstroke have already been recorded.

About 200 million people live in northern India.

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RE: Klimawandel, Gefahren, Folgen und Moeglichekeiten der Abwendung.

in Politik 04.06.2019 04:08
von Hans Bergman | 23.327 Beiträge

Zitat von Willie im Beitrag #263
India weather: Temperature passes 50C Celsius in northern India
A heatwave has suddenly borne down on millions of people, killing several as the temperature passes 50C Celsius.

The Indian Meteorological Department said severe heat could stay for up to a week across Rajasthan, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana and Uttar Pradesh states.

Several deaths from heatstroke have already been recorded.

About 200 million people live in northern India.

extrem trocken und heiß. Hitzewelle stoppt die Flussschifffahrt. Tropische Hitze ganz Mitteleuropa. Berlin 16.7. 35,5°
Wasserstand Weichsel und Oder tiefster Stand seit 1811. Elbe in Dresden fast ausgetrocknet.
Trockenheit bis Mitte August. Ab 14.8. beginnen nach ersten Regenfällen die Pegel langsam wieder zu steigen.

Keine Sorge, das ist keine Prognose - es stammt aus dem Jahr 1904.
Und 1911:

Hitzewelle Mitteleuropa. Berlin am 23.7. 34,6°, Hitzewelle Osten USA, New York 40°, Tausende sterben an Hitzschlag.
anhaltend trocken und heiß, ?Jahrhundertsommer?, Schifffahrt auf der Elbe wird eingestellt, Wassermangel in Nord-Europa.


Ein einziger verregneter und kalter Sommer und die Grünen sind wieder bei ihren ~ 10%.


zuletzt bearbeitet 04.06.2019 04:34 | nach oben springen


RE: Klimawandel, Gefahren, Folgen und Moeglichekeiten der Abwendung.

in Politik 04.06.2019 06:17
von nahal | 24.480 Beiträge

Zitat von Hans Bergman im Beitrag #264
Zitat von Willie im Beitrag #263
India weather: Temperature passes 50C Celsius in northern India
A heatwave has suddenly borne down on millions of people, killing several as the temperature passes 50C Celsius.

The Indian Meteorological Department said severe heat could stay for up to a week across Rajasthan, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana and Uttar Pradesh states.

Several deaths from heatstroke have already been recorded.

About 200 million people live in northern India.

extrem trocken und heiß. Hitzewelle stoppt die Flussschifffahrt. Tropische Hitze ganz Mitteleuropa. Berlin 16.7. 35,5°
Wasserstand Weichsel und Oder tiefster Stand seit 1811. Elbe in Dresden fast ausgetrocknet.
Trockenheit bis Mitte August. Ab 14.8. beginnen nach ersten Regenfällen die Pegel langsam wieder zu steigen.

Keine Sorge, das ist keine Prognose - es stammt aus dem Jahr 1904.
Und 1911:

Hitzewelle Mitteleuropa. Berlin am 23.7. 34,6°, Hitzewelle Osten USA, New York 40°, Tausende sterben an Hitzschlag.
anhaltend trocken und heiß, ?Jahrhundertsommer?, Schifffahrt auf der Elbe wird eingestellt, Wassermangel in Nord-Europa.


Ein einziger verregneter und kalter Sommer und die Grünen sind wieder bei ihren ~ 10%.


Sag nie wieder, Greta Thunberg sei ein Fake!

Hier, was das Mädchen schon erreicht hat:

"Derzeit liegt das Deutschlandmittel im Mai 2019 bei ca. 9,9 Grad und wäre der Mai nun zu Ende, dann käme er auf Platz 7 der kältesten Mai seit 1881. "


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RE: Klimawandel, Gefahren, Folgen und Moeglichekeiten der Abwendung.

in Politik 04.06.2019 09:43
von ghassan (gelöscht)

Zitat von nahal im Beitrag #265
Sag nie wieder, Greta Thunberg sei ein Fake!

Hier, was das Mädchen schon erreicht hat:

"Derzeit liegt das Deutschlandmittel im Mai 2019 bei ca. 9,9 Grad und wäre der Mai nun zu Ende, dann käme er auf Platz 7 der kältesten Mai seit 1881. "

Mein alter Audi ist seit Ende April in der Werkstatt. Ich denke nicht, dass es Gretas alleiniger Verdienst ist.

PS. Ende der Woche bekomme ich ihn wieder. Freut Euch auf einen heissen Juni

zuletzt bearbeitet 04.06.2019 09:44 | nach oben springen


RE: Klimawandel, Gefahren, Folgen und Moeglichekeiten der Abwendung.

in Politik 04.06.2019 11:01
von Maga-neu | 35.179 Beiträge


So, seit sieben Jahren ist der Nordpol also praktisch eisfrei. Gut, dass wir das geklärt haben.

Die Wahl unten zwischen Ayatollah Khamenei und der Italian Lingerie ist natürlich schwer, aber ich glaube, ich wähle die Italian Lingerie. :-)

nach oben springen


RE: Klimawandel, Gefahren, Folgen und Moeglichekeiten der Abwendung.

in Politik 04.06.2019 11:46
von nahal | 24.480 Beiträge

Zitat von ghassan im Beitrag #266
Zitat von nahal im Beitrag #265
Sag nie wieder, Greta Thunberg sei ein Fake!

Hier, was das Mädchen schon erreicht hat:

"Derzeit liegt das Deutschlandmittel im Mai 2019 bei ca. 9,9 Grad und wäre der Mai nun zu Ende, dann käme er auf Platz 7 der kältesten Mai seit 1881. "

Mein alter Audi ist seit Ende April in der Werkstatt. Ich denke nicht, dass es Gretas alleiniger Verdienst ist.

PS. Ende der Woche bekomme ich ihn wieder. Freut Euch auf einen heissen Juni

Damit der Juni noch besser werden soll:
Bitte nicht unter 150Km/Std fahren!

nach oben springen


RE: Klimawandel, Gefahren, Folgen und Moeglichekeiten der Abwendung.

in Politik 04.06.2019 11:49
von Hans Bergman | 23.327 Beiträge

Zitat von ghassan im Beitrag #266
Zitat von nahal im Beitrag #265
Sag nie wieder, Greta Thunberg sei ein Fake!

Hier, was das Mädchen schon erreicht hat:

"Derzeit liegt das Deutschlandmittel im Mai 2019 bei ca. 9,9 Grad und wäre der Mai nun zu Ende, dann käme er auf Platz 7 der kältesten Mai seit 1881. "

Mein alter Audi ist seit Ende April in der Werkstatt. Ich denke nicht, dass es Gretas alleiniger Verdienst ist.

PS. Ende der Woche bekomme ich ihn wieder. Freut Euch auf einen heissen Juni

Ich habe gestern auf dem Heimweg von Aldi alle 3 Minuten Pause gemacht und Schatten gesucht, so heiß war es.
Da muss also jemand anderes mit Deinem Auto gefahren sein. Vielleicht haben die zuviele Testfahrten gemacht? Ruf doch mal an bei denen!

zuletzt bearbeitet 04.06.2019 11:54 | nach oben springen


RE: Klimawandel, Gefahren, Folgen und Moeglichekeiten der Abwendung.

in Politik 04.06.2019 11:50
von nahal | 24.480 Beiträge

Greta ist ein Genie!!!
Es ist herausgekommen, warum Sie nicht mehr zur Schule geht;
Sie wird chinesisch lernen.
Sie braucht nur einen Satz akzentfrei in allen chinesischen Dialekten sagen können:
-Bitte weniger furzen !
Bei Ihrer nachgewiesenen Überzeugungskraft wird das Klima-Problem gelöst !


zuletzt bearbeitet 04.06.2019 11:52 | nach oben springen


RE: Klimawandel, Gefahren, Folgen und Moeglichekeiten der Abwendung.

in Politik 04.06.2019 11:53
von Hans Bergman | 23.327 Beiträge

Zitat von Maga-neu im Beitrag #267

So, seit sieben Jahren ist der Nordpol also praktisch eisfrei. Gut, dass wir das geklärt haben.

Die Wahl unten zwischen Ayatollah Khamenei und der Italian Lingerie ist natürlich schwer, aber ich glaube, ich wähle die Italian Lingerie. :-)

Kann ich bestätigen. Ich habe jedenfalls seit 2013 kein Eis mehr auf dem Nordpol erlebt.

Man muss Ayatollah Khamenei nicht mögen, aber wenn Du statt dessen diese Italian Lingerie wählst, dann stimmt auch mit Dir etwas nicht!

nach oben springen


RE: Klimawandel, Gefahren, Folgen und Moeglichekeiten der Abwendung.

in Politik 04.06.2019 14:15
von Willie (gelöscht)

Zitat von Hans Bergman im Beitrag #264
Zitat von Willie im Beitrag #263
India weather: Temperature passes 50C Celsius in northern India
A heatwave has suddenly borne down on millions of people, killing several as the temperature passes 50C Celsius.

The Indian Meteorological Department said severe heat could stay for up to a week across Rajasthan, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana and Uttar Pradesh states.

Several deaths from heatstroke have already been recorded.

About 200 million people live in northern India.

extrem trocken und heiß. Hitzewelle stoppt die Flussschifffahrt. Tropische Hitze ganz Mitteleuropa. Berlin 16.7. 35,5°
Wasserstand Weichsel und Oder tiefster Stand seit 1811. Elbe in Dresden fast ausgetrocknet.
Trockenheit bis Mitte August. Ab 14.8. beginnen nach ersten Regenfällen die Pegel langsam wieder zu steigen.

Keine Sorge, das ist keine Prognose - es stammt aus dem Jahr 1904.
Und 1911:

Hitzewelle Mitteleuropa. Berlin am 23.7. 34,6°, Hitzewelle Osten USA, New York 40°, Tausende sterben an Hitzschlag.
anhaltend trocken und heiß, ?Jahrhundertsommer?, Schifffahrt auf der Elbe wird eingestellt, Wassermangel in Nord-Europa.


Ein einziger verregneter und kalter Sommer und die Grünen sind wieder bei ihren ~ 10%.


Das ist ja ganz toll.

nach oben springen


RE: Klimawandel, Gefahren, Folgen und Moeglichekeiten der Abwendung.

in Politik 04.06.2019 14:17
von Maga-neu | 35.179 Beiträge

Zitat von Hans Bergman im Beitrag #271
Zitat von Maga-neu im Beitrag #267

So, seit sieben Jahren ist der Nordpol also praktisch eisfrei. Gut, dass wir das geklärt haben.

Die Wahl unten zwischen Ayatollah Khamenei und der Italian Lingerie ist natürlich schwer, aber ich glaube, ich wähle die Italian Lingerie. :-)

Kann ich bestätigen. Ich habe jedenfalls seit 2013 kein Eis mehr auf dem Nordpol erlebt.

Man muss Ayatollah Khamenei nicht mögen, aber wenn Du statt dessen diese Italian Lingerie wählst, dann stimmt auch mit Dir etwas nicht!
Ich meinte eigentlich eher die Dame mit der Italian Lingerie... Dass ich es nun klarstellen muss,... :-)

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RE: Klimawandel, Gefahren, Folgen und Moeglichekeiten der Abwendung.

in Politik 04.06.2019 23:23
von Leto_II. | 27.822 Beiträge

Zitat von Willie im Beitrag #259
Zitat von Leto_II. im Beitrag #254
Zitat von Willie im Beitrag #253
Those who deny climate change will be death of us all
You don’t have to be a physicist or geologist to know that the Earth’s climate is changing in ways that are destined to make the landscape less hospitable for humans. Just look around. The dangers are evident.

In the final weeks of May, tornadoes ripped through the center of the United States day after day, destroying homes and schools, hurling trees as if they were mere matchsticks, inflicting countless injuries across communities and leaving some families to mourn their dead. This virulent tornado season is just one example of extreme weather: The past few months have also seen record cold, record heat and record flooding.

If human beings were rational, our top scientists and political leaders would be huddled together, hashing out plans and policies to try to mitigate the damage from greenhouse gases — with the goal of salvaging human life. Faced with an existential threat, a fierce peril that will alter the planet in significant ways, presidents and premiers and prime ministers would overcome their traditional enmities, as they do in the movies, and come together to save humanity.

Alas, that has not happened. Human beings, it turns out, are deeply irrational, tribal, ignorant, greedy and selfish. Sometimes, we are just plain crazy. President Donald Trump has reversed a series of steps taken by his predecessors to ameliorate climate change and has commenced initiatives that will further damage the environment. Moreover, the president has launched a war on the science of climate change and the experts who practice it, trying to create widespread doubts about their expertise. ...

... Meanwhile, extreme weather events have become the norm. Climate scientists are not sure that increased tornado activity is caused by global warming — contrary to the nonsense spewed by the doubters, the experts are very cautious — but some are beginning to suspect a link.Penn State climate researcher Michael Mann said recently there is growing evidence that “a warming atmosphere, with more moisture and turbulent energy, favors increasingly large outbreaks of tornadoes, like the outbreak we’ve witnessed in the last few days,” according to InsideClimateNews.The tornadoes add to the destruction from more floods, more wildfires, hotter days, more droughts and, counterintuitively, more rain (because warmer air holds more moisture). The continental United States has just experienced the wettest year on record, according to the National Weather Service.

So, despite the blithe denials of the climate skeptics, the planet is undergoing fundamental shifts that will prove hostile to humankind. All the know-nothings have accomplished is to ensure that humanity won’t change its habits quickly enough to survive.

Ist das nun ein Aufruf, Deiche zu erhöhen, oder CO2-Emissionen zu senken?

Not to worry. Einfach nur Liza Minelli Zitaten vertrauen.:-)

Ihnen ist schon bewusst, dass Sie mich angriffen, als ich einforderte, sich auf die Folgen eines Klimawandels einzustellen, auch jenseits der CO2-Emission?

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RE: Klimawandel, Gefahren, Folgen und Moeglichekeiten der Abwendung.

in Politik 04.06.2019 23:33
von Willie (gelöscht)

Zitat von Leto_II. im Beitrag #274
Zitat von Willie im Beitrag #259
Zitat von Leto_II. im Beitrag #254
Zitat von Willie im Beitrag #253
Those who deny climate change will be death of us all
You don’t have to be a physicist or geologist to know that the Earth’s climate is changing in ways that are destined to make the landscape less hospitable for humans. Just look around. The dangers are evident.

In the final weeks of May, tornadoes ripped through the center of the United States day after day, destroying homes and schools, hurling trees as if they were mere matchsticks, inflicting countless injuries across communities and leaving some families to mourn their dead. This virulent tornado season is just one example of extreme weather: The past few months have also seen record cold, record heat and record flooding.

If human beings were rational, our top scientists and political leaders would be huddled together, hashing out plans and policies to try to mitigate the damage from greenhouse gases — with the goal of salvaging human life. Faced with an existential threat, a fierce peril that will alter the planet in significant ways, presidents and premiers and prime ministers would overcome their traditional enmities, as they do in the movies, and come together to save humanity.

Alas, that has not happened. Human beings, it turns out, are deeply irrational, tribal, ignorant, greedy and selfish. Sometimes, we are just plain crazy. President Donald Trump has reversed a series of steps taken by his predecessors to ameliorate climate change and has commenced initiatives that will further damage the environment. Moreover, the president has launched a war on the science of climate change and the experts who practice it, trying to create widespread doubts about their expertise. ...

... Meanwhile, extreme weather events have become the norm. Climate scientists are not sure that increased tornado activity is caused by global warming — contrary to the nonsense spewed by the doubters, the experts are very cautious — but some are beginning to suspect a link.Penn State climate researcher Michael Mann said recently there is growing evidence that “a warming atmosphere, with more moisture and turbulent energy, favors increasingly large outbreaks of tornadoes, like the outbreak we’ve witnessed in the last few days,” according to InsideClimateNews.The tornadoes add to the destruction from more floods, more wildfires, hotter days, more droughts and, counterintuitively, more rain (because warmer air holds more moisture). The continental United States has just experienced the wettest year on record, according to the National Weather Service.

So, despite the blithe denials of the climate skeptics, the planet is undergoing fundamental shifts that will prove hostile to humankind. All the know-nothings have accomplished is to ensure that humanity won’t change its habits quickly enough to survive.

Ist das nun ein Aufruf, Deiche zu erhöhen, oder CO2-Emissionen zu senken?

Not to worry. Einfach nur Liza Minelli Zitaten vertrauen.:-)

Ihnen ist schon bewusst, dass Sie mich angriffen, als ich einforderte, sich auf die Folgen eines Klimawandels einzustellen, auch jenseits der CO2-Emission?

Nein ist mir nicht.

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