
RE: Trump

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 16.06.2019 19:54
von Maga-neu | 35.180 Beiträge

Zitat von Willie im Beitrag #7000
Zitat von Maga-neu im Beitrag #6999
Zitat von Willie im Beitrag #6997
Zitat von Maga-neu im Beitrag #6996
Zitat von Willie im Beitrag #6995
Zitat von Maga-neu im Beitrag #6994
Zitat von Willie im Beitrag #6989
Zitat von Hans Bergman im Beitrag #6988
Zitat von Willie im Beitrag #6986
The youngest known child separated from his parents at the border under President Trump was only 4 months old.

Unglaublich. Nicht einmal auf ihr 4-monatiges Kind nimmt dieses Gesindel Rücksicht, wenn es sich auf den illegalen Weg über die Grenze macht.
Ist eigentlich bekannt, wieviele tote Kinder unter den Kollateralschäden waren, die Obamas Drohnen forderten?

Es ist immer wieder erstaunlich was Hass aus Menchen macht. Ganz erstaunlich.
Andererseits gilt schliesslich auch, dass Trumski's Karriere davon lebt. Es sind Millionen, die so in ihrem Hass inspiriert weden, dass sie ihm nachlaufen. Es ist immer und ueberall das Gleiche.

Es hat nichts mit Hass zu tun, wenn Hans darauf hinweist, dass eine solch strapaziöse und gefährliche Reise durch eines der weltweit gefährlichsten Länder der Welt, Mexiko, für ein viermonatiges Kind wohl kaum das richtige ist und dass Eltern, die ihren Kindern so etwas zumuten, kaum imstande sind, ihrer Fürsorgepflicht nachzukommen. (Aber inzwischen ist ja über Gentests bekannt, dass viele Kinder gar nicht zu ihren vermeintlichen Eltern gehören.) Oder meinst du, diese Frau und dieses Kind sind bei diesem Mann richtig aufgehoben?

Es ist nichts als blinder Hass, gegruendet auf Angst. Hass und Angst, die auch den vermeindlich anstaendigen zum wilden Untier werden lassen koennen. Hass und Angst sind der Krebs, der alle noch uebrige Humanitaet in Menschen auffrisst.
Mit keinem einzigen Wort gehst du auf das ein, was ich geschrieben habe - übrigens ohne jeden Hass und jede Angst:
Sind Eltern, die viermonatigen Säuglingen diese Reise zumuten, imstande, ihrer Erziehungspflicht gerecht zu werden?
Wäre schön, wenn ich darauf eine Antwort statt eines Sermons bekäme...

“At least during [our] internment, we remained a family, and I credit that alone for keeping the scars of our unjust imprisonment from deepening on my soul.”
-George Takei-

Okay, immer noch keine Antwort, wie auch beim Thema late-term abortion. The silence is quite telling...

Du kannst dir dein ablenkendes Geroechel sparen, ich werde dir den Gefallen nicht tun.

Wer ein vier Monate altes Baby seiner Mutter wegnimmt -zur "Abschreckung" und nur um Terror zu praktizieren- dafuer gibt es keine Rechtfertigung. Null. Nur darum geht es.
Und jeder Versuch das irgendwie wegzureden oder nebensaechlich werden zu lassen, praktiziert Komplizenschaft. Das sind deine Postings hier.
And that is quite telling.

Keine Komplizenschaft, nur eine Frage. Ich denke auch nicht, dass es darum geht, "Terror zu praktizieren". Von diesen hysterischen Vermutungen halte ich nichts.

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RE: Trump

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 16.06.2019 20:31
von Willie (gelöscht)

Zitat von Willie im Beitrag #6998
New Proof Surfaces That Family Separation Was About Deterrence and Punishment
Newly obtained government documents reveal that the underlying intent of the Trump administration’s brutal practice of separating migrant families at the border was, in fact, to deter additional immigration and asylum petitions. This is significant, because Trump administration officials have earlier claimed that the forcible separations were mandated by law (thus necessitating congressional action to end the policy) or compelled by “national security” concerns. We now know neither of these purported justifications is true—this was nothing short of a deliberate policy choice to brutalize parents and their children in order to stop others from seeking refuge in the United States. This strengthens the argument I made in an earlier post that the family separation policy is a form of torture for both parents and their children.

Inflicting maximum pain is the purpose. The inhumanity, embedded within the insanity of the malignant narcissists and psychopaths when dealing with the vulnerable.
The cruelty. The enjoyment of practicing cruelty is the driver and means.

And hate and angst make otherwise normal people excusing it on their behalf. It is always the same.

Sadisten und Verbrecher.

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RE: Trump

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 16.06.2019 21:39
von Willie (gelöscht)

The Belief That Trump Is a Messiah Is Rampant and Dangerous
When a leader is seen as infallible, supporters become disciples.

Psychologists have explained quite a lot about Donald Trump’s political invincibility and the unconditional allegiance of his followers. One well-supported explanation is that the president keeps his base loyal by keeping them fearful. Through persistent fear-mongering, with scary messages like, “Illegal immigrants are murderers and rapists,” and “Islam hates us,” Trump gets to play the role of the great protector.

But there is another major reason why Trump loyalists do not waver no matter how he behaves or what scandals come to light. For most evangelicals, it is not only fear that keeps them in line, but it is also faith. As a cognitive psychology researcher who has been writing about the science underlying Trump’s unshakable support since he began his presidential campaign, I have learned—through comments, emails, and discussion forums—that a significant portion of his supporters literally believe the president was an answer to their prayers. He is regarded as something of a messiah, sent by God to protect a Christian nation. ....

...What is most ironic about it all, but I suppose not entirely unexpected, is the fact that Trump’s behavior and positions are far more un-Christ-like than those of the average politician on either side of the aisle. The many infidelities, the lack of compassion for the less fortunate, the lewd comments, the blatant lying—the list of ‘ungodly’ acts is a long one. But because they believe he was an answer to their prayers, they are willing to excuse every bit of it.

When you believe that someone is truly a godsend, you can excuse anything. It all becomes “for the greater good.” And when that happens, it is a slippery slope to gross abuses of power that continuously increase in magnitude.

zuletzt bearbeitet 16.06.2019 21:43 | nach oben springen


RE: Trump

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 16.06.2019 22:14
von Willie (gelöscht)

Found on Quora:
Why do liberals think Trump supporters are stupid?

The following is by Florida writer Adam-Troy Castro
An anguished question from a Trump supporter: "Why do liberals think Trump supporters are stupid?"

The serious answer: Here’s what we really think about Trump supporters - the rich, the poor, the malignant and the innocently well-meaning, the ones who think and the ones who don't...
That when you saw a man who had owned a fraudulent University, intent on scamming poor people, you thought "Fine."
That when you saw a man who had made it his business practice to stiff his creditors, you said, "Okay."
That when you heard him proudly brag about his own history of sexual abuse, you said, "No problem."
That when he made up stories about seeing Muslim-Americans in the thousands cheering the destruction of the World Trade Center, you said, "Not an issue."
That when you saw him brag that he could shoot a man on Fifth Avenue and you wouldn't care, you chirped, "He sure knows me."
That when you heard him illustrate his own character by telling that cute story about the elderly guest bleeding on the floor at his country club, the story about how he turned his back and how it has all an imposition on him, you said, "That's cool!"
That when you saw him mock the disabled, you thought it was the funniest thing you ever saw.
That when you heard him brag that he doesn't read books, you said, "Well, who has time?"
That when the Central Park Five were compensated as innocent men convicted of a crime they didn't commit, and he angrily said that they should still be in prison, you said, "That makes sense."
That when you heard him tell his supporters to beat up protesters and that he would hire attorneys, you thought, "Yes!"
That when you heard him tell one rally to confiscate a man's coat before throwing him out into the freezing cold, you said, "What a great guy!"
That you have watched the parade of neo-Nazis and white supremacists with whom he curries favor, while refusing to condemn outright Nazis, and you have said, "Thumbs up!"
That you hear him unable to talk to foreign dignitaries without insulting their countries and demanding that they praise his electoral win, you said, "That's the way I want my President to be."
That you have watched him remove expertise from all layers of government in favor of people who make money off of eliminating protections in the industries they're supposed to be regulating and you have said, "What a genius!"
That you have heard him continue to profit from his businesses, in part by leveraging his position as President, to the point of overcharging the Secret Service for space in the properties he owns, and you have said, "That's smart!"
That you have heard him say that it was difficult to help Puerto Rico because it was the middle of water and you have said, "That makes sense."
That you have seen him start fights with every country from Canada to New Zealand while praising Russia and quote, "falling in love" with the dictator of North Korea, and you have said, "That's statesmanship!"
That Trump separated children from their families and put them in cages, managed to lose track of 1500 kids. has opened a tent city incarceration camp in the desert in Texas - he explains that they’re just “animals” - and you say, “well, ok then.”
That you have witnessed all the thousand and one other manifestations of corruption and low moral character and outright animalistic rudeness and contempt for you, the working American voter, and you still show up grinning and wearing your MAGA hats and threatening to beat up anybody who says otherwise.

What you don't get, Trump supporters in 2019, is that succumbing to frustration and thinking of you as stupid may be wrong and unhelpful, but it's also...hear me...charitable.
Because if you're NOT stupid, we must turn to other explanations, and most of them are less flattering.

Thanks Adam. It could not be explained clearer and in more simple terms.

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RE: Trump

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 17.06.2019 00:12
von Willie (gelöscht)

David Frum@davidfrum
The US military is not briefing the US president on major cyber warfare operations against a hostile foreign power because they do not trust the president not to betray those operations to that hostile foreign power.
7:14 PM - 15 Jun 2019

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RE: Trump

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 17.06.2019 10:37
von Maga-neu | 35.180 Beiträge

Willie, du kannst beruhigt sein - Trump wird die Wahl 2020 ganz sicher verlieren und vernichtend geschlagen werden mit null Stimmen im electoral college.

The US is becoming totally blue... (7:50)

zuletzt bearbeitet 17.06.2019 10:39 | nach oben springen


RE: Trump

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 17.06.2019 12:21
von Willie (gelöscht)


He is relishing in cruelty. And his base roars in approval. They enjoy it too.

zuletzt bearbeitet 17.06.2019 12:31 | nach oben springen


RE: Trump

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 17.06.2019 16:43
von Willie (gelöscht)


And they love him saying it. The base roars in delight.

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RE: Trump

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 17.06.2019 16:52
von Maga-neu | 35.180 Beiträge


Hypocrites of the Democratic Party, unite!

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RE: Trump

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 17.06.2019 17:08
von Willie (gelöscht)

Juan Williams: Trump's incredible shrinking GOP

There’s a Grand Canyon between each party’s voters.
The Trump party suffers from a staggering lack of racial diversity and a dearth of young people. It also fares startlingly badly with educated people.

According to a report released this month by Public Opinion Strategies, based on NBC News–Wall Street Journal data, whites without college degrees now comprise an outright majority of all people who identify as Republicans.

In 2012, 48 percent of Republicans were non-college-educated whites. By 2018, with Trump as president, that figure had risen to 59 percent.

In 2012, 40 percent of Republicans were college-educated whites. In 2018, under Trump’s leadership, that number had fallen to just 29 percent.

In the 2018 midterms, Republicans lost white voters with a college education by 8 percentage points. They won among whites without a college education by 24 percentage points. ...


"I love the poorly educated. We’re the smartest people, we’re the most loyal people." -Trump

And the crowd roared.

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RE: Trump

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 17.06.2019 21:52
von Maga-neu | 35.180 Beiträge
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RE: Trump

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 17.06.2019 23:54
von Willie (gelöscht)

China’s Xi calls Putin his ‘best friend’ against a backdrop of souring US relations
Chinese President Xi Jinping has described Russian President Vladimir Putin as his “best friend” during a three day state-visit to Russia.
“In the past six years, we have met nearly 30 times. Russia is the country that I have visited the most times, and President Putin is my best friend and colleague,” Xi said at a press conference Wednesday afternoon.

Russia and China appear to be intent on strengthening their alliance and fostering deeper cooperation in the face of increased political and economic hostility from the U.S. That bid to strengthen bilateral ties continues this week with Xi visiting the country for top-level talks with Putin.

Welcoming Xi to the Kremlin on Wednesday, Putin said ties between Russia and China stood at “an unprecedented level.” Xi echoed that sentiment by saying that the countries’ relations had withstood “trials and tribulations” over the years and were now better than ever.
“We’ve managed to take our relationship to the highest level in our history,” Xi said. “We will continue to improve our ties and we are ready to go hand in hand with you,” he told Putin at the leaders’ initial meeting that was broadcast online.

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RE: Trump

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 18.06.2019 07:20
von nahal | 24.482 Beiträge

Trump startet seinen Wahlkampf in Florida.
Und NUR etwa über 120.000 Menschen wollen dabei sein.
Das ist verdammt wenig im Vergleich zu Bidens 85 Zuschauern.

Die Geschichte wiederholt sich.

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RE: Trump

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 18.06.2019 07:39
von Hans Bergman | 23.327 Beiträge

Zitat von nahal im Beitrag #7013
Trump startet seinen Wahlkampf in Florida.
Und NUR etwa über 120.000 Menschen wollen dabei sein.
Das ist verdammt wenig im Vergleich zu Bidens 85 Zuschauern.

Die Geschichte wiederholt sich.

Der Unterschied:
Biden wird sagen, es waren 85.
Trump wird sagen, es waren über 700.000.

zuletzt bearbeitet 18.06.2019 07:39 | nach oben springen


RE: Trump

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 18.06.2019 08:13
von nahal | 24.482 Beiträge

Zitat von Hans Bergman im Beitrag #7014
Zitat von nahal im Beitrag #7013
Trump startet seinen Wahlkampf in Florida.
Und NUR etwa über 120.000 Menschen wollen dabei sein.
Das ist verdammt wenig im Vergleich zu Bidens 85 Zuschauern.

Die Geschichte wiederholt sich.

Der Unterschied:
Biden wird sagen, es waren 85.
Trump wird sagen, es waren über 700.000.

Was bleibt:
85 und über 120.000

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RE: Trump

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 18.06.2019 09:29
von nahal | 24.482 Beiträge

Zitat von nahal im Beitrag #7013
Trump startet seinen Wahlkampf in Florida.
Und NUR etwa über 120.000 Menschen wollen dabei sein.
Das ist verdammt wenig im Vergleich zu Bidens 85 Zuschauern.

Die Geschichte wiederholt sich.

Das erinnert mich an 2016.
Ich fuhr auf den Strassen von Ost-Fla zwischen Naples und Ft-Myers. Überall an den Vorgärten Zeichen Pro-Trump, kaum Hillary.

Aber in den Medien stand es genau umgekehrt.

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RE: Trump

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 18.06.2019 09:53
von Maga-neu | 35.180 Beiträge

Zitat von nahal im Beitrag #7016
Zitat von nahal im Beitrag #7013
Trump startet seinen Wahlkampf in Florida.
Und NUR etwa über 120.000 Menschen wollen dabei sein.
Das ist verdammt wenig im Vergleich zu Bidens 85 Zuschauern.

Die Geschichte wiederholt sich.

Das erinnert mich an 2016.
Ich fuhr auf den Strassen von Ost-Fla zwischen Naples und Ft-Myers. Überall an den Vorgärten Zeichen Pro-Trump, kaum Hillary.

Aber in den Medien stand es genau umgekehrt.
Das Beste an der Wahlnacht - ich zappte zwischen CNN und ARD - waren die zunehmend längeren Gesichter der Journalisten und "Experten".

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RE: Trump

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 18.06.2019 10:32
von nahal | 24.482 Beiträge

Zitat von Maga-neu im Beitrag #7017
Zitat von nahal im Beitrag #7016
Zitat von nahal im Beitrag #7013
Trump startet seinen Wahlkampf in Florida.
Und NUR etwa über 120.000 Menschen wollen dabei sein.
Das ist verdammt wenig im Vergleich zu Bidens 85 Zuschauern.

Die Geschichte wiederholt sich.

Das erinnert mich an 2016.
Ich fuhr auf den Strassen von Ost-Fla zwischen Naples und Ft-Myers. Überall an den Vorgärten Zeichen Pro-Trump, kaum Hillary.

Aber in den Medien stand es genau umgekehrt.
Das Beste an der Wahlnacht - ich zappte zwischen CNN und ARD - waren die zunehmend längeren Gesichter der Journalisten und "Experten".

Werde nie vergessen, wie Wolf Blitzer total perplex war und ständig King fragte:
-Gibt es noch eine Möglichkeit????

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RE: Trump

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 18.06.2019 10:47
von Maga-neu | 35.180 Beiträge

Zitat von nahal im Beitrag #7018
Zitat von Maga-neu im Beitrag #7017
Zitat von nahal im Beitrag #7016
Zitat von nahal im Beitrag #7013
Trump startet seinen Wahlkampf in Florida.
Und NUR etwa über 120.000 Menschen wollen dabei sein.
Das ist verdammt wenig im Vergleich zu Bidens 85 Zuschauern.

Die Geschichte wiederholt sich.

Das erinnert mich an 2016.
Ich fuhr auf den Strassen von Ost-Fla zwischen Naples und Ft-Myers. Überall an den Vorgärten Zeichen Pro-Trump, kaum Hillary.

Aber in den Medien stand es genau umgekehrt.
Das Beste an der Wahlnacht - ich zappte zwischen CNN und ARD - waren die zunehmend längeren Gesichter der Journalisten und "Experten".

Werde nie vergessen, wie Wolf Blitzer total perplex war und ständig King fragte:
-Gibt es noch eine Möglichkeit????
Später sah die "The Young Turks", wo mit Fassungslosigkeit die Meldungen der Presse verlesen wurden: "Die NYT berichtet, die Chance, dass Trump Präsident wird, liegt bei 68, 83, 94%." Herrlich.

Hier, zum Thema Kalifornien - ich weiß ja, dass Willie Tucker liebt:

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RE: Trump

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 18.06.2019 11:20
von Willie (gelöscht)

Word from the Pastor:

If Trump Derangement Syndrome is Real—Trump Has it.

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RE: Trump

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 18.06.2019 11:25
von Willie (gelöscht)

Zitat von Willie im Beitrag #7004
Found on Quora:
Why do liberals think Trump supporters are stupid?

The following is by Florida writer Adam-Troy Castro
An anguished question from a Trump supporter: "Why do liberals think Trump supporters are stupid?"

The serious answer: Here’s what we really think about Trump supporters - the rich, the poor, the malignant and the innocently well-meaning, the ones who think and the ones who don't...
That when you saw a man who had owned a fraudulent University, intent on scamming poor people, you thought "Fine."
That when you saw a man who had made it his business practice to stiff his creditors, you said, "Okay."
That when you heard him proudly brag about his own history of sexual abuse, you said, "No problem."
That when he made up stories about seeing Muslim-Americans in the thousands cheering the destruction of the World Trade Center, you said, "Not an issue."
That when you saw him brag that he could shoot a man on Fifth Avenue and you wouldn't care, you chirped, "He sure knows me."
That when you heard him illustrate his own character by telling that cute story about the elderly guest bleeding on the floor at his country club, the story about how he turned his back and how it has all an imposition on him, you said, "That's cool!"
That when you saw him mock the disabled, you thought it was the funniest thing you ever saw.
That when you heard him brag that he doesn't read books, you said, "Well, who has time?"
That when the Central Park Five were compensated as innocent men convicted of a crime they didn't commit, and he angrily said that they should still be in prison, you said, "That makes sense."
That when you heard him tell his supporters to beat up protesters and that he would hire attorneys, you thought, "Yes!"
That when you heard him tell one rally to confiscate a man's coat before throwing him out into the freezing cold, you said, "What a great guy!"
That you have watched the parade of neo-Nazis and white supremacists with whom he curries favor, while refusing to condemn outright Nazis, and you have said, "Thumbs up!"
That you hear him unable to talk to foreign dignitaries without insulting their countries and demanding that they praise his electoral win, you said, "That's the way I want my President to be."
That you have watched him remove expertise from all layers of government in favor of people who make money off of eliminating protections in the industries they're supposed to be regulating and you have said, "What a genius!"
That you have heard him continue to profit from his businesses, in part by leveraging his position as President, to the point of overcharging the Secret Service for space in the properties he owns, and you have said, "That's smart!"
That you have heard him say that it was difficult to help Puerto Rico because it was the middle of water and you have said, "That makes sense."
That you have seen him start fights with every country from Canada to New Zealand while praising Russia and quote, "falling in love" with the dictator of North Korea, and you have said, "That's statesmanship!"
That Trump separated children from their families and put them in cages, managed to lose track of 1500 kids. has opened a tent city incarceration camp in the desert in Texas - he explains that they’re just “animals” - and you say, “well, ok then.”
That you have witnessed all the thousand and one other manifestations of corruption and low moral character and outright animalistic rudeness and contempt for you, the working American voter, and you still show up grinning and wearing your MAGA hats and threatening to beat up anybody who says otherwise.

What you don't get, Trump supporters in 2019, is that succumbing to frustration and thinking of you as stupid may be wrong and unhelpful, but it's also...hear me...charitable.
Because if you're NOT stupid, we must turn to other explanations, and most of them are less flattering.

Thanks Adam. It could not be explained clearer and in more simple terms.

Every word of it is true.

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RE: Trump

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 18.06.2019 14:57
von Willie (gelöscht)

Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump
FoxNews Polls are always bad for me. They were against Crooked Hillary also.
Something weird going on at Fox. Our polls show us leading in all 17 Swing States.
For the record, I didn’t spend 30 hours with abcnews, but rather a tiny fraction of that.
More Fake News BretBaier
4:49 PM - 17 Jun 2019

Now trumski is calling Fox News "fake news" for reporting unfavorable polling done for trumski. 😂

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RE: Trump

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 18.06.2019 15:15
von Willie (gelöscht)

Polls Show Israel Advocacy Is Divorced From What Most American Jews Want
A set of new polls show American voters place little value on Israel when determining how to vote, and are far more concerned about rising anti-Semitism at home.

... Just as Tree of Life 40 years ago advanced Jewish issues that mattered most to American Jews at the time — Israel, Soviet Jewry, and recovery from the Holocaust — it now symbolizes the issues that matter most to American Jews today: combatting rising anti-Semitism here at home; supporting diversity and inclusion; and promoting peace.

That same Jewish Electoral Institute poll that found Israel ranked 16th out of 16 for American Jews also found that 73 percent of Jewish voters believed they were less secure here at home than they were two years ago, and nearly 60 percent believed the President bore at least some responsibility for the shootings at synagogues in Pittsburgh and Poway, California. ...

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RE: Trump

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 18.06.2019 16:22
von Landegaard | 21.067 Beiträge

Zitat von nahal im Beitrag #7013
Trump startet seinen Wahlkampf in Florida.
Und NUR etwa über 120.000 Menschen wollen dabei sein.
Das ist verdammt wenig im Vergleich zu Bidens 85 Zuschauern.

Die Geschichte wiederholt sich.

Solche Gruppengrößen werden nicht mehr nach Anzahl der Teilnehmer berechnet, sondern wieviele Geschlechter, Sexualpräferenzen und Ethnien anwesend sind. Und ja, Frauen werden mit 4 multipliziert, Feministinnen x6, Männer älter 60 und weiß führen zu -2 Teilnehmern.

Sollte bei Biden nach neuer Methode gezählt worden sein und bei Trump nur nach Personenzahl, sind die Zahlen nicht vergleichbar. Höchstwahrscheinlich sind 85 letztlich aber die höhere Zahl.

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RE: Trump

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 18.06.2019 18:24
von Landegaard | 21.067 Beiträge

Zitat von Willie im Beitrag #6991
Franklin Graham: 'I think God was behind the last election'
Evangelist Franklin Graham said in an interview that divine intervention might be the reason President Trump won in 2016.

“I think God was behind the last election,” Graham told conservative news site The Western Journal,

The outspoken Trump supporter praised the president in an interview, bragging that the president has accomplished a lot “without a fully supportive Republican majority.”
“He, of course, has been able to do it with the relentless attacks of the Democrats,” Graham continued. “He may go down in history as one of the best presidents we’ve had.”

The Christian leader has previously cited Trump’s polices as proof that the president defends the Christian faith.
“I think he has honored his commitments to the faith-based community,” Graham told the outlet. “He is pro-life, [the] first president really in my lifetime that has been this vocal about life. I certainly appreciate that about him.”

Diese Verfuehrer reden nicht nur jeden Tag mehr wie seinerzeit die Nazis in Deutschland, die werden auch immer mehr wie die Mullahs im Iran.

Schwachköpfe reden Schwachsinn. Das ist nicht nur im Iran der Fall, das ist überall so und war auch immer schon so.

Insbesondere die Vereinnahmung von Gott für den ganz persönlichen Schwachsinn ist ein verdammt alter Hut, sogar älter als der Islam. Davon ist immer das gleiche zu halten: Nichts.

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