
RE: Trump

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 19.06.2019 23:45
von Willie (gelöscht)

Senate Confirms Judge Who Attacked Roe v. Wade, Called Being Transgender ‘A Delusion’
Susan Collins was the only Republican who voted against making Matthew Kacsmaryk a lifetime federal judge.

Die Taliban installieren ihre Richter.

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RE: Trump

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 20.06.2019 13:50
von Maga-neu | 35.183 Beiträge


Die Ein-Million-Euro-Frage:
CNN vergleicht Trump mit
a) Mahatma Gandhi
b) Winston Churchill
c) Abraham Lincoln
d) Adolf Hitler

Wie sagte einer der Journalisten: "The Nazi stuff is an obsession with the Democrats."
Wer wollte dem widersprechen, wo wir hier im Blog doch fast tägliche Beweise geliefert bekommen?

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RE: Trump

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 20.06.2019 13:52
von Maga-neu | 35.183 Beiträge

Nazi-Vergleich, der ....ste...


AOC hat einmal mehr einen schlagenden Beweis ihrer Intelligenz geliefert.

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RE: Trump

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 20.06.2019 15:33
von Willie (gelöscht)
zuletzt bearbeitet 20.06.2019 15:39 | nach oben springen


RE: Trump

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 20.06.2019 15:36
von Willie (gelöscht)

Concentration Camp Expert Doubles Down: ‘Same Thing’ Happening At Southern Border
Andrea Pitzer defended Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez’s controversial tweet referring to immigrant detention centers as concentration camps.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s (D-N.Y.) controversial comments likening U.S. immigrant detention centers at the southern border to “concentration camps” aren’t inaccurate, a concentration camp expert and author said Tuesday.

What the U.S. is doing at the U.S.-Mexico border today by detaining hundreds of thousands of undocumented immigrants and children “fits very cleanly” inside the historical definition of concentration camps, Pitzer argued.
Such barbaric facilities existed decades before the creation of Auschwitz and other Nazi Germany political prisons, where millions of Jewish people were murdered in the Holocaust during World War II, she noted.
Though the term “concentration camp” today often elicits images of Holocaust death camps, it’s also been used historically to refer to the mass detention of people, often political prisoners or members of a persecuted minority group, without trial.

“What’s required is a little bit of demystification of it,” Waitman Wade Beorn, a Holocaust and genocide studies expert, told the outlet. “Things can be concentration camps without being Dachau or Auschwitz.”

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RE: Trump

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 20.06.2019 15:58
von Willie (gelöscht)

Nazis separated me from my parents as a child. The trauma lasts a lifetime
I know from experience that the Trump-sanctioned brutality at the US border with Mexico will scar its child victims for life

The events occurring now on our border with Mexico, where children are being removed from the arms of their mothers and fathers and sent to foster families or “shelters”, make me weep and gnash my teeth with sadness and rage. I know what they are going through. When we were children, my two siblings and I were also taken from our parents. And the problems we’ve experienced since then portend the terrible things that many of these children are bound to suffer.

My family was Jewish, living in 1942 in the Netherlands when the country was occupied by the Nazis. We children were sent into hiding, with foster families who risked arrest and death by taking us in. They protected us, they loved us, and we were extremely lucky to have survived the war and been well cared for.

Yet the lasting damage inflicted by that separation reverberates to this day, decades hence.
"Have you heard the screams and seen the panic of a three-year-old when it has lost sight of its mother in a supermarket? That scream subsides when mother reappears around the end of the aisle."

This is my brother writing in recent years. He tries to deal with his lasting pain through memoir. It’s been 76 years, yet he revisits the separation obsessively. He still writes about it in the present tense:
"In the first home I scream for six weeks. Then I am moved to another family, and I stop screaming. I give up. Nothing around me is known to me. All those around me are strangers. I have no past. I have no future. I have no identity. I am nowhere. I am frozen in fear. It is the only emotion I possess now. As a three-year-old child, I believe that I must have made some terrible mistake to have caused my known world to disappear. I spend the rest of my life trying desperately not to make another mistake."


zuletzt bearbeitet 20.06.2019 15:59 | nach oben springen


RE: Trump

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 20.06.2019 16:17
von Maga-neu | 35.183 Beiträge

Zitat von Willie im Beitrag #7055
Concentration Camp Expert Doubles Down: ‘Same Thing’ Happening At Southern Border
Andrea Pitzer defended Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez’s controversial tweet referring to immigrant detention centers as concentration camps.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s (D-N.Y.) controversial comments likening U.S. immigrant detention centers at the southern border to “concentration camps” aren’t inaccurate, a concentration camp expert and author said Tuesday.

What the U.S. is doing at the U.S.-Mexico border today by detaining hundreds of thousands of undocumented immigrants and children “fits very cleanly” inside the historical definition of concentration camps, Pitzer argued.
Such barbaric facilities existed decades before the creation of Auschwitz and other Nazi Germany political prisons, where millions of Jewish people were murdered in the Holocaust during World War II, she noted.
Though the term “concentration camp” today often elicits images of Holocaust death camps, it’s also been used historically to refer to the mass detention of people, often political prisoners or members of a persecuted minority group, without trial.

“What’s required is a little bit of demystification of it,” Waitman Wade Beorn, a Holocaust and genocide studies expert, told the outlet. “Things can be concentration camps without being Dachau or Auschwitz.”

Wieder bullshit, dieses Mal von einem "concentration camp expert" - ich wusste gar nicht, dass es so etwas gibt.
Die ersten KZ wurden von den Briten gegründet - im Burenkrieg in Südafrika. Die Mortalität war angesichts der miserablen hygienischen Zustände extrem hoch und raffte viele burische Frauen und Kinder hinweg.
Dann bauten - muss ich leider zugeben - die Italiener im Libyenkrieg gegen Omar Al-Mukhtar und seinen Beduinenkrieger KZ. Auch hier war die Mortalitätsrate sehr hoch.

Selbst wenn man die Vernichtungslager der Nazis ausklammert, ist die Behauptung, die USA unterhielten KZ, völlig absurd.

zuletzt bearbeitet 20.06.2019 16:18 | nach oben springen


RE: Trump

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 20.06.2019 16:18
von Maga-neu | 35.183 Beiträge

Zitat von Willie im Beitrag #7054


Toll, zwei Vollspackos als "Beweis" dafür, dass Trump ein Nazi ist. :-)

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RE: Trump

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 20.06.2019 16:26
von Nadine | 3.633 Beiträge

Trump mag zuweilen einen an der Waffel haben. Ein Nazi ist er aber nicht. Er macht das meiste sehr bewusst so wie er das tut.

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RE: Trump

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 20.06.2019 16:43
von Willie (gelöscht)

Trumski ist ein malignanter Narzisst. Ich wies des oefteren darauf hin.
Was das alles repraesentiert, darueber kann sich jeder selbst informieren. Dazu nur soviel: Es geht ihm nur um sich selbst. Und dazu ist ihm jedes -wirklich jedes- Mittel recht. Jedes.

Als ein Mittel zur Machterreichung bedient er sich maechtiger Seilschaften und Strukturen:
Er bedient alle nazistische Sentiments. Die Nazis des Landes verstehen die Botschaft wohl und enthusiastisch. Und er geniesst es.
Er bedient die fanatisch religioesen Sentiments der moechtegern evangelikalen Taliban. Die verstehen die Botschaft wohl und enthusiastisch. Und er geniesst es.

Und das Gebraeu liefert das Fundament fuer einen Nazi-Staat. Solange trumski dem vorstehen kann, ist dem voellig egal welche coleur das System unter ihm hat. Er will sein wie Putin, Kim Jon Un und all die anderen mit aehnlichen diktatorischen Machtbefugnissen. Ausschliesslich wegen sich selbst.

Es sind aber die obigen, die das System zu gestalten versuchen. Was, wie schon gesagt, trumski am Arsch vorbei geht. Wieviele Menschenleben dadurch zerstoert werden, uebrigens auch.

Das Konzept und die Konstellationen rafft natuerlich noch lange nicht jeder. Auch klar.

zuletzt bearbeitet 20.06.2019 16:49 | nach oben springen


RE: Trump

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 20.06.2019 16:58
von Willie (gelöscht)

NY Times publisher writes op-ed in Wall Street Journal to defend the free press
The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal are arch-rivals. The two papers compete for scoops, subscribers and advertisers on a minute-by-minute basis. So Journal readers may do a double-take when they see an op-ed from the publisher of The Times in Thursday's Journal.

The subject: President Trump's increasingly extreme rhetorical attacks against the news media.
It is a remarkable show of solidarity — especially since The Journal's opinion pages are relatively supportive of Trump. And it is part of a broader effort across the news industry to stand up for First Amendment values.
Times publisher A.G. Sulzberger was moved to write the op-ed after Trump accused the paper of committing a "virtual act of treason" last weekend.
Trump objected to an exclusive story in The Times about the United States ramping up cyber attacks against Russia's power grid. He said the story was "not true" but also, somehow, "treasonous."

Soweit sind wir schon.

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RE: Trump

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 20.06.2019 17:04
von Maga-neu | 35.183 Beiträge

Zitat von Willie im Beitrag #7060
Trumski ist ein malignanter Narzisst. Ich wies des oefteren darauf hin.
Was das alles repraesentiert, darueber kann sich jeder selbst informieren. Dazu nur soviel: Es geht ihm nur um sich selbst. Und dazu ist ihm jedes -wirklich jedes- Mittel recht. Jedes.

Als ein Mittel zur Machterreichung bedient er sich maechtiger Seilschaften und Strukturen:
Er bedient alle nazistische Sentiments. Die Nazis des Landes verstehen die Botschaft wohl und enthusiastisch. Und er geniesst es.
Er bedient die fanatisch religioesen Sentiments der moechtegern evangelikalen Taliban. Die verstehen die Botschaft wohl und enthusiastisch. Und er geniesst es.

Und das Gebraeu liefert das Fundament fuer einen Nazi-Staat. Solange trumski dem vorstehen kann, ist dem voellig egal welche coleur das System unter ihm hat. Er will sein wie Putin, Kim Jon Un und all die anderen mit aehnlichen diktatorischen Machtbefugnissen. Ausschliesslich wegen sich selbst.

Es sind aber die obigen, die das System zu gestalten versuchen. Was, wie schon gesagt, trumski am Arsch vorbei geht. Wieviele Menschenleben dadurch zerstoert werden, uebrigens auch.

Das Konzept und die Konstellationen rafft natuerlich noch lange nicht jeder. Auch klar.

Ach, Willie, lies einfach mal ein Buch über den NS-Staat, über Hitler, über die Ideologie des Nationalsozialismus. Auf dieser primitiven Grundlage ("moechtegern evangelikalen Taliban") lohnt sich eine Diskussion nicht.

Kleiner Hinweis: Es gab wenige Menschenheitsverbrecher, die in einem Atemzug mit Hitler genannt werden können - Stalin, Mao und Pol Pot fallen mir ein.

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RE: Trump

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 20.06.2019 17:14
von Willie (gelöscht)

Zitat von Maga-neu im Beitrag #7062
Zitat von Willie im Beitrag #7060
Trumski ist ein malignanter Narzisst. Ich wies des oefteren darauf hin.
Was das alles repraesentiert, darueber kann sich jeder selbst informieren. Dazu nur soviel: Es geht ihm nur um sich selbst. Und dazu ist ihm jedes -wirklich jedes- Mittel recht. Jedes.

Als ein Mittel zur Machterreichung bedient er sich maechtiger Seilschaften und Strukturen:
Er bedient alle nazistische Sentiments. Die Nazis des Landes verstehen die Botschaft wohl und enthusiastisch. Und er geniesst es.
Er bedient die fanatisch religioesen Sentiments der moechtegern evangelikalen Taliban. Die verstehen die Botschaft wohl und enthusiastisch. Und er geniesst es.

Und das Gebraeu liefert das Fundament fuer einen Nazi-Staat. Solange trumski dem vorstehen kann, ist dem voellig egal welche coleur das System unter ihm hat. Er will sein wie Putin, Kim Jon Un und all die anderen mit aehnlichen diktatorischen Machtbefugnissen. Ausschliesslich wegen sich selbst.

Es sind aber die obigen, die das System zu gestalten versuchen. Was, wie schon gesagt, trumski am Arsch vorbei geht. Wieviele Menschenleben dadurch zerstoert werden, uebrigens auch.

Das Konzept und die Konstellationen rafft natuerlich noch lange nicht jeder. Auch klar.

Ach, Willie, lies einfach mal ein Buch über den NS-Staat, über Hitler, über die Ideologie des Nationalsozialismus. Auf dieser primitiven Grundlage ("moechtegern evangelikalen Taliban") lohnt sich eine Diskussion nicht.

Kleiner Hinweis: Es gab wenige Menschenheitsverbrecher, die in einem Atemzug mit Hitler genannt werden können - Stalin, Mao und Pol Pot fallen mir ein.

Das haben wir doch schon laengst geklaert, dass fuer mich mit dir eine Diskussion nicht moeglich ist. Was soll das?

zuletzt bearbeitet 20.06.2019 17:24 | nach oben springen


RE: Trump

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 20.06.2019 20:58
von Willie (gelöscht)

Feds Tell 9th Circuit: Detained Kids ‘Safe and Sanitary’ Without Soap
he Trump administration argued in front of a Ninth Circuit panel Tuesday that the government is not required to give soap or toothbrushes to children apprehended at the U.S.-Mexico border and can have them sleep on concrete floors in frigid, overcrowded cells, despite a settlement agreement that requires detainees be kept in “safe and sanitary” facilities.

All three judges appeared incredulous during the hearing in San Francisco, in which the Trump administration challenged previous legal findings that it is violating a landmark class action settlement by mistreating undocumented immigrant children at U.S. detention facilities.

“You’re really going to stand up and tell us that being able to sleep isn’t a question of safe and sanitary conditions?'” U.S. Circuit Judge Marsha Berzon asked the Justice Department’s Sarah Fabian Tuesday.

U.S. Circuit Judge William Fletcher also questioned the government’s interpretation of the settlement agreement.

“Are you arguing seriously that you do not read the agreement as requiring you to do anything other than what I just described: cold all night long, lights on all night long, sleeping on concrete and you’ve got an aluminum foil blanket?” Fletcher asked Fabian. “I find that inconceivable that the government would say that that is safe and sanitary.”

Das sich gefallen in Grausamkeiten.

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RE: Trump

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 20.06.2019 21:01
von Willie (gelöscht)

It's official: Trump will give a taxpayer-funded 'salute' to himself on July 4
Trump is hijacking the National Mall to celebrate himself, rather than America, on Independence Day.

Der Fuehrer feiert sich selbst.

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RE: Trump

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 20.06.2019 21:28
von Maga-neu | 35.183 Beiträge

NBC NEWS: Hillary Clinton covered up pedophile ring at State Department. Was swept under the rug, now people are starting to question again.

NBC, nicht die bösen Buben von Fox News...

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RE: Trump

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 20.06.2019 22:05
von Maga-neu | 35.183 Beiträge


The crooks (Koch Brothers, Anti Defamation League, parts of the Republican party) stick together.

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RE: Trump

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 20.06.2019 22:10
von Willie (gelöscht)

India announces retaliatory trade tariffs against the US
India has said that, from Sunday, it will impose tariffs on 28 US products, including almonds and apples.

The new duties, some as high as 70%, are in response to Washington's refusal to exempt Delhi from higher taxes on steel and aluminium imports.

Earlier this month, US President Trump also announced the US was withdrawing India's preferential trade treatment.
Tariffs of up to 120% were announced by India in June last year, but trade talks had delayed their implementation.

Tensions have since been rising between the two countries. Last year, India retaliated against US tariff hikes on aluminium and steel by raising its own import duties on a range of goods.
President Trump has also threatened to impose sanctions if India purchases oil from Iran and if it goes ahead with plans to buy Russian S-400 anti-aircraft missiles.

The latest tariffs from India come just days before country's Foreign Minister, Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, is due to meet his US counterpart, Mike Pompeo, at a G20 summit in Japan. Mr Trump and India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi are also expected to hold talks.

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RE: Trump

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 20.06.2019 22:43
von Willie (gelöscht)

Lawyers claim dangerous situation at border detention site
A legal team that recently interviewed over 60 children at a Border Patrol station in Texas says a traumatic and dangerous situation is unfolding for some 250 infants, children and teens locked up for up to 27 days without adequate food, water and sanitation.

A team of attorneys who recently visited the facility near El Paso told The Associated Press that three girls, ages 10 to 15, said they had been taking turns keeping watch over a sick 2-year-old boy because there was no one else to look after him.

When the lawyers saw the 2-year-old boy, he wasn’t wearing a diaper and had wet his pants, and his shirt was smeared in mucus. They said at least 15 children at the facility had the flu, and some were kept in medical quarantine. Children told lawyers that they were fed uncooked frozen food or rice and had gone weeks without bathing or a clean change of clothes at the facility in Clint, in the desert scrubland some 25 miles southeast of El Paso.

“In my 22 years of doing visits with children in detention I have never heard of this level of inhumanity,” said Holly Cooper, an attorney who represents detained youth. “Seeing our country at this crucible moment where we have forsaken children and failed to see them as human is hopefully a wake up for this country to move toward change.”

Die Verantwortlichen sind Leute, die sich in der Grausamkeit, was sie den Kindern antun, gefallen. Genau wie die Nazis.

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RE: Trump

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 20.06.2019 22:43
von Willie (gelöscht)

Lawyers claim dangerous situation at border detention site
A legal team that recently interviewed over 60 children at a Border Patrol station in Texas says a traumatic and dangerous situation is unfolding for some 250 infants, children and teens locked up for up to 27 days without adequate food, water and sanitation.

A team of attorneys who recently visited the facility near El Paso told The Associated Press that three girls, ages 10 to 15, said they had been taking turns keeping watch over a sick 2-year-old boy because there was no one else to look after him.

When the lawyers saw the 2-year-old boy, he wasn’t wearing a diaper and had wet his pants, and his shirt was smeared in mucus. They said at least 15 children at the facility had the flu, and some were kept in medical quarantine. Children told lawyers that they were fed uncooked frozen food or rice and had gone weeks without bathing or a clean change of clothes at the facility in Clint, in the desert scrubland some 25 miles southeast of El Paso.

“In my 22 years of doing visits with children in detention I have never heard of this level of inhumanity,” said Holly Cooper, an attorney who represents detained youth. “Seeing our country at this crucible moment where we have forsaken children and failed to see them as human is hopefully a wake up for this country to move toward change.”

Die Verantwortlichen sind Leute, die sich in der Grausamkeit, was sie den Kindern antun, gefallen. Genau wie die Nazis.

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RE: Trump

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 20.06.2019 22:44
von Willie (gelöscht)

ICE Agents Left 5-Year-Old Children in a Parked Van for 39 Hours
In July of 2018, 37 detained migrant children boarded vans in Texas so they could be reunited with their parents at the Port Isobel Detention Center. But when they reached the Immigration and Customs Enforcement–run detention facility, they had to wait. And wait. It took 39 hours and two nights spent sleeping in vans for the last child to be processed and reunited with their family, with most of the 5- to 12-year-olds waiting at least 23 hours in the center's parking lot.

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RE: Trump

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 20.06.2019 22:45
von Willie (gelöscht)

How the Trump Administration's Border Camps Fit into the History of Concentration Camps
Andrea Pitzer, author of One Long Night: A Global History of Concentration Camps, examines the detentions of migrants in America.

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RE: Trump

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 20.06.2019 22:46
von Willie (gelöscht)

The Belief That Trump Is a Messiah Is Rampant and Dangerous
When a leader is seen as infallible, supporters become disciples.

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RE: Trump

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 21.06.2019 15:51
von Willie (gelöscht)

Christian prophet: Christians will spark ‘civil war’ if LGBT equality happens
The June 17 edition of The Jim Bakker Show was quite a doozy. Appearing with televangelist grifter and host Jim Bakker was Cindy and Mike Jacobs of the Generals International ministry.
While praising Trump’s godliness, Cindy Jacobs took a moment to warn viewers what would happen if the Senate votes to pass the Equality Act.
“We are are the voice preparing the way, and there does come a time, Jim, where things turn,” she said, speaking to Bakker. “You know, when suddenly the Lord say, ‘Okay, no more — I’m not gonna put up with this anymore.'”

““I said many years ago—and I took quite a lot of guff from the press about it—that we would even come to a place of civil war,” she said. “You try to take the Bible away and say that we cannot preach the gospel of the lord, Jesus Christ, there are millions of believers in America and I believe that would be the dumbest thing for them to do—because if they do that, or they pass this Equality Act, listen, there is going to be a shaking. There is going to be a shaking and Christians will rise up.” ...

During the same segment, Bakker asked her how Christians can support Trump when the things out of his mouth aren’t always so godly.
Not to worry she said, because Trump is “becoming more and more godly.”

zuletzt bearbeitet 21.06.2019 15:52 | nach oben springen


RE: Trump

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 21.06.2019 22:40
von Willie (gelöscht)

Christian Prophet: Those Who Call Me A False Prophet Are Endangering Their Lives
Self-proclaimed “firefighter prophet” Mark Taylor issued a warning to his critics who claim that he is not in fact a real prophet. Appearing on the “Daily Renegade” program over the weekend, Taylor said that those who deny he is a prophet are endangering their lives, adding that God will punish them as a result.

Taylor rose to fame as the subject of “The Trump Prophecy”, a film produced by students and faculty of Jerry Falwell’s Liberty University. As a firefighter, Taylor’s “prophecy” was that Trump would be elected President.

An Evangelical Christian dubbed a modern-day prophet by himself, Taylor has a long history of making prophecies that don’t come true. ...

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