
RE: Fox News -die gewollte Abkehr von Wahrheit und Vernunft. Propaganda, Demagogie und Machtpolitik.

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 10.12.2019 21:58
von Maga-neu | 35.255 Beiträge

Zitat von Willie im Beitrag #50
‘Disturbing’: Jewish Groups Slam Joe diGenova’s Return to Fox After Anti-Semitic Remarks
The pro-Trump lawyer disappeared from the network for a month after stirring outrage by claiming George Soros “controls” the State Department, but he was back on Monday night.

Conservative lawyers Joe diGenova and Victoria Toensing, two of President Donald Trump’s fiercest and most loyal TV defenders, returned Monday night to Fox airwaves—less than a month after diGenova sparked intense backlash from Jewish organizations by spewing anti-Semitic tropes during a Fox Business interview.

In several statements on Tuesday, groups like the Anti-Defamation League and J Street slammed diGenova’s return as “disturbing” and demonstrating Fox’s lack of “remorse” about what is said on its air. ...

Wenn du soooo besorgt bist wegen des Antisemitismus - weil jemand George Soros angreift -, um wieviel besorgter müsstest du sein wegen des offensichtlichen Antisemitismus der Labour Party:


"Ali Milani, a vice-president of the National Union of Students, allegedly stereotyped Jewish people as parsimonious with a tweet in 2012 that said: “Nah you won’t mate. It’ll cost u a pound #jew.” He also questioned Israel’s right to exist and called the TV presenter Piers Morgan a Zionist on social media. The remarks were widely reported last year."
Ali Milani - das ist der Herausforderer von Johnson in der constituency Uxbridge.

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RE: Fox News -die gewollte Abkehr von Wahrheit und Vernunft. Propaganda, Demagogie und Machtpolitik.

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 11.12.2019 20:36
von Willie (gelöscht)

Fox News Is Now a Threat to National Security
The network’s furthering of lies from foreign adversaries and flagrant disregard for the truth have gotten downright dangerous.

Monday’s split-screen drama, as the House Judiciary Committee weighed impeachment charges against President Trump and as the Justice Department’s inspector general released a 476-page report on the FBI’s handling of its 2016 investigation into Trump’s campaign, made one truth of the modern world inescapable: The lies and obfuscations forwarded ad infinitum on Fox News pose a dangerous threat to the national security of the United States.

The facts of both dramas were clear to objective viewers: In the one instance, there’s conclusive and surprisingly consistent evidence that President Trump pushed Ukraine to concoct dirt on a domestic political rival to affect the 2020 presidential election, and in the other, Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz found that the FBI was proper to investigate Trump’s dealings with Russia in the 2016 presidential campaign.

But that set of facts is not what anyone who was watching Fox News heard. Instead, Fox spent the night describing an upside-down world where the president’s enemies had spun a web of lies about Trump and Ukraine, even as Horowitz blew open the base corruption that has driven every attack on the president since 2016. ...

...John Harwood, long one of Washington’s most respected conservative voices in journalism, summed up Fox’s approach Monday night simply: “Lunacy.”

It’s worse than lunacy, though. Fox’s bubble reality creates a situation where it’s impossible to have the conversations and debate necessary to function as a democracy. Facts that are inconvenient to President Trump simply disappear down Fox News’ “memory hole,” as thoroughly as George Orwell could have imagined in 1984. ...


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RE: Fox News -die gewollte Abkehr von Wahrheit und Vernunft. Propaganda, Demagogie und Machtpolitik.

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 11.12.2019 21:16
von Maga-neu | 35.255 Beiträge

Zitat von Willie im Beitrag #52
Fox News Is Now a Threat to National Security
The network’s furthering of lies from foreign adversaries and flagrant disregard for the truth have gotten downright dangerous.

Monday’s split-screen drama, as the House Judiciary Committee weighed impeachment charges against President Trump and as the Justice Department’s inspector general released a 476-page report on the FBI’s handling of its 2016 investigation into Trump’s campaign, made one truth of the modern world inescapable: The lies and obfuscations forwarded ad infinitum on Fox News pose a dangerous threat to the national security of the United States.

The facts of both dramas were clear to objective viewers: In the one instance, there’s conclusive and surprisingly consistent evidence that President Trump pushed Ukraine to concoct dirt on a domestic political rival to affect the 2020 presidential election, and in the other, Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz found that the FBI was proper to investigate Trump’s dealings with Russia in the 2016 presidential campaign.

But that set of facts is not what anyone who was watching Fox News heard. Instead, Fox spent the night describing an upside-down world where the president’s enemies had spun a web of lies about Trump and Ukraine, even as Horowitz blew open the base corruption that has driven every attack on the president since 2016. ...

...John Harwood, long one of Washington’s most respected conservative voices in journalism, summed up Fox’s approach Monday night simply: “Lunacy.”

It’s worse than lunacy, though. Fox’s bubble reality creates a situation where it’s impossible to have the conversations and debate necessary to function as a democracy. Facts that are inconvenient to President Trump simply disappear down Fox News’ “memory hole,” as thoroughly as George Orwell could have imagined in 1984. ...



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RE: Fox News -die gewollte Abkehr von Wahrheit und Vernunft. Propaganda, Demagogie und Machtpolitik.

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 21.01.2020 15:31
von Willie (gelöscht)

Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance


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RE: Fox News -die gewollte Abkehr von Wahrheit und Vernunft. Propaganda, Demagogie und Machtpolitik.

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 17.03.2020 15:27
von Willie (gelöscht)

One Week After Calling Coronavirus an “Impeachment Scam,” Fox News Suddenly Shifts
“We have a responsibility to slow down this virus and to think of other people.”

After repeatedly dismissing the coronavirus pandemic as a liberal hoax designed to bring down the president, Fox News appears to have finally woken up to reality. On Tuesday, the network joined others in practicing on-air social distancing, telling viewers that such measures were crucial to curbing the spread of infections. ...

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RE: Fox News -die gewollte Abkehr von Wahrheit und Vernunft. Propaganda, Demagogie und Machtpolitik.

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 17.03.2020 16:41
von Rico (gelöscht)

Sind Trump und Willie Freunde der Wahrheit?

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RE: Fox News -die gewollte Abkehr von Wahrheit und Vernunft. Propaganda, Demagogie und Machtpolitik.

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 30.03.2020 21:34
von Willie (gelöscht)
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RE: Fox News -die gewollte Abkehr von Wahrheit und Vernunft. Propaganda, Demagogie und Machtpolitik.

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 05.04.2020 19:02
von Willie (gelöscht)

Fox News is sued for 'willfully and maliciously deceiving the public' about the dangers of the coronavirus as owner Rupert Murdoch vows to fight 'frivolous' lawsuit
Fox News Channel and its owner, Rupert Murdoch, are being sued by a Washington State nonprofit which says it aired false information about the coronavirus allowing it to spread widely in the United States.

A 10-page complaint was filed on Thursday in King County court by an organization known as the Washington League for Increased Transparency and Ethics

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RE: Fox News -die gewollte Abkehr von Wahrheit und Vernunft. Propaganda, Demagogie und Machtpolitik.

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 09.05.2020 18:23
von Willie (gelöscht)

What I Learned From Three Weeks Watching Fox News Nonstop

...For a television network that has “news” in its name, Fox News is oddly stagnant. The same guests and contributors recur across multiple programs, clearly valued less for their insights than their availability. The same topics are discussed ad nauseam, show after show after show. The same catchphrases are uttered, the same straw men erected and dismembered. It’s as if the network’s agenda is set each morning by picking topics from a hat that includes exactly three slips of paper, all of which say “CROOKED HILLARY.” It’s exhausting.

Exhaustion is the point. The network persuades through repetition. Some people think that Fox News poisons the minds of viewers, like a drug slipped into an unwitting victim’s food. It’s more accurate to say that the network wears them down. Even the dumbest conspiracy theories can start to sound plausible when you hear them again and again and again—especially if you are not listening very carefully to begin with. ...

... Their idealized America is a well-armed theocracy whose citizens all sing Christmas carols in unison as they march back in time toward some crude golden era in which socialists went to prison, professional athletes saluted the flag, and white men were free to trade ethnic jokes in public. Fox News is a network intent on defending the West while rejecting the Enlightenment.

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RE: Fox News -die gewollte Abkehr von Wahrheit und Vernunft. Propaganda, Demagogie und Machtpolitik.

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 15.05.2020 18:13
von Willie (gelöscht)

Supercut Shows Fox News’ Willingness To Turn Against Anyone Who Angers Donald Trump
The Media Matters montage compares the network’s coverage of a judge before and after he went against the president’s wishes.

What a difference two years makes.
Fox News’ striking change in tone with its reporting on U.S. District Judge Emmet G. Sullivan is laid bare in a new montage that the progressive watchdog group Media Matters for America released on Thursday.

Personalities on the widely watched conservative network have trashed Sullivan in recent days following his appointment of a former judge to argue against the Trump White House’s bid to drop the case against former national security adviser Michael Flynn.
But, as the supercut below shows, Fox’s stars haven’t always been so quick to call Sullivan out. Only in 2018, they lavished him with praise, calling him a “no-nonsense, straight shooter” who is “unafraid of the swamp.”

Before attacking the judge in Michael Flynn's case, Sean Hannity used to praise his integrity
Hannity and other Fox personalities loved Judge Emmet Sullivan -- before they turned on him

In recent days, Sean Hannity and other leading figures on Fox News have turned against Judge Emmet Sullivan, who is overseeing the case of former Trump national security adviser Michael Flynn. On his Fox News show on May 13, Hannity railed at Sullivan, even calling for a new judge in the case. Other Fox figures, like host Jeanine Pirro, have made similar remarks.

These Fox News attacks stand in stark contrast to how these same people praised Sullivan’s integrity previously.


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RE: Fox News -die gewollte Abkehr von Wahrheit und Vernunft. Propaganda, Demagogie und Machtpolitik.

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 16.05.2020 11:24
von Maga-neu | 35.255 Beiträge


Greta jetzt als Virologin bei CNN. Was als nächstes? Paris Hilton als Expertin für Cyberterrorismus?

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RE: Fox News -die gewollte Abkehr von Wahrheit und Vernunft. Propaganda, Demagogie und Machtpolitik.

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 16.05.2020 12:27
von Hans Bergman | 23.327 Beiträge

Zitat von Maga-neu im Beitrag #61

Greta jetzt als Virologin bei CNN. ...
Das nenne ich cleveres Productplacement. Amerikaner mögen Pancackes...

zuletzt bearbeitet 16.05.2020 12:28 | nach oben springen


RE: Fox News -die gewollte Abkehr von Wahrheit und Vernunft. Propaganda, Demagogie und Machtpolitik.

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 16.05.2020 12:35
von Maga-neu | 35.255 Beiträge

Zitat von Hans Bergman im Beitrag #62
Zitat von Maga-neu im Beitrag #61

Greta jetzt als Virologin bei CNN. ...
Das nenne ich cleveres Productplacement. Amerikaner mögen Pancackes...

She is a real cupcake. Hmm, well, not really. :-)

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RE: Fox News -die gewollte Abkehr von Wahrheit und Vernunft. Propaganda, Demagogie und Machtpolitik.

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 16.05.2020 15:32
von Willie (gelöscht)
zuletzt bearbeitet 16.05.2020 15:39 | nach oben springen


RE: Fox News -die gewollte Abkehr von Wahrheit und Vernunft. Propaganda, Demagogie und Machtpolitik.

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 16.05.2020 15:35
von Willie (gelöscht)
zuletzt bearbeitet 16.05.2020 15:39 | nach oben springen


RE: Fox News -die gewollte Abkehr von Wahrheit und Vernunft. Propaganda, Demagogie und Machtpolitik.

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 16.05.2020 15:37
von Willie (gelöscht)
zuletzt bearbeitet 16.05.2020 15:42 | nach oben springen


RE: Fox News -die gewollte Abkehr von Wahrheit und Vernunft. Propaganda, Demagogie und Machtpolitik.

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 16.05.2020 15:45
von Willie (gelöscht)
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RE: Fox News -die gewollte Abkehr von Wahrheit und Vernunft. Propaganda, Demagogie und Machtpolitik.

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 17.05.2020 18:57
von Rico (gelöscht)

Ist Wahrheit vernünftig?

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RE: Fox News -die gewollte Abkehr von Wahrheit und Vernunft. Propaganda, Demagogie und Machtpolitik.

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 18.05.2020 16:34
von Willie (gelöscht)

Former Australian PM calls out the 'Murdoch mafia'
Kevin Rudd, a former prime minister of Australia, argues that Rupert Murdoch's media empire is a "cancer on democracy" in the U.S., U.K. and Australia, using "mafia"-like intimidation tactics against dissenting voices. Rudd says this issue "goes to the heart of our future democracies. Therefore we need to stand up and fight, and fight hard."

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RE: Fox News -die gewollte Abkehr von Wahrheit und Vernunft. Propaganda, Demagogie und Machtpolitik.

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 18.05.2020 20:46
von Willie (gelöscht)
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RE: Fox News -die gewollte Abkehr von Wahrheit und Vernunft. Propaganda, Demagogie und Machtpolitik.

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 18.05.2020 22:31
von Leto_II. | 27.876 Beiträge

Zitat von Willie im Beitrag #70


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RE: Fox News -die gewollte Abkehr von Wahrheit und Vernunft. Propaganda, Demagogie und Machtpolitik.

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 18.05.2020 22:45
von Rico (gelöscht)

the lunatic and his mirror

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RE: Fox News -die gewollte Abkehr von Wahrheit und Vernunft. Propaganda, Demagogie und Machtpolitik.

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 19.05.2020 00:19
von Willie (gelöscht)
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RE: Fox News -die gewollte Abkehr von Wahrheit und Vernunft. Propaganda, Demagogie und Machtpolitik.

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 19.05.2020 08:20
von Rico (gelöscht)

Gäbe es Donald Trump nicht, man müsste ihn erfinden.

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RE: Fox News -die gewollte Abkehr von Wahrheit und Vernunft. Propaganda, Demagogie und Machtpolitik.

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 23.05.2020 00:16
von Willie (gelöscht)
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