
RE: left McCarthyists

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 12.03.2017 23:36
von Maga-neu | 35.255 Beiträge
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RE: left McCarthyists

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 13.03.2017 15:49
von nahal | 24.556 Beiträge

"Kremlin spokesman: Russian ambassador met with advisers to Clinton campaign too"


Aber das ist gar nicht so schlimm.

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RE: left McCarthyists

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 13.03.2017 16:34
von Maga-neu | 35.255 Beiträge


The current Afghan Ambassador to the United States, Dr. Hamdullah Mohib:

However, we were pleasantly surprised at how much time President Trump spent asking very informed questions. The first time the presidents spoke, the questions Trump asked impressed us. “How can you win in this fight [against terrorism]?” he asked. “What do you need to become financially independent?” and “How can American business invest in Afghanistan? How can we develop businesses and mining in your country?”

Trump would listen intently after each question, often asking follow-ups. Trump's second call with our president was even longer than the first. Asking these types of questions for our country is something the Obama administration never did. The Obama administration was the most academic administration we have ever had to deal with but the Trump administration has been the most thoughtful and intelligent.

Trump continually asked “How can you win? What does Afghanistan need to win?” in reference to our fight with terrorism. Trump wants to win. Sincerely. All the Obama administration wanted to do was not lose.

The Obama administration was hesitant with us. The enemy could sense that. When the Obama administration announced its plans to pull troops out of the region, they announced the exact date they would do it. All our enemies had to do was wait [Obama] out. They knew the date they had to hang on until — which gave them the will to fight. They used that time to recruit and build up resources.

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RE: left McCarthyists

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 13.03.2017 20:00
von mbockstette | 12.380 Beiträge

Zitat von Maga-neu im Beitrag #128

The current Afghan Ambassador to the United States, Dr. Hamdullah Mohib:

However, we were pleasantly surprised at how much time President Trump spent asking very informed questions. The first time the presidents spoke, the questions Trump asked impressed us. “How can you win in this fight [against terrorism]?” he asked. “What do you need to become financially independent?” and “How can American business invest in Afghanistan? How can we develop businesses and mining in your country?”

Trump would listen intently after each question, often asking follow-ups. Trump's second call with our president was even longer than the first. Asking these types of questions for our country is something the Obama administration never did. The Obama administration was the most academic administration we have ever had to deal with but the Trump administration has been the most thoughtful and intelligent.

Trump continually asked “How can you win? What does Afghanistan need to win?” in reference to our fight with terrorism. Trump wants to win. Sincerely. All the Obama administration wanted to do was not lose.

The Obama administration was hesitant with us. The enemy could sense that. When the Obama administration announced its plans to pull troops out of the region, they announced the exact date they would do it. All our enemies had to do was wait [Obama] out. They knew the date they had to hang on until — which gave them the will to fight. They used that time to recruit and build up resources.

Imponierend, was Trump an Fragen von seinen Experten aufgelistet bekam. Besonders diese Frage: "“How can you win in this fight [against terrorism]?” Konkretes Interesse hat die neue US-Regierung nur an eigenem Profit: "How can we develop businesses and mining in your country?” In dem sich Trump mit den Terroristen einigt, so wie hier:

China gets an all-clear from the Taliban to mine for copper in Afghanistan


Was für ein weiterer armseliger Versuch anhand Obamas vermeintlichem Versagen in Afghanistan, Trump in ein gutes Licht zu rücken.

zuletzt bearbeitet 13.03.2017 20:01 | nach oben springen


RE: left McCarthyists

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 13.03.2017 20:24
von Willie (gelöscht)

Zitat von nahal im Beitrag #127
"Kremlin spokesman: Russian ambassador met with advisers to Clinton campaign too"


Aber das ist gar nicht so schlimm.

Still protecting their asset in the White House.:-))

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RE: left McCarthyists

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 13.03.2017 20:29
von Willie (gelöscht)

Zitat von mbockstette im Beitrag #129
Zitat von Maga-neu im Beitrag #128

The current Afghan Ambassador to the United States, Dr. Hamdullah Mohib:

However, we were pleasantly surprised at how much time President Trump spent asking very informed questions. The first time the presidents spoke, the questions Trump asked impressed us. “How can you win in this fight [against terrorism]?” he asked. “What do you need to become financially independent?” and “How can American business invest in Afghanistan? How can we develop businesses and mining in your country?”

Trump would listen intently after each question, often asking follow-ups. Trump's second call with our president was even longer than the first. Asking these types of questions for our country is something the Obama administration never did. The Obama administration was the most academic administration we have ever had to deal with but the Trump administration has been the most thoughtful and intelligent.

Trump continually asked “How can you win? What does Afghanistan need to win?” in reference to our fight with terrorism. Trump wants to win. Sincerely. All the Obama administration wanted to do was not lose.

The Obama administration was hesitant with us. The enemy could sense that. When the Obama administration announced its plans to pull troops out of the region, they announced the exact date they would do it. All our enemies had to do was wait [Obama] out. They knew the date they had to hang on until — which gave them the will to fight. They used that time to recruit and build up resources.

Imponierend, was Trump an Fragen von seinen Experten aufgelistet bekam. Besonders diese Frage: "“How can you win in this fight [against terrorism]?” Konkretes Interesse hat die neue US-Regierung nur an eigenem Profit: "How can we develop businesses and mining in your country?” In dem sich Trump mit den Terroristen einigt, so wie hier:

China gets an all-clear from the Taliban to mine for copper in Afghanistan


Was für ein weiterer armseliger Versuch anhand Obamas vermeintlichem Versagen in Afghanistan, Trump in ein gutes Licht zu rücken.

Herr, Bockstette, commentaries von Benny Johnson sind nur was fuer Holzkoepfe. Trumpisten. Nicht der Rede wert einen Gedanken daran zu verschwenden.

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RE: left McCarthyists

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 13.03.2017 21:18
von Maga-neu | 35.255 Beiträge

Zitat von mbockstette im Beitrag #129
Zitat von Maga-neu im Beitrag #128

The current Afghan Ambassador to the United States, Dr. Hamdullah Mohib:

However, we were pleasantly surprised at how much time President Trump spent asking very informed questions. The first time the presidents spoke, the questions Trump asked impressed us. “How can you win in this fight [against terrorism]?” he asked. “What do you need to become financially independent?” and “How can American business invest in Afghanistan? How can we develop businesses and mining in your country?”

Trump would listen intently after each question, often asking follow-ups. Trump's second call with our president was even longer than the first. Asking these types of questions for our country is something the Obama administration never did. The Obama administration was the most academic administration we have ever had to deal with but the Trump administration has been the most thoughtful and intelligent.

Trump continually asked “How can you win? What does Afghanistan need to win?” in reference to our fight with terrorism. Trump wants to win. Sincerely. All the Obama administration wanted to do was not lose.

The Obama administration was hesitant with us. The enemy could sense that. When the Obama administration announced its plans to pull troops out of the region, they announced the exact date they would do it. All our enemies had to do was wait [Obama] out. They knew the date they had to hang on until — which gave them the will to fight. They used that time to recruit and build up resources.

Imponierend, was Trump an Fragen von seinen Experten aufgelistet bekam. Besonders diese Frage: "“How can you win in this fight [against terrorism]?” Konkretes Interesse hat die neue US-Regierung nur an eigenem Profit: "How can we develop businesses and mining in your country?” In dem sich Trump mit den Terroristen einigt, so wie hier:

China gets an all-clear from the Taliban to mine for copper in Afghanistan


Was für ein weiterer armseliger Versuch anhand Obamas vermeintlichem Versagen in Afghanistan, Trump in ein gutes Licht zu rücken.

"For our own self-interest, it is time to craft foreign policy based on a sober analysis of conditions as they actually exist, a willingness to recognize our every wish isn’t always attainable, and the courage and intelligence to admit when things aren’t going well and make necessary changes. So long as Washington continues its stubborn refusal to admit when policies or strategies have failed, U.S. foreign policy will continue to suffer as many setbacks as it does successes, stunting or even damaging U.S. interests abroad."

So viel zum vermeintlichen Versagen Obamas, das ein reales war. Seine internationale Politik war im Großen und Ganzen mangelhaft. 5-

Jetzt kommt bestimmt, dass time etwas für Trumpisten ist. :-)

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RE: left McCarthyists

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 13.03.2017 21:40
von Willie (gelöscht)
zuletzt bearbeitet 13.03.2017 21:51 | nach oben springen


RE: left McCarthyists

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 13.03.2017 21:47
von Willie (gelöscht)

Zitat von Maga-neu im Beitrag #132
Zitat von mbockstette im Beitrag #129
Zitat von Maga-neu im Beitrag #128

The current Afghan Ambassador to the United States, Dr. Hamdullah Mohib:

However, we were pleasantly surprised at how much time President Trump spent asking very informed questions. The first time the presidents spoke, the questions Trump asked impressed us. “How can you win in this fight [against terrorism]?” he asked. “What do you need to become financially independent?” and “How can American business invest in Afghanistan? How can we develop businesses and mining in your country?”

Trump would listen intently after each question, often asking follow-ups. Trump's second call with our president was even longer than the first. Asking these types of questions for our country is something the Obama administration never did. The Obama administration was the most academic administration we have ever had to deal with but the Trump administration has been the most thoughtful and intelligent.

Trump continually asked “How can you win? What does Afghanistan need to win?” in reference to our fight with terrorism. Trump wants to win. Sincerely. All the Obama administration wanted to do was not lose.

The Obama administration was hesitant with us. The enemy could sense that. When the Obama administration announced its plans to pull troops out of the region, they announced the exact date they would do it. All our enemies had to do was wait [Obama] out. They knew the date they had to hang on until — which gave them the will to fight. They used that time to recruit and build up resources.

Imponierend, was Trump an Fragen von seinen Experten aufgelistet bekam. Besonders diese Frage: "“How can you win in this fight [against terrorism]?” Konkretes Interesse hat die neue US-Regierung nur an eigenem Profit: "How can we develop businesses and mining in your country?” In dem sich Trump mit den Terroristen einigt, so wie hier:

China gets an all-clear from the Taliban to mine for copper in Afghanistan


Was für ein weiterer armseliger Versuch anhand Obamas vermeintlichem Versagen in Afghanistan, Trump in ein gutes Licht zu rücken.

"For our own self-interest, it is time to craft foreign policy based on a sober analysis of conditions as they actually exist, a willingness to recognize our every wish isn’t always attainable, and the courage and intelligence to admit when things aren’t going well and make necessary changes. So long as Washington continues its stubborn refusal to admit when policies or strategies have failed, U.S. foreign policy will continue to suffer as many setbacks as it does successes, stunting or even damaging U.S. interests abroad."

So viel zum vermeintlichen Versagen Obamas, das ein reales war. Seine internationale Politik war im Großen und Ganzen mangelhaft. 5-

Jetzt kommt bestimmt, dass time etwas für Trumpisten ist. :-)

Nein, ueberhaupt nicht.
Das Problem liegt vielmehr darin, dass die Holzkoepfe einen Kommentar wie vorstehenden nicht in Gaenze begreifen koennen. Dadurch kommen dann Schlussfolgerungen wie vorstehende zustande. :-))

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RE: left McCarthyists

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 13.03.2017 22:01
von Willie (gelöscht)

CBO: 24 Million Fewer People Would Have Health Insurance by 2026
The hotly anticipated Congressional Budget Office report on the Republican replacement for Obamacare found it would increase the number of uninsured by 86 percent.

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RE: left McCarthyists

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 13.03.2017 22:35
von Maga-neu | 35.255 Beiträge

Zitat von Willie im Beitrag #134
Zitat von Maga-neu im Beitrag #132
Zitat von mbockstette im Beitrag #129
Zitat von Maga-neu im Beitrag #128

The current Afghan Ambassador to the United States, Dr. Hamdullah Mohib:

However, we were pleasantly surprised at how much time President Trump spent asking very informed questions. The first time the presidents spoke, the questions Trump asked impressed us. “How can you win in this fight [against terrorism]?” he asked. “What do you need to become financially independent?” and “How can American business invest in Afghanistan? How can we develop businesses and mining in your country?”

Trump would listen intently after each question, often asking follow-ups. Trump's second call with our president was even longer than the first. Asking these types of questions for our country is something the Obama administration never did. The Obama administration was the most academic administration we have ever had to deal with but the Trump administration has been the most thoughtful and intelligent.

Trump continually asked “How can you win? What does Afghanistan need to win?” in reference to our fight with terrorism. Trump wants to win. Sincerely. All the Obama administration wanted to do was not lose.

The Obama administration was hesitant with us. The enemy could sense that. When the Obama administration announced its plans to pull troops out of the region, they announced the exact date they would do it. All our enemies had to do was wait [Obama] out. They knew the date they had to hang on until — which gave them the will to fight. They used that time to recruit and build up resources.

Imponierend, was Trump an Fragen von seinen Experten aufgelistet bekam. Besonders diese Frage: "“How can you win in this fight [against terrorism]?” Konkretes Interesse hat die neue US-Regierung nur an eigenem Profit: "How can we develop businesses and mining in your country?” In dem sich Trump mit den Terroristen einigt, so wie hier:

China gets an all-clear from the Taliban to mine for copper in Afghanistan


Was für ein weiterer armseliger Versuch anhand Obamas vermeintlichem Versagen in Afghanistan, Trump in ein gutes Licht zu rücken.

"For our own self-interest, it is time to craft foreign policy based on a sober analysis of conditions as they actually exist, a willingness to recognize our every wish isn’t always attainable, and the courage and intelligence to admit when things aren’t going well and make necessary changes. So long as Washington continues its stubborn refusal to admit when policies or strategies have failed, U.S. foreign policy will continue to suffer as many setbacks as it does successes, stunting or even damaging U.S. interests abroad."

So viel zum vermeintlichen Versagen Obamas, das ein reales war. Seine internationale Politik war im Großen und Ganzen mangelhaft. 5-

Jetzt kommt bestimmt, dass time etwas für Trumpisten ist. :-)

Nein, ueberhaupt nicht.
Das Problem liegt vielmehr darin, dass die Holzkoepfe einen Kommentar wie vorstehenden nicht in Gaenze begreifen koennen. Dadurch kommen dann Schlussfolgerungen wie vorstehende zustande. :-))

Der Kommentar ist von 2016. Zitat: So long as Washington continues its stubborn refusal to admit when policies or strategies have failed, U.S. foreign policy will continue to suffer as many setbacks as it does successes, stunting or even damaging U.S. interests abroad."

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RE: left McCarthyists

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 13.03.2017 22:39
von Willie (gelöscht)

Zitat von Maga-neu im Beitrag #136
Zitat von Willie im Beitrag #134
Zitat von Maga-neu im Beitrag #132
Zitat von mbockstette im Beitrag #129
Zitat von Maga-neu im Beitrag #128

The current Afghan Ambassador to the United States, Dr. Hamdullah Mohib:

However, we were pleasantly surprised at how much time President Trump spent asking very informed questions. The first time the presidents spoke, the questions Trump asked impressed us. “How can you win in this fight [against terrorism]?” he asked. “What do you need to become financially independent?” and “How can American business invest in Afghanistan? How can we develop businesses and mining in your country?”

Trump would listen intently after each question, often asking follow-ups. Trump's second call with our president was even longer than the first. Asking these types of questions for our country is something the Obama administration never did. The Obama administration was the most academic administration we have ever had to deal with but the Trump administration has been the most thoughtful and intelligent.

Trump continually asked “How can you win? What does Afghanistan need to win?” in reference to our fight with terrorism. Trump wants to win. Sincerely. All the Obama administration wanted to do was not lose.

The Obama administration was hesitant with us. The enemy could sense that. When the Obama administration announced its plans to pull troops out of the region, they announced the exact date they would do it. All our enemies had to do was wait [Obama] out. They knew the date they had to hang on until — which gave them the will to fight. They used that time to recruit and build up resources.

Imponierend, was Trump an Fragen von seinen Experten aufgelistet bekam. Besonders diese Frage: "“How can you win in this fight [against terrorism]?” Konkretes Interesse hat die neue US-Regierung nur an eigenem Profit: "How can we develop businesses and mining in your country?” In dem sich Trump mit den Terroristen einigt, so wie hier:

China gets an all-clear from the Taliban to mine for copper in Afghanistan


Was für ein weiterer armseliger Versuch anhand Obamas vermeintlichem Versagen in Afghanistan, Trump in ein gutes Licht zu rücken.

"For our own self-interest, it is time to craft foreign policy based on a sober analysis of conditions as they actually exist, a willingness to recognize our every wish isn’t always attainable, and the courage and intelligence to admit when things aren’t going well and make necessary changes. So long as Washington continues its stubborn refusal to admit when policies or strategies have failed, U.S. foreign policy will continue to suffer as many setbacks as it does successes, stunting or even damaging U.S. interests abroad."

So viel zum vermeintlichen Versagen Obamas, das ein reales war. Seine internationale Politik war im Großen und Ganzen mangelhaft. 5-

Jetzt kommt bestimmt, dass time etwas für Trumpisten ist. :-)

Nein, ueberhaupt nicht.
Das Problem liegt vielmehr darin, dass die Holzkoepfe einen Kommentar wie vorstehenden nicht in Gaenze begreifen koennen. Dadurch kommen dann Schlussfolgerungen wie vorstehende zustande. :-))

Der Kommentar ist von 2016. Zitat: So long as Washington continues its stubborn refusal to admit when policies or strategies have failed, U.S. foreign policy will continue to suffer as many setbacks as it does successes, stunting or even damaging U.S. interests abroad."

Ain't that the truth. Well, now you got Trumpsky and the GOP at it again.. :-))


zuletzt bearbeitet 13.03.2017 23:31 | nach oben springen


RE: left McCarthyists

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 13.03.2017 23:58
von Maga-neu | 35.255 Beiträge

Zitat von Willie im Beitrag #137
Zitat von Maga-neu im Beitrag #136
Zitat von Willie im Beitrag #134
Zitat von Maga-neu im Beitrag #132
Zitat von mbockstette im Beitrag #129
Zitat von Maga-neu im Beitrag #128

The current Afghan Ambassador to the United States, Dr. Hamdullah Mohib:

However, we were pleasantly surprised at how much time President Trump spent asking very informed questions. The first time the presidents spoke, the questions Trump asked impressed us. “How can you win in this fight [against terrorism]?” he asked. “What do you need to become financially independent?” and “How can American business invest in Afghanistan? How can we develop businesses and mining in your country?”

Trump would listen intently after each question, often asking follow-ups. Trump's second call with our president was even longer than the first. Asking these types of questions for our country is something the Obama administration never did. The Obama administration was the most academic administration we have ever had to deal with but the Trump administration has been the most thoughtful and intelligent.

Trump continually asked “How can you win? What does Afghanistan need to win?” in reference to our fight with terrorism. Trump wants to win. Sincerely. All the Obama administration wanted to do was not lose.

The Obama administration was hesitant with us. The enemy could sense that. When the Obama administration announced its plans to pull troops out of the region, they announced the exact date they would do it. All our enemies had to do was wait [Obama] out. They knew the date they had to hang on until — which gave them the will to fight. They used that time to recruit and build up resources.

Imponierend, was Trump an Fragen von seinen Experten aufgelistet bekam. Besonders diese Frage: "“How can you win in this fight [against terrorism]?” Konkretes Interesse hat die neue US-Regierung nur an eigenem Profit: "How can we develop businesses and mining in your country?” In dem sich Trump mit den Terroristen einigt, so wie hier:

China gets an all-clear from the Taliban to mine for copper in Afghanistan


Was für ein weiterer armseliger Versuch anhand Obamas vermeintlichem Versagen in Afghanistan, Trump in ein gutes Licht zu rücken.

"For our own self-interest, it is time to craft foreign policy based on a sober analysis of conditions as they actually exist, a willingness to recognize our every wish isn’t always attainable, and the courage and intelligence to admit when things aren’t going well and make necessary changes. So long as Washington continues its stubborn refusal to admit when policies or strategies have failed, U.S. foreign policy will continue to suffer as many setbacks as it does successes, stunting or even damaging U.S. interests abroad."

So viel zum vermeintlichen Versagen Obamas, das ein reales war. Seine internationale Politik war im Großen und Ganzen mangelhaft. 5-

Jetzt kommt bestimmt, dass time etwas für Trumpisten ist. :-)

Nein, ueberhaupt nicht.
Das Problem liegt vielmehr darin, dass die Holzkoepfe einen Kommentar wie vorstehenden nicht in Gaenze begreifen koennen. Dadurch kommen dann Schlussfolgerungen wie vorstehende zustande. :-))

Der Kommentar ist von 2016. Zitat: So long as Washington continues its stubborn refusal to admit when policies or strategies have failed, U.S. foreign policy will continue to suffer as many setbacks as it does successes, stunting or even damaging U.S. interests abroad."

Ain't that the truth. Well, now you got Trumpsky and the GOP at it again.. :-))


Er ist ja nicht mein Präsident, sondern dein Präsident. Was er erreichen wird, muss man abwarten. Obama hat jedenfalls nicht viel erreicht. Eigentlich in Afghanistan so gut wie nichts.

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Trump's Einreisestopp-Dekret

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 14.03.2017 12:41
von Indo_HS | 2.705 Beiträge

<<Mehr als 130 US-Außenpolitik-Experten verurteilen Trumps neuen Einreisebann>>

"In den USA haben mehr als 130 Außenpolitik-Experten gegen den von US-Präsident Donald Trump verfügten neuen Einreisebann Stellung bezogen und dies mit Gefahren für die "nationale Sicherheit"

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RE: Trump's Einreisestopp-Dekret

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 14.03.2017 13:45
von Indo_HS | 2.705 Beiträge

Ohne Worte ...!

<<Zweijähriger Krieg: Mehr als 1500 Kinder im Jemen getötet>>

Während des rund zweijährigen internationalen Konflikts im Jemen sind nach UNO-Angaben mehr als 1500 Kinder getötet worden. Wie das Kinderhilfswerk UNICEF mitteilte, wurden bis zum 10. März dieses Jahres mindestens 1546 getötete Kinder in dem Land gezählt.

Weitere 2450 Kinder seien infolge der Kämpfe verstümmelt worden. Im Jemen kämpft ein von Saudi-Arabien angeführtes Militärbündnis gegen Rebellengruppen.

In einer Erklärung führte UNICEF aus, dass unter den getöteten Kindern 1022 Knaben, 478 Mädchen und 46 weitere Opfer seien, deren Geschlecht nicht bestimmt werden konnte. Auch unter den Verstümmelten überwiegt demnach die Zahl der Knaben deutlich mit 1801 zu 649.

Ausserdem zählte die Organisation 1572 männliche Kindersoldaten. Im Beobachtungszeitraum wurden zudem 212 Angriffe auf Schulen und 95 auf Spitäler festgestellt.

Im Jemen kämpfen seit September 2014 Truppen des sunnitischen Präsidenten Abed Rabbo Mansur Hadi gegen die vom Iran unterstützten schiitischen Huthi-Rebellen und andere Milizen, die dem ehemaligen Staatschef Ali Abdullah Saleh die Treue halten.

Seit März 2015 fliegt ein von Saudi-Arabien angeführtes Militärbündnis Luftangriffe gegen die Rebellen und unterstützt damit die Hadi-Truppen. In dem Konflikt wurden nach UNO-Angaben bereits fast 7700 Menschen getötet und mehr als 42'000 weitere verletzt. (SDA)


<<Trump genehmigt Waffenlieferungen an Saudi-Arabien>>
Deutsche Wirtschafts Nachrichten | Veröffentlicht: 14.03.17 01:35 Uhr

US-Präsident Trump will im völkerrechtswidrigen Krieg im Jemen noch aggressiver vorgehen als sein Vorgänger Obama. Die US-Regierung hat zu diesem Zweck einen umstrittenen Waffenexport genehmigt.

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RE: left McCarthyists

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 14.03.2017 15:32
von Willie (gelöscht)

Zitat von Maga-neu im Beitrag #138
Zitat von Willie im Beitrag #137
Zitat von Maga-neu im Beitrag #136
Zitat von Willie im Beitrag #134
Zitat von Maga-neu im Beitrag #132
Zitat von mbockstette im Beitrag #129
Zitat von Maga-neu im Beitrag #128

The current Afghan Ambassador to the United States, Dr. Hamdullah Mohib:

However, we were pleasantly surprised at how much time President Trump spent asking very informed questions. The first time the presidents spoke, the questions Trump asked impressed us. “How can you win in this fight [against terrorism]?” he asked. “What do you need to become financially independent?” and “How can American business invest in Afghanistan? How can we develop businesses and mining in your country?”

Trump would listen intently after each question, often asking follow-ups. Trump's second call with our president was even longer than the first. Asking these types of questions for our country is something the Obama administration never did. The Obama administration was the most academic administration we have ever had to deal with but the Trump administration has been the most thoughtful and intelligent.

Trump continually asked “How can you win? What does Afghanistan need to win?” in reference to our fight with terrorism. Trump wants to win. Sincerely. All the Obama administration wanted to do was not lose.

The Obama administration was hesitant with us. The enemy could sense that. When the Obama administration announced its plans to pull troops out of the region, they announced the exact date they would do it. All our enemies had to do was wait [Obama] out. They knew the date they had to hang on until — which gave them the will to fight. They used that time to recruit and build up resources.

Imponierend, was Trump an Fragen von seinen Experten aufgelistet bekam. Besonders diese Frage: "“How can you win in this fight [against terrorism]?” Konkretes Interesse hat die neue US-Regierung nur an eigenem Profit: "How can we develop businesses and mining in your country?” In dem sich Trump mit den Terroristen einigt, so wie hier:

China gets an all-clear from the Taliban to mine for copper in Afghanistan


Was für ein weiterer armseliger Versuch anhand Obamas vermeintlichem Versagen in Afghanistan, Trump in ein gutes Licht zu rücken.

"For our own self-interest, it is time to craft foreign policy based on a sober analysis of conditions as they actually exist, a willingness to recognize our every wish isn’t always attainable, and the courage and intelligence to admit when things aren’t going well and make necessary changes. So long as Washington continues its stubborn refusal to admit when policies or strategies have failed, U.S. foreign policy will continue to suffer as many setbacks as it does successes, stunting or even damaging U.S. interests abroad."

So viel zum vermeintlichen Versagen Obamas, das ein reales war. Seine internationale Politik war im Großen und Ganzen mangelhaft. 5-

Jetzt kommt bestimmt, dass time etwas für Trumpisten ist. :-)

Nein, ueberhaupt nicht.
Das Problem liegt vielmehr darin, dass die Holzkoepfe einen Kommentar wie vorstehenden nicht in Gaenze begreifen koennen. Dadurch kommen dann Schlussfolgerungen wie vorstehende zustande. :-))

Der Kommentar ist von 2016. Zitat: So long as Washington continues its stubborn refusal to admit when policies or strategies have failed, U.S. foreign policy will continue to suffer as many setbacks as it does successes, stunting or even damaging U.S. interests abroad."

Ain't that the truth. Well, now you got Trumpsky and the GOP at it again.. :-))


Er ist ja nicht mein Präsident, sondern dein Präsident. Was er erreichen wird, muss man abwarten. Obama hat jedenfalls nicht viel erreicht. Eigentlich in Afghanistan so gut wie nichts.

Obama war ein ausgezeichneter Praesident. Einer der besten, den die USA je hatte. Jetzt haben die USA -und auch die Welt- mit einem inepten, total verlogenen, charakterlosen und narzisstischen egomaniac zu tun.
Und das zusammen mit den heutigen Republikanern -die selbst luegen wie gedruckt, dazu mit vielen Abgeordneten dumm wie Bohnenstroh und die nur Scheisse produzieren. A perfect storm is brewing.

zuletzt bearbeitet 14.03.2017 15:47 | nach oben springen


RE: left McCarthyists

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 14.03.2017 15:44
von Willie (gelöscht)

Everything We Know About Trumpland’s Ties To Russia, From Start To Finish
It’s a convoluted history that raises a lot of questions.


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RE: left McCarthyists

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 14.03.2017 15:51
von Willie (gelöscht)

Investors, Oligarchs, Mobsters and Capital Flight: Inside the Shadowy World of Trump’s Private Russian Connections
Trump's fondness for Russia is all about grabbing money and ignoring almost everything else.

The Curious World of Donald Trump’s Private Russian Connections
Did the American people really know they were putting such a “well-connected” guy in the White House?

zuletzt bearbeitet 14.03.2017 15:53 | nach oben springen


RE: left McCarthyists

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 14.03.2017 15:51
von nahal | 24.556 Beiträge

.@Judgenap: Three intel sources have disclosed that Pres. Obama turned to British spies to get surveillance on Trump

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RE: left McCarthyists

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 14.03.2017 15:55
von Willie (gelöscht)

Zitat von nahal im Beitrag #144
.@Judgenap: Three intel sources have disclosed that Pres. Obama turned to British spies to get surveillance on Trump

....On "Fox & Friends" this morning, Judge Andrew Napolitano said....

Maerchenstunde fuer Holzkoepfe. :-)))

zuletzt bearbeitet 14.03.2017 16:02 | nach oben springen


RE: left McCarthyists

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 14.03.2017 16:14
von Willie (gelöscht)

Gestern die letzte Variation vom Luegenbaron:
Spicer: Trump didn't mean wiretapping when he tweeted about wiretapping
The White House on Monday walked back a key point of President Donald Trump's unsubstantiated allegation that President Barack Obama wiretapped his phones in Trump Tower during the 2016 election.

Trump meinte nicht Abhören, als er Abhören twitterte
Es war anders gemeint: Trump-Sprecher Spicer hat die Abhörvorwürfe des US-Präsidenten gegen Obama relativiert. Allerdings ließ auch die Erklärung viele Fragen offen.

Und dann die Maerchenstunde fuer die Totalverbloedeten von Kelly Conway:
Kellyanne Conway Suggests Obama May Have Spied On Trump Through His Microwave
...“What I can say is there are many ways to surveil each other,” Conway told The County Bergen Record. “You can surveil someone through their phones, certainly through their television sets—any number of ways,” she said referencing a recent Wikileaks assertion that the CIA attempted to hack the American public via their television sets. Conway then took things a step further saying, Trump could have been spied on through “microwaves that turn into cameras.” ...


zuletzt bearbeitet 14.03.2017 16:28 | nach oben springen


RE: left McCarthyists

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 14.03.2017 16:18
von Maga-neu | 35.255 Beiträge

Zitat von Willie im Beitrag #141
Obama war ein ausgezeichneter Praesident. Einer der besten, den die USA je hatte.


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RE: left McCarthyists

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 14.03.2017 16:24
von Willie (gelöscht)

Zitat von Maga-neu im Beitrag #147
Zitat von Willie im Beitrag #141
Obama war ein ausgezeichneter Praesident. Einer der besten, den die USA je hatte.



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RE: left McCarthyists

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 14.03.2017 16:26
von Willie (gelöscht)

Devastating CBO Report Exposes The Empty Promises Of Obamacare Repeal
24 million people losing coverage is not “better access.”

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RE: left McCarthyists

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 14.03.2017 16:40
von Maga-neu | 35.255 Beiträge

Zitat von Willie im Beitrag #148
Zitat von Maga-neu im Beitrag #147
Zitat von Willie im Beitrag #141
Obama war ein ausgezeichneter Praesident. Einer der besten, den die USA je hatte.



Ein gescheiter Mann schrieb einmal , jetzt, da der Wolf im Schafspelz durch einen Wolf im Wolfspelz abgelöst worden sei, hätten die Liberalen ein Problem damit.

zuletzt bearbeitet 14.03.2017 16:40 | nach oben springen

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