
RE: Die Trump Praesidentschaft

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 08.03.2017 14:56
von Willie (gelöscht)

Donald Trump Met Russian Ambassador During The Campaign, Despite Repeated Denials
On April 27, Trump met Sergey Kislyak in Washington, D.C., before a big foreign policy speech.

Trump campaign approved adviser's trip to Moscow
Campaign leaders knew in advance of Carter Page's Russia visit in July 2016, former aide says.

zuletzt bearbeitet 08.03.2017 15:00 | nach oben springen


RE: Die Trump Praesidentschaft

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 08.03.2017 14:59
von Willie (gelöscht)

Trump plan pays for immigration crackdown with cuts to coastal, air security
The proposed budget cuts for the Coast Guard, TSA and FEMA would be 'devastating' and undermine the fight against terrorism, smuggling and illegal immigration, critics say.

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RE: Die Trump Praesidentschaft

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 08.03.2017 15:01
von Willie (gelöscht)

CIA providing raw intelligence as Trump-Russia probes heat up
Congress has entered a new phase in its investigation.

Lawmakers are trekking to CIA headquarters in Langley, Va., to review classified evidence on Russia’s involvement in the presidential election. The House has scheduled its first public hearing on the issue. And the Senate is preparing to interview witnesses.
The congressional investigations into ties between President Donald Trump's campaign and Russian officials are in full swing.

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RE: Die Trump Praesidentschaft

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 08.03.2017 15:22
von Willie (gelöscht)

Poll: Majority of voters favor special prosecutor
A majority of voters support appointing a special prosecutor to investigate alleged ties between President Donald Trump’s campaign staff and the Russian government, according to a new POLITICO/Morning Consult poll conducted in the immediate wake of Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ recusal from any related investigations.

Fifty-six percent of registered voters support appointing a special prosecutor, a far greater share than the 30 percent who oppose an independent counsel investigating the matter. Thirteen percent of voters don’t have an opinion.

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RE: Die Trump Praesidentschaft

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 08.03.2017 16:48
von Willie (gelöscht)

The Madness of President Donald
He insists Obama is an evil mastermind determined to undo him—and a moron who engaged in wildly illegal and ineffective actions.

Donald Trump’s latest lunacy—his claims that President Obama tapped his phones—is shoving America toward a full-scale institutional and perhaps even constitutional crisis.
In the White House, the Bannon-Miller Axis of Weasels is ready to merrily watch the world burn for the sake of pleasing their master’s mercurial moods and their own dark nationalist fantasies. For them, these outbursts aren’t bugs, but core features. They want the Trumpbartian war over all else, and, contrary to what official Washington tries to believe, they want him ragey and dangerous, which is why they’re feeding his paranoid talk (perhaps made vivid for him by his own eavesdropping instincts) about President Obama “tapping” him in Trump Tower.

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RE: Die Trump Praesidentschaft

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 08.03.2017 17:10
von Willie (gelöscht)

The Plot Against Europe
The West’s nightmare scenario starts with Donald Trump’s election — and ends with Russian tanks rolling into Estonia while NATO looks the other way.


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RE: Die Trump Praesidentschaft

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 08.03.2017 17:57
von Willie (gelöscht)

We have a president who either lies intentionally or, even more frighteningly, does not know the difference between lies and truth.

— Bernie Sanders (@SenSanders) March 7, 2017

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RE: Die Trump Praesidentschaft

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 09.03.2017 08:20
von sayada.b. | 9.135 Beiträge
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left McCarthyists

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 09.03.2017 13:09
von Maga-neu | 35.757 Beiträge

It used to be right-wingers who fretted over Russians and Reds and pinkos colonising Westerners’ lives and minds. Now it’s lefties. Trump is regularly called ‘Putin’s puppet’. He’s an ‘unwitting agent’ of Moscow, we’re told. The New York Times even called him ‘The Siberian Candidate’, echoing the title of the 1962 thriller The Manchurian Candidate, in which an American is brainwashed by Korean Communists to become an assassin. That’s how some seriously view Trump: a Putin-moulded footsoldier of Russian interests who’ll assassinate the American way of life, if not American citizens. I mean, Vanity Fair actually asks: ‘Is Trump a Manchurian Candidate?’ These people need a lie down. You have to get deep into the New Yorker’s prolix report to discover that US officials still haven’t provided evidence for their claim that Putin ordered the hacking of Democrat emails in order to hurry Trump to power: ‘The declassified report [on Putin’s meddling] provides more assertion than evidence.’

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RE: left McCarthyists

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 09.03.2017 15:08
von Willie (gelöscht)

Jeff Sessions Likely Met Russian Ambassador A Third Time
The attorney general initially denied any contact with the Russians, then later admitted to just two meetings.

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RE: left McCarthyists

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 09.03.2017 16:31
von Willie (gelöscht)

EPA-Büro streicht "wissenschaftlich" aus Selbstdarstellung
Sie heißt zwar Umweltschutzbehörde, doch die US-amerikanische EPA geht unter ihrem neuen Chef gradlinig auf die Industrie zu. Das zeigt sich jetzt schon beim Wasserschutz.

Wie sich die EPA unter Pruitt entwickeln wird, bereitet Umweltschützern ebenso wie Wissenschaftlern Sorgen. Eine kleine, aber feine Änderung macht deutlich, in welche Richtung die Behörde nun offenbar steuert.
Unter anderem ist es Aufgabe der EPA ("Environmental Protection Agency"), die Gewässer des Landes zu schützen und eine gute Trinkwasserqualität sicherzustellen. Zum dafür zuständigen EPA-Zweig gehört ein "Office of Science and Technology" (OST).

"Ökonomisch und technisch erreichbar" statt "wissenschaftlich fundiert"
Diese EPA-Abteilung hat nun die Beschreibung der eigenen Arbeit verändert - und zwar eine Weise, die nicht nur Umweltschützer empört. Die Formulierung "wissenschaftlich fundierte Standards" ist beispielsweise verschwunden. Nun ist von "ökonomisch und technisch erreichbaren Leistungsstandards" die Rede.

Wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse -Fakten- werden nunmehr ersetzt durch "praeferiertes behaupten" -also "alternative Fakten".
And there we go:

EPA chief Scott Pruitt says carbon dioxide is not a primary contributor to global warming
Pruitt's view is at odds with the opinion of NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

"The planet's average surface temperature has risen about 2.0 degrees Fahrenheit (1.1 degrees Celsius) since the late 19th century, a change driven largely by increased carbon dioxide and other human-made emissions into the atmosphere," NASA and NOAA said in January.

"The point of science is to keep asking questions."
No, it's not; it's to look for more accurate answers.
When all REAL scientists agree on something, the only reason to keep asking questions is because the answer doesn't match your agenda.

Die EPA Demontage und ihre Auswirkungen:

zuletzt bearbeitet 09.03.2017 17:17 | nach oben springen


RE: left McCarthyists

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 09.03.2017 16:49
von Willie (gelöscht)

For Trump supporters:
1. He called Hillary Clinton a crook.
You bought it.
Then he paid $25 million to settle a fraud lawsuit.
2. He said he’d release his tax returns, eventually.
You bought it.
He hasn’t, and says he never will.
3. He said he’d divest himself from his financial empire, to avoid any conflicts of interest.
You bought it.
He is still heavily involved in his businesses, manipulates the stock market on a daily basis, and has more conflicts of interest than can even be counted.
4. He said Clinton was in the pockets of Goldman Sachs, and would do whatever they said.
You bought it.
He then proceeded to put half a dozen Goldman Sachs executives in positions of power in his administration.
5. He said he’d surround himself with all the best and smartest people.
You bought it.
He nominated theocratic loon Mike Pence for Vice President. A white supremacist named Steve Bannon is his most trusted confidant. Dr. Ben Carson, the world’s greatest idiot savant brain surgeon, is in charge of HUD. Russian quisling Rex Tillerson is Secretary of State.
6. He said he’d be his own man, beholden to no one.
You bought it.
He then appointed Betsy DeVos as Secretary of Education, whose only “qualifications” were the massive amounts of cash she donated to his campaign.
7. He said he would “drain the swamp” of Washington insiders.
You bought it.
He then admitted that was just a corny slogan he said to fire up the rubes during the rallies, and that he didn’t mean it.
8. He said he knew more about strategy and terrorism than the Generals did.
You bought it.
He promptly gave the green light to a disastrous raid in Yemen- even though all his Generals said it would be a terrible idea. This raid resulted in the deaths of a Navy SEAL, an 8-year old American girl, and numerous civilians. The actual target of the raid escaped, and no useful intel was gained.
9. He said Hillary Clinton couldn’t be counted on in times of crisis.
You bought it.
He didn’t even bother overseeing that raid in Yemen; and instead spent the time hate-tweeting the New York Times, and sleeping.
10. He called CNN, the Washington Post and the New York Times “fake news” and said they were his enemy.
You bought it.
He now gets all his information from Breitbart, Gateway Pundit, and InfoWars.
11. He called Barack Obama “the vacationer-in-Chief” and accused him of playing more rounds of golf than Tiger Woods. He promised to never be the kind of president who took cushy vacations on the taxpayer’s dime, not when there was so much important work to be done.
You bought it.
He took his first vacation after 11 days in office.
On the taxpayer’s dime.
And went golfing.
And that’s just the first month.
by Robert Reich

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RE: left McCarthyists

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 09.03.2017 17:10
von Indo_HS | 2.709 Beiträge

Eine Grafik sagt manchmal mehr als 1000 Worte ....

Selfspeaking: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/C6aOTqbUsAAKzjf.jpg:large

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RE: left McCarthyists

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 09.03.2017 17:11
von Indo_HS | 2.709 Beiträge

<<First import of Russian steel arrives at new Paulsboro port>>

zuletzt bearbeitet 09.03.2017 17:12 | nach oben springen


RE: left McCarthyists

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 10.03.2017 00:33
von Willie (gelöscht)

Trump Supporters Call For 'Liberal Genocide' and Deportation of Jews at Arizona Rally

David Friedman: Man who said liberal Jews are worse than Nazi collaborators approved as new US Ambassador to Israel by Senate panel
The New York lawyer still needs approval from the full senate

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RE: left McCarthyists

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 11.03.2017 10:34
von Maga-neu | 35.757 Beiträge

Hail to the (former) Chief...

"Recently released figures revealed that in 2016, US special operations were active in 70% of the world’s nations, or 138 countries. This was a 130% increase over Bush’s administration."

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-...l#ixzz4b0ck8Fht
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

zuletzt bearbeitet 11.03.2017 10:45 | nach oben springen


RE: left McCarthyists

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 11.03.2017 10:38
von Maga-neu | 35.757 Beiträge


"This is a disaster. At a time when Donald Trump is the least liked President ever measured at this point in his first term, the Democratic Party has found a way to be even less liked than him. This is how Donald Trump wins a second term."

They don't get it.

zuletzt bearbeitet 11.03.2017 10:44 | nach oben springen


RE: left McCarthyists

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 11.03.2017 16:53
von Willie (gelöscht)

Zitat von Maga-neu im Beitrag #117

"This is a disaster. At a time when Donald Trump is the least liked President ever measured at this point in his first term, the Democratic Party has found a way to be even less liked than him. This is how Donald Trump wins a second term."

They don't get it.

Nein, es ist kein Disaster.
Ein Vergleich Trump-Demokraten ist natuerlich ein unsinniger. Ersteres it eine Partei zweiteres der Praesident. Zwei voellig unterschiedliche Dinge.

Yep, die Demokraten befinden sich derzeit in einer Phase der Neuorientierung. Derzeitige niedrige Umfragewerte der Demokraten machen aber Trump deswegen nicht ehrlicher. Oder als President akzeptabler. oder seine Leistungen besser hinnehmbar. Bis jetzt hat er ja seine Nachlaeufer noch nicht enttaeuscht. Er ist ja noch nicht mal zwei Monate im Amt.
Hillary hatte auch trotz allem noch 3 Millionen Stimmen mehr als der Twittler. Den haben schliesslich nur das Wahlsystem, die Hilfe von Putin und dem FBI ueber die Huerde gebracht
In Senat und Repraesentantenhaus hat die GOP dagegen jeweils Sitze verloren.

Und die GOP hat gerade mal einen Punkt mehr als die Demokraten -waehrend der GOP gefuehrte Kongress 10 Punkte weiter zurueckliegt. Und das noch vor ihren Gesetzesvorhaben dieser Legislaturperiode. Also 'nothing to brag about'.
In 3, 6, 9, 12 Monaten kann alles ganz anders aussehen. Ganz zu schweigen vom naechsten Jahr im November wenn die naechsten Mid-term elections anstehen.:-)

zuletzt bearbeitet 11.03.2017 16:55 | nach oben springen


RE: left McCarthyists

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 11.03.2017 16:54
von Willie (gelöscht)

How Prosperity Gospel Delivered Rural Iowa To Republicans

Paul Ryan Seems Excited To Kick People Off Medicaid
The Republican health care bill goes a lot further than just repealing Obamacare.

Conservatives Craft Their Wish List On The GOP Health Care Bill
They want a lot. And they figure the bill won’t pass without their support.

zuletzt bearbeitet 11.03.2017 17:00 | nach oben springen


RE: left McCarthyists

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 11.03.2017 19:13
von Willie (gelöscht)
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RE: left McCarthyists

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 11.03.2017 23:38
von Willie (gelöscht)

WikiLeaks Has Joined the Trump Administration
The anti-American group has become the preferred intelligence service for a conspiracy-addled White House.

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RE: left McCarthyists

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 12.03.2017 21:51
von Maga-neu | 35.757 Beiträge


Liberals have exposed themselves as being weak at the very least, and phony lovers of empire and the elites at worst. They were never really very different. Having a right winger in the White House has just exposed them all.

zuletzt bearbeitet 12.03.2017 21:51 | nach oben springen


RE: left McCarthyists

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 12.03.2017 22:01
von Willie (gelöscht)

GOP Senator: Repeal Bill May Put House Republican Majority 'At Risk Next Year'
Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) said on Sunday that House Republicans' bill to repeal the Affordable Care Act "cannot pass the Senate" and that Republicans will put their majority in the House "at risk next year" if they vote in its favor.

"I would say to my friends in the House of Representatives with whom I serve, do not walk the plank and vote for a bill that cannot pass the Senate and then have to face the consequences of that vote," Cotton said on ABC's "This Week."

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RE: left McCarthyists

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 12.03.2017 22:03
von Willie (gelöscht)

McCain Calls On Trump To Retract Obama Wiretap Claim Or Prove It
“Provide the information that the American people deserve,” he said.

When it comes to President Donald Trump’s claim that he was wiretapped, Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) wants the evidence to speak for itself.
The chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee called on Trump on Sunday to either prove that his predecessor Barack Obama illegally tapped his phones or retract the allegation. His request comes roughly one week after Trump made the unprecedented claim on Twitter without offering any evidence backing it up.
“The president has one of two choices, either retract or provide the information that the American people deserve,” McCain told CNN’s Jake Tapper, host of State of the Union. “I have no reason to believe that the charge is true, but I also believe that the president of the United States could clear this up in a minute.”

Intel panel calls for wiretap evidence by Monday
House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) and ranking member Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) have asked the White House to offer by Monday any evidence showing Trump Tower was wiretapped.

zuletzt bearbeitet 12.03.2017 22:05 | nach oben springen


RE: left McCarthyists

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 12.03.2017 23:03
von Willie (gelöscht)

Cindy Jacobs: 2017 Will See Christian ‘Media Revolutionaries’ Replace Liberal Media Outlets That Are Persecuting Christians


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