
RE: Mission Äh..ccomplished?

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 19.01.2019 01:12
von Willie (gelöscht)

Zitat von Leto_II. im Beitrag #4675
Zitat von Willie im Beitrag #4674
Zitat von Maga-neu im Beitrag #4673
Zitat von Willie im Beitrag #4670
Oder wie man im laessigen Umgangston der jungen Leute heute sagen wuerde: Trumpsky is fucked.

Das ist er inzwischen seit drei Jahren, seit er seine Kandidatur bekanntgegeben hat.
Gut, dass er keine Chance gehabt hat zu gewinnen...

Inzwischen wirft man dem Präsidenten Verrat und "insanity" vor, weil er an der NATO zweifelt.

Nun gut, dann weiß man, wo die Kriegstreiber sitzen, und zwar nicht im Oval Office.

Truth fail + logic fail. As usual. :-)))

Nö, Willie, weder, noch. "Totgesagte leben länger" danach ist Trump bald unsterblich, leider. Das wird ihm vielleicht noch zur Wiederwahl verhelfen. Politik ist keine Naturwissenschaft an sich, hat aber viel mit der menschlichen Natur zu tun. Logik ist nur ein kleiner Teil davon.

Meine vorstehende Ausfuehrung bezog sich auf die Ausfuehrungen meines Vorgaengers Maga.

Bezgl. Trumpsky bleibe ich dabei, was ich schrieb. Ich bin heute ueberzeugt davon, dass der dieses Jahr nicht im Amt durchsteht.

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RE: Mission Äh..ccomplished?

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 19.01.2019 08:10
von nahal | 24.469 Beiträge

Und wieder ein Highlight der Fake News.

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RE: Mission Äh..ccomplished?

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 19.01.2019 09:46
von nahal | 24.469 Beiträge

Zitat von Willie im Beitrag #4672
This Charge Is Different
An explosive report that Trump directed Michael Cohen to lie to Congress provides a straightforwardly impeachable offense.

Man kann nur lachen.

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RE: Mission Äh..ccomplished?

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 19.01.2019 10:56
von Maga-neu | 35.170 Beiträge

Zitat von Willie im Beitrag #4674
Zitat von Maga-neu im Beitrag #4673
Zitat von Willie im Beitrag #4670
Oder wie man im laessigen Umgangston der jungen Leute heute sagen wuerde: Trumpsky is fucked.

Das ist er inzwischen seit drei Jahren, seit er seine Kandidatur bekanntgegeben hat.
Gut, dass er keine Chance gehabt hat zu gewinnen...

Inzwischen wirft man dem Präsidenten Verrat und "insanity" vor, weil er an der NATO zweifelt.

Nun gut, dann weiß man, wo die Kriegstreiber sitzen, und zwar nicht im Oval Office.

Truth fail + logic fail. As usual. :-)))

Answer as usual. :-))

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RE: Mission Äh..ccomplished?

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 19.01.2019 14:46
von Willie (gelöscht)

Zitat von nahal im Beitrag #4678
Zitat von Willie im Beitrag #4672
This Charge Is Different
An explosive report that Trump directed Michael Cohen to lie to Congress provides a straightforwardly impeachable offense.

Man kann nur lachen.

Der ist es wert, aufgehoben zu werden. :-))

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RE: Mission Äh..ccomplished?

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 19.01.2019 15:27
von Willie (gelöscht)

Zitat von Maga-neu im Beitrag #4679
Zitat von Willie im Beitrag #4674
Zitat von Maga-neu im Beitrag #4673
Zitat von Willie im Beitrag #4670
Oder wie man im laessigen Umgangston der jungen Leute heute sagen wuerde: Trumpsky is fucked.

Das ist er inzwischen seit drei Jahren, seit er seine Kandidatur bekanntgegeben hat.
Gut, dass er keine Chance gehabt hat zu gewinnen...

Inzwischen wirft man dem Präsidenten Verrat und "insanity" vor, weil er an der NATO zweifelt.

Nun gut, dann weiß man, wo die Kriegstreiber sitzen, und zwar nicht im Oval Office.

Truth fail + logic fail. As usual. :-)))

Answer as usual. :-))


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RE: Mission Äh..ccomplished?

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 19.01.2019 16:22
von Willie (gelöscht)

Why can’t Trump make deals? No one trusts him anymore
Sen. Mitch McConnell was jolted with a fresh reminder of President Trump’s capriciousness last month: The majority leader persuaded Republican colleagues to take a politically difficult vote to temporarily fund the government, but not a border wall, only to see Trump withdraw support — initiating the longest shutdown in history.

House Republicans learned the same lesson early in Trump’s presidency when he rallied them to repeal Obamacare, then described their effort as “mean.”

As Trump reaches the halfway mark of his term on Sunday, he has left a trail of negotiating partners from both chambers of Congress, both political parties and countries around the world feeling double-crossed and even lied to.

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RE: Mission Äh..ccomplished?

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 19.01.2019 23:37
von Willie (gelöscht)

Republicans are accidentally doing more to advance progressive values than Democrats
Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, Elizabeth Warren, and the GOP's penchant for self-owns.

... The 60 Minutes interview hadn’t even fully aired before conservatives began hollering about Ocasio-Cortez’s proposal for a new tax bracket, which would levy a 70 percent marginal tax rate on earners who made more than $10 million a year. The more troglodytic among them fixated on Ocasio-Cortez’s age (and, of course, gender) in order to portray her as a naive, uninformed starlet mindlessly spouting socialist talking points. Those who managed to keep their sexism in check simply suggested her proposal was radical or extreme. But the whole lot of them couldn’t help but take shots at the rookie lawmaker.

In so doing, they only amplified her message. By Monday morning, her comment was everywhere. On Tuesday, reactions to her comment — from economists, politicians, historians, pollsters — proliferated all over the web. But if Republicans were hoping their signal boost would expose Ocasio Cortez, somehow discrediting her in the unforgiving gaze of public scrutiny, they miscalculated once again.
A poll commissioned by The Hill/HarrisX shortly after Ocasio Cortez’s comment aired found that a solid majority of voters — 59 percent — agreed with her proposal. Southern voters were in favor of her plan by a 14-point margin; rural voters approved by 12 points. Even self-identified Republicans were relatively warm to the plan, with 45 percent of respondents agreeing with Ocasio-Cortez’s tax proposal. Conservative commentators and lawmakers, convinced that the public would join them in excoriating Ocasio Cortez, instead drove support in her direction — moving the needle in the direction of higher taxes for the wealthiest Americans in a way few liberals have been able to accomplish.

This is not to discount the efforts of Ocasio-Cortez herself. From the moment she burst onto the scene after unseating the fourth most powerful Democrat in the House during last June’s primary, AOC has played her conservative haters like a fiddle. Each time Fox News tries to paint her as a radical, she calmly fires up Instagram and conducts an impromptu town hall from her kitchen on the moral imperative of universal health care or affordable higher education. Every time a Republican lawmaker tries to embarrass her on Twitter for misspeaking, she takes to the same platform to dunk on them with such ease and ruthlessness it’s a miracle they don’t delete their accounts on the spot.

The truth is, Republicans would have been far better off had they simply ignored Ocasio-Cortez altogether.


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RE: Mission Äh..ccomplished?

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 19.01.2019 23:40
von Willie (gelöscht)

Paul Krugman: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez exposes average congressional Republican as "dumb as a rock"
"Constant attempts to dismiss her as stupid are helping to highlight the casual racism and sexism," Krugman writes

... “She’s telegenic and her shocking rise makes a good story; but there are lots of impressive freshmen in this class, and she gets all the attention,” he noted. “On the other hand, she’s really talented at the modern media game, and is getting a hearing for ideas that more conventional politicians are afraid to touch — and the reactions of conservatives are pure gold.”

Many of the right wing’s bizarre attempts to discredit Ocasio-Cortez have largely backfired, whether it’s trying to shame her by posting a picture of her childhood home, reporting on her high school nickname “Sandy,” or even sharing a music video in which she — if you can believe it! — danced. But they’ve also tried to attack her by claiming that she is uninformed about basic economics and policy, often relying on implicit bigotry.

Krugman noted that these attempts “highlight the casual racism and sexism of so much discourse.” This is particularly true, he argued, because “she’s surely smarter than the median member of Congress, especially in the GOP, who is basically as dumb as a rock.”

Ocasio-Cortez, in fact, studied economics in college, while many Republicans who profess to understand the subject display almost complete ignorance of the entire subject beyond a few right-wing shibboleths. This isn’t to say the Ocasio-Cortez gets everything right — she doesn’t — but she is clearly held to a ridiculously higher standard than her critics are.

Krugman’s tweet storm was sparked by Ocasio-Cortez’s back-and-forth with former Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, who embarrassingly attacked her proposal for a 70 percent marginal tax on high incomes (which Krugman has previously defended).
“Explaining tax rates before Reagan to 5th graders: ‘Imagine if you did chores for your grandma and she gave you $10. When you got home, your parents took $7 from you.’ The students said: ‘That’s not fair!” Walker said on Twitter.’ “Even 5th graders get it.”
Of course, this is a wild misrepresentation of the proposal. Perhaps, more accurately, it’s a lie. Even billionaires under Ocasio-Cortez’s preferred scheme wouldn’t pay 70 percent of their income in taxes — only 70 percent of their income above $10 million. Walker just admitted to tricking fifth graders about basic finances.
Ocasio-Cortez clapped back to Walker’s tweet, explaining why the failed governor was wrong. In doing so, her tweet received many times more engagement from Twitter users, exposing the GOP’s bogus talking points and a more accurate view about marginal tax rates to a broader audience.

As Krugman noted, this kind of interaction reveals the value in her elevated profile:
“So [Ocasio-Cortez] is both a real political talent and very useful as someone who flushes the ignorant prejudice of the right into the open,” he said. “So in the end it’s all good. A party that only had people like her to present its case might have problems, but there are plenty of experienced veterans and deep thinkers too. Not to slight the many other good people, but just compare the lineup of Pelosi, Warren, and Ocasio-Cortez with anything on the other side.”


zuletzt bearbeitet 20.01.2019 15:36 | nach oben springen


RE: Mission Äh..ccomplished?

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 20.01.2019 12:13
von Maga-neu | 35.170 Beiträge

Zitat von Willie im Beitrag #4684
Paul Krugman: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez exposes average congressional Republican as "dumb as a rock"
"Constant attempts to dismiss her as stupid are helping to highlight the casual racism and sexism," Krugman writes

... “She’s telegenic and her shocking rise makes a good story; but there are lots of impressive freshmen in this class, and she gets all the attention,” he noted. “On the other hand, she’s really talented at the modern media game, and is getting a hearing for ideas that more conventional politicians are afraid to touch — and the reactions of conservatives are pure gold.”

Many of the right wing’s bizarre attempts to discredit Ocasio-Cortez have largely backfired, whether it’s trying to shame her by posting a picture of her childhood home, reporting on her high school nickname “Sandy,” or even sharing a music video in which she — if you can believe it! — danced. But they’ve also tried to attack her by claiming that she is uninformed about basic economics and policy, often relying on implicit bigotry.

Krugman noted that these attempts “highlight the casual racism and sexism of so much discourse.” This is particularly true, he argued, because “she’s surely smarter than the median member of Congress, especially in the GOP, who is basically as dumb as a rock.”

Ocasio-Cortez, in fact, studied economics in college, while many Republicans who profess to understand the subject display almost complete ignorance of the entire subject beyond a few right-wing shibboleths. This isn’t to say the Ocasio-Cortez gets everything right — she doesn’t — but she is clearly held to a ridiculously higher standard than her critics are.

Krugman’s tweet storm was sparked by Ocasio-Cortez’s back-and-forth with former Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, who embarrassingly attacked her proposal for a 70 percent marginal tax on high incomes (which Krugman has previously defended).
“Explaining tax rates before Reagan to 5th graders: ‘Imagine if you did chores for your grandma and she gave you $10. When you got home, your parents took $7 from you.’ The students said: ‘That’s not fair!” Walker said on Twitter.’ “Even 5th graders get it.”
Of course, this is a wild misrepresentation of the proposal. Perhaps, more accurately, it’s a lie. Even billionaires under Ocasio-Cortez’s preferred scheme wouldn’t pay 70 percent of their income in taxes — only 70 percent of their income above $10 million. Walker just admitted to tricking fifth graders about basic finances.
Ocasio-Cortez clapped back to Walker’s tweet, explaining why the failed governor was wrong. In doing so, her tweet received many times more engagement from Twitter users, exposing the GOP’s bogus talking points and a more accurate view about marginal tax rates to a broader audience.

As Krugman noted, this kind of interac
“So [Ocasio-Cortez] is both a real political talent and very useful as someone who flushes the ignorant prejudice of the right into the open,” he said. “So in the end it’s all good. A party that only had people like her to present its case might have problems, but there are plenty of experienced veterans and deep thinkers too. Not to slight the many other good people, but just compare the lineup of Pelosi, Warren, and Ocasio-Cortez with anything on the other side.”


Wie originell - mal wieder racism and sexism...


Gee, compared to Pelosi or Ocasio Cortez Trump must be a genius. :-)

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RE: Mission Äh..ccomplished?

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 20.01.2019 23:08
von Maga-neu | 35.170 Beiträge


Schade, und dieses Mal hatten doch alle so gehofft, dass Trump endlich zurücktreten würde.

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RE: Mission Äh..ccomplished?

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 21.01.2019 09:15
von nahal | 24.469 Beiträge

Dass dieser Paul Krugman sich erdreist noch etwas zu schreiben!!!

zuletzt bearbeitet 21.01.2019 09:15 | nach oben springen


RE: Mission Äh..ccomplished?

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 21.01.2019 11:19
von Maga-neu | 35.170 Beiträge


Native American mocked by students in Maga hats

Wenn etwas typisch ist für die Verdrehungen und "alternativen Fakten", die die Mainstream-Presse (Reuters, Guardian) liefert, dann das. Der alte Mann trommelt, um ihn stehen ein paar Jungs und grinsen. Ach ja, die Jungs kamen von einer katholischen Privatschule, waren auf einer Anti-Abtreibungsdemonstration, trugen rote Baseballkappen und einer sagte angeblich: "Build the wall", was natürlich eine unglaubliche Inanspruchnahme von Meinungsfreiheit ist.
Nur sieht man an keiner Stelle, dass der alte Mann in irgendeiner Weise verhöhnt wird.

Natürlich konnten die Jungen nicht wissen, dass es in der liberal-progressiveness nie Gleichheit gibt und dass sie als weiße Kinder einer katholischen Privatschule, die gegen Abtreibung sind, niemals den Status eines native American erreichen können, der gegen Trump, gegen die Mauer und für Abtreibung ist. Er wird, auch wenn er ihnen mit seinem Getrommel in unverschämter Weise auf den Pelz rückt, immer das Opfer und sie werden, auch wenn sie nur grinsend vor ihm stehen, immer die Täter sein.

Eigentlich ein neufeudales System...

zuletzt bearbeitet 21.01.2019 12:45 | nach oben springen


RE: Mission Äh..ccomplished?

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 21.01.2019 15:28
von Willie (gelöscht)

Pence Claims Trump Is Just Like Martin Luther King Jr. For ‘Inspiring Us’ With Border Wall
The stupid, it burns: Vice President Mike Pence says President Donald Trump is like the late Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. because Trump is “inspiring us” with a border wall.

Pence's shocking use of Martin Luther King's words
... The comments made by Pence -- who works at the top of an administration that promotes policies that directly contradict King's message -- fly directly in the face of Martin Luther King's legacy.

It does so because this is an administration that right now is holding the government hostage -- leaving civil servants without paychecks and citizens without full benefits -- in exchange for a monument made of brick and mortar or steel that most experts agree won't do much to enhance border security. Not to mention that, under this administration, thousands of parents have been separated from their children at the border.
In a stark contrast to what King stood for, the Trump administration has repeatedly sent encouraging signals to the forces of white nationalism, starting with the President saying that there were "very fine people" among the neo-Nazi marchers in Charlottesville, the keepers of the flame for the white Americans who did everything in their power to stop civil rights back in the 1960s.

And as a way to promote the passage of new voting restrictions -- which would fall hardest on marginalized groups of voters -- the administration has promoted false claims of election fraud.
President Trump has even praised autocrats, like North Korea's Kim Jong Un and Russia's Vladimir Putin, all over the world who oppose the fundamental rights that King defended.
All of this has happened while the administration pushes for budgets that undercut social safety programs to help the poor.
As we've seen, nothing about this administration resembles King's ideals. ...

There is no justification for Vice President Pence to use King's memory to support the administration's policies. Doing so is a perversion of the work of one of the greatest social activists of modern times.

Die duemmliche und verlogene Arroganz dieses Menschen kennt keine Grenzen. Wie echte Repugs eben.

zuletzt bearbeitet 21.01.2019 15:41 | nach oben springen


RE: Mission Äh..ccomplished?

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 21.01.2019 15:32
von Willie (gelöscht)

Zitat von nahal im Beitrag #4687
Dass dieser Paul Krugman sich erdreist noch etwas zu schreiben!!!

Ein Professor in Economics mit einem Nobel Preis in Economics braucht sich hinter niemandem zu verstecken. Am wenigsten vor der "Economics Prowess" von Repugnians :-)

zuletzt bearbeitet 21.01.2019 15:35 | nach oben springen


RE: Mission Äh..ccomplished?

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 21.01.2019 18:51
von nahal | 24.469 Beiträge

Zitat von Willie im Beitrag #4690
Zitat von nahal im Beitrag #4687
Dass dieser Paul Krugman sich erdreist noch etwas zu schreiben!!!

Ein Professor in Economics mit einem Nobel Preis in Economics braucht sich hinter niemandem zu verstecken. Am wenigsten vor der "Economics Prowess" von Repugnians :-)

Hat sich der Nobelpreisträger für seinen Scheiß 2016 entschuldigt?

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RE: Mission Äh..ccomplished?

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 21.01.2019 18:53
von nahal | 24.469 Beiträge

Zitat von Willie im Beitrag #4689
Pence Claims Trump Is Just Like Martin Luther King Jr. For ‘Inspiring Us’ With Border Wall
The stupid, it burns: Vice President Mike Pence says President Donald Trump is like the late Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. because Trump is “inspiring us” with a border wall.

Pence's shocking use of Martin Luther King's words
... The comments made by Pence -- who works at the top of an administration that promotes policies that directly contradict King's message -- fly directly in the face of Martin Luther King's legacy.

It does so because this is an administration that right now is holding the government hostage -- leaving civil servants without paychecks and citizens without full benefits -- in exchange for a monument made of brick and mortar or steel that most experts agree won't do much to enhance border security. Not to mention that, under this administration, thousands of parents have been separated from their children at the border.
In a stark contrast to what King stood for, the Trump administration has repeatedly sent encouraging signals to the forces of white nationalism, starting with the President saying that there were "very fine people" among the neo-Nazi marchers in Charlottesville, the keepers of the flame for the white Americans who did everything in their power to stop civil rights back in the 1960s.

And as a way to promote the passage of new voting restrictions -- which would fall hardest on marginalized groups of voters -- the administration has promoted false claims of election fraud.
President Trump has even praised autocrats, like North Korea's Kim Jong Un and Russia's Vladimir Putin, all over the world who oppose the fundamental rights that King defended.
All of this has happened while the administration pushes for budgets that undercut social safety programs to help the poor.
As we've seen, nothing about this administration resembles King's ideals. ...

There is no justification for Vice President Pence to use King's memory to support the administration's policies. Doing so is a perversion of the work of one of the greatest social activists of modern times.

Die duemmliche und verlogene Arroganz dieses Menschen kennt keine Grenzen. Wie echte Repugs eben.

Man sollte sich schämen CNN als Quelle anzugeben.

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RE: Mission Äh..ccomplished?

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 21.01.2019 19:09
von Willie (gelöscht)

Zitat von nahal im Beitrag #4692
Zitat von Willie im Beitrag #4689
Pence Claims Trump Is Just Like Martin Luther King Jr. For ‘Inspiring Us’ With Border Wall
The stupid, it burns: Vice President Mike Pence says President Donald Trump is like the late Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. because Trump is “inspiring us” with a border wall.

Pence's shocking use of Martin Luther King's words
... The comments made by Pence -- who works at the top of an administration that promotes policies that directly contradict King's message -- fly directly in the face of Martin Luther King's legacy.

It does so because this is an administration that right now is holding the government hostage -- leaving civil servants without paychecks and citizens without full benefits -- in exchange for a monument made of brick and mortar or steel that most experts agree won't do much to enhance border security. Not to mention that, under this administration, thousands of parents have been separated from their children at the border.
In a stark contrast to what King stood for, the Trump administration has repeatedly sent encouraging signals to the forces of white nationalism, starting with the President saying that there were "very fine people" among the neo-Nazi marchers in Charlottesville, the keepers of the flame for the white Americans who did everything in their power to stop civil rights back in the 1960s.

And as a way to promote the passage of new voting restrictions -- which would fall hardest on marginalized groups of voters -- the administration has promoted false claims of election fraud.
President Trump has even praised autocrats, like North Korea's Kim Jong Un and Russia's Vladimir Putin, all over the world who oppose the fundamental rights that King defended.
All of this has happened while the administration pushes for budgets that undercut social safety programs to help the poor.
As we've seen, nothing about this administration resembles King's ideals. ...

There is no justification for Vice President Pence to use King's memory to support the administration's policies. Doing so is a perversion of the work of one of the greatest social activists of modern times.

Die duemmliche und verlogene Arroganz dieses Menschen kennt keine Grenzen. Wie echte Repugs eben.

Man sollte sich schämen CNN als Quelle anzugeben.

Der "man" wird sich jetzt bestimmt schaemen. :-))))

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RE: Mission Äh..ccomplished?

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 21.01.2019 20:19
von Willie (gelöscht)

President Trump Posts Altered Photos to Facebook and Instagram That Make Him Look Thinner
President Donald Trump’s social media accounts are filled with vile racism, idiotic xenophobia, and inaccurate statistics. And now we can add another category to the list: fake photos.

In recent months, Trump’s official Facebook and Instagram accounts have published photos of the president that have been manipulated to make him look thinner. If it only happened once you might be able to chalk it up as an accident. But Gizmodo has discovered at least three different retouched photos on President Trump’s social media pages that have been published since October of 2018.

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RE: Mission Äh..ccomplished?

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 21.01.2019 20:25
von Willie (gelöscht)

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Crusher of Sacred Cows
With its silly swipes at AOC, the American political establishment is once again revealing its blindness to its own unpopularity

One of the first things you learn covering American politicians is that they’re not terribly bright.
The notion that Hill denizens are brilliant 4-D chess players is pure myth, the product of too many press hagiographies of the Game Change variety and too many Hollywood fantasies like House of Cards and West Wing.
The average American politician would lose at checkers to a zoo gorilla. They’re usually in office for one reason: someone with money sent them there, often to vote yes on a key appropriation bill or two. On the other 364 days of the year, their job is to shut their yaps and approximate gravitas anytime they’re in range of C-SPAN cameras.

Too many hacks float to the capital on beds of national committee money and other donor largesse, but then — once they get behind that desk and sit between those big flags — start thinking they’re actually beloved tribunes of the people, whose opinions on all things are eagerly desired.
So they talk. What do they talk about? To the consternation of donors, all kinds of stuff. Remember Ted Stevens explaining that the Internet “is not a big truck”? How about Hank Johnson worrying that Guam would become so overpopulated it would “tip over and capsize”? How about Oklahoma Republican Jim Bridenstine noting that just because the Supreme Court rules on something, that “doesn’t necessarily mean that that’s constitutional”?

There’s a reason aides try to keep their bosses away from microphones, particularly when there’s a potential for a question of SAT-or-higher level difficulty in the interview. But the subject elected officials have the most trouble staying away from is each other.
We’ve seen this a lot in recent weeks with the ongoing freakout over newcomer Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Lest anyone think any of the above applies to “AOC,” who’s also had a lot to say since arriving in Washington, remember: she won in spite of the party and big donors, not because of them. ...


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RE: Mission Äh..ccomplished?

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 21.01.2019 20:27
von Willie (gelöscht)
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RE: Mission Äh..ccomplished?

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 21.01.2019 21:59
von Maga-neu | 35.170 Beiträge

Zitat von Willie im Beitrag #4695
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Crusher of Sacred Cows
With its silly swipes at AOC, the American political establishment is once again revealing its blindness to its own unpopularity

One of the first things you learn covering American politicians is that they’re not terribly bright.
The notion that Hill denizens are brilliant 4-D chess players is pure myth, the product of too many press hagiographies of the Game Change variety and too many Hollywood fantasies like House of Cards and West Wing.
The average American politician would lose at checkers to a zoo gorilla. They’re usually in office for one reason: someone with money sent them there, often to vote yes on a key appropriation bill or two. On the other 364 days of the year, their job is to shut their yaps and approximate gravitas anytime they’re in range of C-SPAN cameras.

Too many hacks float to the capital on beds of national committee money and other donor largesse, but then — once they get behind that desk and sit between those big flags — start thinking they’re actually beloved tribunes of the people, whose opinions on all things are eagerly desired.
So they talk. What do they talk about? To the consternation of donors, all kinds of stuff. Remember Ted Stevens explaining that the Internet “is not a big truck”? How about Hank Johnson worrying that Guam would become so overpopulated it would “tip over and capsize”? How about Oklahoma Republican Jim Bridenstine noting that just because the Supreme Court rules on something, that “doesn’t necessarily mean that that’s constitutional”?

There’s a reason aides try to keep their bosses away from microphones, particularly when there’s a potential for a question of SAT-or-higher level difficulty in the interview. But the subject elected officials have the most trouble staying away from is each other.
We’ve seen this a lot in recent weeks with the ongoing freakout over newcomer Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Lest anyone think any of the above applies to “AOC,” who’s also had a lot to say since arriving in Washington, remember: she won in spite of the party and big donors, not because of them. ...

Haha, wir haben es mit einer Frau zu tun, die Wirtschaft studiert hat, von der sogar der ihr sehr wohlgesonnene Krugman schreibt: "This isn’t to say the Ocasio-Cortez gets everything right — she doesn’t."

Wie ist ihre Karriere erklärbar: Nun, durch die identiy politics, für die die Dems viel mehr stehen als Trump. Eine junge Latina muss einfach besser sein als ein älterer, weißer Mann. Diese Karte hat sie gespielt und obendrein noch die working-class-Karte, die eine glatte Lüge war. Oder soll ich schreiben ein alternatives Factum? Was ihr an Bildung über Wirtschaft oder Geopolitik fehlt, was sie natürlich nicht daran hindert, sich zu beidem zu äußern, macht sie wett durch ein freches, infantiles Auftreten - vergleich mal ihre Auftritte mit denen von Sahra Wagenknecht -, das man hierzulande vor allem von Grünen kennt. (Es soll Leute geben, die dergleichen erfrischend finden.) Und natürlich durch Ellenbogen, mit deren Hilfe sie es geschafft hat, in mächtige Ausschüsse zu gelangen.

zuletzt bearbeitet 21.01.2019 22:44 | nach oben springen


RE: Mission Äh..ccomplished?

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 22.01.2019 14:41
von nahal | 24.469 Beiträge

Neues von der Intelligenz-Bestie:

"Ocasio-Cortez: 'The world will end in 12 years if we don't address climate change'"


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RE: Mission Äh..ccomplished?

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 22.01.2019 14:54
von nahal | 24.469 Beiträge

Zitat von nahal im Beitrag #4698
Neues von der Intelligenz-Bestie:

"Ocasio-Cortez: 'The world will end in 12 years if we don't address climate change'"


Diese Nachricht hat mich richtig beruhigt und befreit.
Ich muss nichts mehr vererben, ich kann alles schnell verbraten.

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RE: Mission Äh..ccomplished?

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 22.01.2019 14:58
von Maga-neu | 35.170 Beiträge

Zitat von nahal im Beitrag #4699
Zitat von nahal im Beitrag #4698
Neues von der Intelligenz-Bestie:

"Ocasio-Cortez: 'The world will end in 12 years if we don't address climate change'"


Diese Nachricht hat mich richtig beruhigt und befreit.
Ich muss nichts mehr vererben, ich kann alles schnell verbraten.

Wenn ihre politische Karriere zuende ist, kann sie als Wahrsagerin arbeiten. Am besten in einem Zirkus - das ideale Umfeld für sie. :-)

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