
RE: Alternative Medaillen

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 19.06.2018 23:09
von Marlies (gelöscht)

Zitat von Hans Bergman im Beitrag #3424
Zitat von Marlies im Beitrag #3421
...1. Das allermeiste Geld, was man als Kosten den Flüchtlingen in Rechnung stellt, geht auf den Konten Deutscher ein.
2. Abgesehen davon berührt es mich im real life nicht mehr als die horrenden Kosten, die Seehofer bisher verursachte.
Durch seine Dummheit.
1. Auf die Konten von Rentnern und Pflegebedürftige geht es jedenfalls nicht.
2. Die Kosten fallen ZUSÄTZLICH zu den Kosten für Seehofer an, daher betrifft es Sie selbstverständlich im "real life" auch merh: nämlich um genau die zusätzlichen Kosten.

Diese Kosten gäbe es nicht, wenn sich die Politik der Flüchtlingskritiker im Vorfeld der Krise nicht durchgesetzt hätte.
Sie sind also von Euch verursacht worden und deshalb eigentlich auch ausschließlich von Euch zu bezahlen.
Ihr könnt das ja gleich direkt auf die Konten der Flüchtlingsindustrie und der entsprechenen Planstelleninhaber überweisen.
Das macht es einfacher.

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RE: Alternative Medaillen

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 20.06.2018 06:17
von Hans Bergman | 23.327 Beiträge

Zitat von Marlies im Beitrag #3426
Zitat von Hans Bergman im Beitrag #3424
Zitat von Marlies im Beitrag #3421
...1. Das allermeiste Geld, was man als Kosten den Flüchtlingen in Rechnung stellt, geht auf den Konten Deutscher ein.
2. Abgesehen davon berührt es mich im real life nicht mehr als die horrenden Kosten, die Seehofer bisher verursachte.
Durch seine Dummheit.
1. Auf die Konten von Rentnern und Pflegebedürftige geht es jedenfalls nicht.
2. Die Kosten fallen ZUSÄTZLICH zu den Kosten für Seehofer an, daher betrifft es Sie selbstverständlich im "real life" auch merh: nämlich um genau die zusätzlichen Kosten.

Diese Kosten gäbe es nicht, wenn sich die Politik der Flüchtlingskritiker im Vorfeld der Krise nicht durchgesetzt hätte.
Sie sind also von Euch verursacht worden und deshalb eigentlich auch ausschließlich von Euch zu bezahlen.
Ihr könnt das ja gleich direkt auf die Konten der Flüchtlingsindustrie und der entsprechenen Planstelleninhaber überweisen.
Das macht es einfacher.

Sehen Sie bitte nochmal auf die Packungsbeilage und sagen Sie so etwas lieber Ihrem Arzt oder Apotheker. Da gibt es sicher was von Ratiopharm.

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RE: Alternative Medaillen

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 20.06.2018 06:20
von Hans Bergman | 23.327 Beiträge

So ein Affront kann den Weltfrieden gefährden:

"Steinmeier lässt Trump links liegen
Bei seinem Besuch in Kalifornien versucht Frank-Walter Steinmeier, den US-Präsidenten und dessen jüngste Ausfälle gegenüber Deutschland zu ignorieren."

Der wichtigste Mann der westlichen Hemisphäre, F.-Double-U Steinmeier, brüskiert den US-Präsidenten.
Dein Bauch sagt, es ist der Postillon - Dein Verstand beweist Dir widerwillig: es ist der Spiegel...

zuletzt bearbeitet 20.06.2018 06:23 | nach oben springen


RE: Alternative Medaillen

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 20.06.2018 09:43
von Maga-neu | 35.173 Beiträge

Zitat von Hans Bergman im Beitrag #3428
So ein Affront kann den Weltfrieden gefährden:

"Steinmeier lässt Trump links liegen
Bei seinem Besuch in Kalifornien versucht Frank-Walter Steinmeier, den US-Präsidenten und dessen jüngste Ausfälle gegenüber Deutschland zu ignorieren."

Der wichtigste Mann der westlichen Hemisphäre, F.-Double-U Steinmeier, brüskiert den US-Präsidenten.
Dein Bauch sagt, es ist der Postillon - Dein Verstand beweist Dir widerwillig: es ist der Spiegel...

Wir haben eine politische Führung jenseits von gut und böse.

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RE: Alternative Medaillen

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 20.06.2018 10:30
von Maga-neu | 35.173 Beiträge
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RE: Alternative Medaillen

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 21.06.2018 12:09
von nahal | 24.472 Beiträge

Female immigrants detained with their children at the say they have been on hunger strike for more than a week to challenge government claims they are released after 20 days. By the end of August at least three families will have spent a full year in custody.


Schlimm, dieser Trump!!!

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RE: Alternative Medaillen

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 21.06.2018 12:33
von Leto_II. | 27.813 Beiträge

Zitat von nahal im Beitrag #3431
Female immigrants detained with their children at the say they have been on hunger strike for more than a week to challenge government claims they are released after 20 days. By the end of August at least three families will have spent a full year in custody.


Schlimm, dieser Trump!!!

Mir wäre das peinlich:

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RE: Alternative Medaillen

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 21.06.2018 12:44
von nahal | 24.472 Beiträge

Zitat von Leto_II. im Beitrag #3432
Zitat von nahal im Beitrag #3431
Female immigrants detained with their children at the say they have been on hunger strike for more than a week to challenge government claims they are released after 20 days. By the end of August at least three families will have spent a full year in custody.


Schlimm, dieser Trump!!!

Mir wäre das peinlich:

Mir auch. Vor allem da das Obama betrifft. Aber jetzt scheint die Empörung "minimal" größer zu sein.

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RE: Alternative Medaillen

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 22.06.2018 01:44
von Willie (gelöscht)

Sara Netanyahu Charged With Fraud for Ordering $96k Worth of Meals From Gourmet Chefs
Prime minister's wife indicted for violating rules barring ordering of meals with cook on staff ■ Attorneys call indictment 'baseless and delusional'

Die geht womoeglich noch vor ihrem Alten und der Trumpsky crime family in den Kahn. :-)))

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RE: Alternative Medaillen

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 22.06.2018 01:51
von Willie (gelöscht)

Trump’s migrant policy: First blowback, then about-face
As a crisis of migrant children separated from their families provoked national outrage, President Donald Trump said he was powerless to act through an executive order. Five days later, he did just that.

The president’s abrupt about-face laid bare the administration’s capricious use of executive power as it presses forward with a crackdown on illegal immigration, first ensnaring children in its “zero tolerance” prosecution policy, then coming up with a “stopgap” reprieve in the face of global condemnation.

The president who had declared as a candidate that “I alone can fix” the nation’s problems in recent weeks threw up his arms and said only Congress could solve the problem of children being separated from their parents — and then reversed course once again.

What changed?
Brookings Institution senior fellow Bill Galston, a presidential scholar and a Clinton White House official, described it as “classic blame shifting” in the face of mounting bipartisan criticism and amid heartbreaking tales of toddlers kept from their parents. The president, he said, was in an “unsustainable position and would like to be bailed out of it without having to admit fault.”

Trump acted after encountering mushrooming blowback from Democrats, Republicans, evangelical leaders, former first ladies — even the pope. But White House officials offered little explanation for the reversal or why the president didn’t act sooner. It was a rare public step-down from the president in the face of a monumental self-imposed crisis.

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RE: Alternative Medaillen

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 22.06.2018 01:55
von Willie (gelöscht)

Donald Trump Is an Ignorant, Weak Coward
Recognize we’re in a linguistic emergency. We have a president whose single-minded praise for macho might is wearing down even those who refuse to overlook his incompetence. Trump, the only presidential candidate to refer to his penis size during a national debate, wants nothing more than to be seen as powerful and manly, and to align himself with those who project the characteristics he desires. And he’s gotten help—from us. If you’ve ever called Trump “tough” on immigration, note that he just called a dictator “tough” for murdering his citizens. (And “very smart” for staying in power.) That should be a wake-up call to journalists responsible for telling the story of this moment: Stop using the words he routinely chooses to describe himself. And think hard about whether you’re accidentally reinforcing the model of power he’s trying to sell…

Loofbourow does a good job of pointing out that, when taken to the extreme—as we see with Trump—this conflation of strength with dominance actually demonstrates weakness.

In practice, Trump’s positions slip and slide all over the place. He never got that “hard bargain” he allegedly drove (though he sure got credit for driving it). His deals fall through, his policy shifts depending on whomever he spoke to last. It would be the height of irony if the weakest president on record managed to rebrand himself as the strongman he so badly wants to be.

Even more dangerous is that when strength is equated with dominance, wielding power actually means cruelty. That explains why Trump is so enamored with Kim Jong-un. We just got a perfect example of that today when the president described the North Korean dictator as having the kind of strength he desires....

For all his bluster and cruelty, there are two things that demonstrate Trump’s weakness: his ignorance and his cowardice. The president isn’t simply ignorant of history and facts, he has consistently demonstrated that he isn’t interested in correcting that ignorance. He prefers to go with his instincts, which have been infected with his narcissism. People who are ignorant can be very cruel, but it is almost impossible for them to accomplish anything of substance.

Behind all of his rhetoric, Trump has also shown himself to be a coward. He surrounds himself with loyal sycophants and berates anyone who challenges him. As Loofbourow suggests, he constantly shifts his positions depending on who he’s dealing with at the moment and rarely confronts anyone face-to-face in public.

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RE: Alternative Medaillen

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 23.06.2018 12:02
von Maga-neu | 35.173 Beiträge

"Donald Trump Der Feind im Weißen Haus

Trumps jüngste Lügen sind ein offener Angriff auf die Bundesregierung und die Europäische Union. Dieser US-Präsident war nie ein Partner, er ist ein aggressiver Gegner. Man sollte ihn endlich entsprechend behandeln."

Und seit fünf Uhr fünfundfünfzig wird jetzt zurückgeschossen...

Der Nazi-Klumpfuß wäre stolz gewesen auf so einen Satz.

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RE: Alternative Medaillen

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 23.06.2018 14:34
von Nadine | 3.633 Beiträge

Den Handelskrieg, den man Trump vorwirft, haben China und Deutschland verursacht.

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RE: Alternative Medaillen

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 23.06.2018 15:17
von Hans Bergman | 23.327 Beiträge

Zitat von Nadine im Beitrag #3438
Den Handelskrieg, den man Trump vorwirft, haben China und Deutschland verursacht.
Ich lese immer von Strafzöllen, Handelskrieg, Vergeltungszöllen...
Zölle sind, wie Steuern auch, ein passables Instrument zum Steuern der Aus- und Einfuhren.
Man spricht ja auch nicht von Straf-Einkommenssteuer oder Vergeltungs-Steuerrückzahlung.

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RE: Alternative Medaillen

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 23.06.2018 19:33
von Willie (gelöscht)

Donald Trump and the 1930s playbook: liberal democracy comes unstuck
Trade wars and the targeting of minority groups in the US and some EU countries have strong historical echoes.

“Make no mistake, there is a concerted attack on the constitutional liberal order,” says Constanze Stelzenmüller, a German scholar at the Brookings Institution. “And it is being spearheaded by the president of the United States.”


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RE: Alternative Medaillen

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 23.06.2018 23:20
von Maga-neu | 35.173 Beiträge

Zitat von Willie im Beitrag #3440
Donald Trump and the 1930s playbook: liberal democracy comes unstuck
Trade wars and the targeting of minority groups in the US and some EU countries have strong historical echoes.

“Make no mistake, there is a concerted attack on the constitutional liberal order,” says Constanze Stelzenmüller, a German scholar at the Brookings Institution. “And it is being spearheaded by the president of the United States.”

Haha, die Stelzenmüller, eine bullshitterin par excellence. In deutschen Talkshows gibt sie nur Blödsinn von sich. So auch in diesem Fall. Der Liberalismus ist am Ende, weil er sich zu Tode gesiegt hat. Trump war höchstens der Sargnagel, aber nicht die Speerspitze.

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RE: Alternative Medaillen

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 24.06.2018 22:17
von Willie (gelöscht)

Trump Says U.S. Should Expel Migrants Without Due Process
President Donald Trump on Sunday proposed violating U.S. and international law by deporting “people [who] invade our Country,” presumably referring to undocumented immigrants and asylum-seekers, without affording them their Due Process rights.

“The right to Due Process of law is enshrined in the Constitution and extends to every person in the United States, irrespective of immigration status,” Jeremy McKinney, an immigration attorney and secretary of the American Immigration Lawyers Association, told TPM in an email responding to Trump’s tweet.
“The Supreme Court, for well over a century has expressly recognized a person cannot be deported without Due Process. Due Process at its core means notice and a full and fair opportunity to be heard.”
“I hate that we (as attorneys and media) have to spend any time on this stupidity,” he added.

“What President Trump suggested here is both illegal and unconstitutional,” the ACLU responded in a tweet. “Any official who has sworn an oath to uphold the Constitution and laws should disavow it unequivocally.”

zuletzt bearbeitet 24.06.2018 22:22 | nach oben springen


RE: Alternative Medaillen

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 26.06.2018 17:09
von nahal | 24.472 Beiträge

Na, wie sieht es mit dem Travel Ban aus?

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RE: Alternative Medaillen

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 26.06.2018 21:20
von Willie (gelöscht)

Zitat von nahal im Beitrag #3443
Na, wie sieht es mit dem Travel Ban aus?

Genauso wie mit der Objektivitaet der GOP Richter.

McConnell wusste genau warum er Obama das Recht einen Richter mit Hand und Fuss zu benennen verweigert hat. Gorsuch schlaegt alle Rekorde. Der ist noch mehr rechtsaussen als Thomas.

Suppression of Minority Voting Rights Is About to Get Way Worse
The Supreme Court has put its thumb on the scales in favor of discriminatory states.

The signals from Justice Neil Gorsuch, who signed onto a Clarence Thomas concurrence, show that things will only get worse going forward, especially if Justice Anthony Kennedy retires in the near future.

zuletzt bearbeitet 26.06.2018 21:29 | nach oben springen


RE: Alternative Medaillen

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 26.06.2018 21:21
von Willie (gelöscht)

Wie sieht es den mit den Erfolgen der Strafzoelle und dem "America first" aus?

Harley-Davidson Hightails Production Out Of US After EU Revs Up Tariffs
Harley-Davidson, up against spiraling costs from tariffs, will begin to shift the production of motorcycles headed for Europe from the U.S. to factories overseas.
The European Union on Friday began rolling out tariffs on American imports like bourbon, peanut butter and orange juice. The EU tariffs on $3.4 billion worth of U.S. products are retaliation for duties the Trump administration is imposing on European steel and aluminum.

President Donald Trump has used Harley-Davidson as an example of a U.S. business that is being harmed by trade barriers. Yet Harley has warned consistently against tariffs, saying they would negatively impact sales.

zuletzt bearbeitet 26.06.2018 21:26 | nach oben springen


RE: Alternative Medaillen

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 26.06.2018 21:41
von Willie (gelöscht)

Lobsters, Small-Batch Whiskey and Trump’s Trade War
The effects of President Trump’s trade war are beginning to ripple through the United States economy as steel tariffs disrupt domestic supply chains and global trading partners retaliate against a wide variety of American products, such as peanut butter, whiskey and lobster.

The cascade of tit-for-tat tariffs has spooked corporate executives, potentially slowing investment, and the Federal Reserve suggested this week that it might have to rethink its economic forecasts if the trade wars continue. ...

Business owners across the country are fearing the worst and wondering if Mr. Trump, who calls himself a master negotiator, will get the better end of the deal. Here are the ways several American products are being affected.

In the 2016 presidential election, George Skarich, the vice president of sales for the Missouri-based Mid Continent Nail Corporation, voted for Mr. Trump and hoped that he would use his business acumen to supercharge the economy.
The economy is booming, but Mr. Skarich said he was not reaping the benefits. Instead, as a result of Mr. Trump’s trade policies, Mr. Skarich said his nail company may soon be out of business.

Mid Continent, the largest American producer of nails, imports steel from Mexico to make its nails. That steel is now subject to the 25 percent tariffs that Mr. Trump imposed on dozens of countries, forcing Mid Continent to raise its prices by nearly 20 percent.

Orders have plummeted by 50 percent this month as the company tries to compete with cheaper foreign-made nails. Those foreign manufacturers are not facing higher steel costs, giving them an advantage over Mid Continent.
The company, which employs about 500 workers, has already cut 60 jobs. It could potentially cut 200 more in the coming weeks.

It could slash 200 more jobs by the end of July and be out of business around Labor Day.

To meet a global thirst for American whiskey in recent years, distilleries that make bourbon and rye — and sell it around the world — have sprung up across the country. But this week the European Union applied a 25 percent duty to American whiskey in response to Mr. Trump’s steel tariffs, spiking the prices of the iconic American tipple on the Continent.

For small distillers like Scott Harris, a founder of Catoctin Creek Distillery in Purcellville, Va., this has dampened happy hour.
“We are just launching into the European market now in a big way, and this could be the worst possible timing for us,” Mr. Harris said. “We’re probably going to see all of our European sales now come to a screeching halt.”
Exports to Europe represent about a fourth of Catoctin Creek’s annual sales, and the prospect of a 50 euro bottle of whiskey costing 25 percent more is troubling. Some bigger distillers shipped extra spirits to Europe before the tariffs were in place, but for small businesses, the shipping and warehousing costs are prohibitive.

A self-described free-trade Republican, Mr. Harris is disappointed with the path that his party has taken on trade.
“I remember just two years ago we were talking about pushing hard for the Trans-Pacific Partnership so we could open markets in Asia, but all of that has just been turned upside down,” Mr. Harris said. “It really is quite puzzling.”

The European response is not the only one that has industries on edge. Next month, China is expected to impose an additional 25 percent tariff on American lobster as the sparring over trade continues and Mr. Trump threatens to impose tariffs on as much as $450 billion worth of Chinese goods.

Annie Tselikis, executive director of the Maine Lobster Dealers’ Association, said that Mr. Trump’s policy was having the unintended effect of further helping Canada’s lobster market, which doesn’t face the same duties when selling to China. And Canadian sellers were already benefiting from a new trade agreement with the European Union that slashed tariffs for them.

China buys about a fifth of American lobster exports, Ms. Tselikis said, and the value of those exports has nearly tripled in the last two years to $137 million.

For several years, the cranberry industry has been struggling with an oversupply problem that has been eased somewhat by exporting juice and berries to Europe and elsewhere.

Now cranberry farmers are an unlikely victim of a trade war, in large part because Wisconsin is one of the world’s biggest cranberry producers and is the home state of Representative Paul D. Ryan, the Republican speaker of the House....

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RE: Alternative Medaillen

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 26.06.2018 21:44
von Willie (gelöscht)

Wall Street Journal editorial board tears into Trump's trade policy
The Wall Street Journal's editorial board tore into President Trump's trade policy on Tuesday, warning that Republicans may suffer in the 2018 midterms due to the president's tariffs.
"Good luck to Republicans running on the Trump tariffs in November," the editorial board wrote in a new op-ed.

"The damage is likely to have political consequences, as the retaliatory tariffs target industries in swing states," the board said, citing states such as Wisconsin that went heavily for Trump in 2016 but are deeply affected by his administration's tariffs.

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RE: Alternative Medaillen

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 26.06.2018 21:50
von Willie (gelöscht)

Trump's tariffs will have 'ripple impact' on Tennessee auto sector
Nearly 1,000 auto suppliers operate in Tennessee and manufacturers built more than 830,000 vehicles in the state in 2016, with exports approaching $6 billion, according to the Tennessee Economic & Community Development office. More than 135,000 Tennesseans work in the auto sector.
"You are putting a major uncertainty around a significant commodity market," said Bradley Jackson, CEO of the Tennessee Chamber of Commerce & Industry. "You can imagine some disruption that can occur, and that will have a ripple impact especially in Tennessee with the base that we have for automotive manufacturing."

Jackson pointed to the auto sector as the state's main focus for economic growth. As new requirements have been issued on fuel consumption and companies have sought to make vehicles lighter, demand for aluminum has significantly increased in Tennessee.
"Aluminum has become a major component of the automotive industry," Jackson said.

U.S. Senator Lamar Alexander, a Tennessee Republican, denounced the tariffs Thursday and said they would hurt the Tennessee workforce.
“This is a big mistake," Alexander said in a statement. "These tariffs will raise prices and destroy manufacturing jobs, especially auto jobs, which are one third of all Tennessee manufacturing jobs. I have urged President Trump to focus on reciprocity — do for our country what our country does for you — instead of imposing tariffs, which are basically higher taxes on American consumers.”

U.S. Senator Bob Corker (R-Tenn.), chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, also spoke out against the tariff measures.
“Imposing steel and aluminum tariffs on our most important trading partners is the wrong approach and represents an abuse of authority intended only for national security purposes,” Corker said.

John Bozzella, Global Automakers’ CEO, described the tariff as harmful to U.S. consumers.
“The President’s decision to impose significant tariffs on steel and aluminum imports from the European Union and our NAFTA trading partners is disappointing and counterproductive," he said in an emailed statement. "A tariff is a tax and this action will raise prices and hurt American auto producers and their customers. Any retaliation by our trading partners will multiply this harm and do nothing to encourage U.S. exports.”


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RE: Alternative Medaillen

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 26.06.2018 21:52
von Willie (gelöscht)

The U.S. Was Just Downgraded from a 'Full' to 'Flawed Democracy'
While U.S. citizens could once claim to be part of the 9% of people in the world governed by a “full democracy,” they are now part of the near 45% who live in a “flawed democracy.”

That’s according to the Economist Intelligence Unit, which downgraded the U.S. in their 2016 Democracy Index published Wednesday. The move puts the U.S. in the same category as Poland, Mongolia, and Italy.
To arrive at this conclusion, the paper analyzed over 200 countries and considered factors like political culture and political participation.

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RE: Alternative Medaillen

in Redakteure/Politiker/Parteien 26.06.2018 22:03
von Willie (gelöscht)

U.S. cruises toward record-breaking debt on Trump's watch
The nation’s fiscal outlook looks ever bleaker, thanks in part to deficit spending during President Donald Trump’s first term, Congress’ nonpartisan budget scorekeeper projected Tuesday.


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