
RE: A Biden administration

in Politik 23.11.2020 23:56
von Willie (gelöscht)

Joe Biden nominates first woman to lead intelligence and first Latino to head homeland security
President-elect Joe Biden on Monday unveiled a slate of top foreign policy and national security picks, including the first woman to lead the US intelligence community and first Latino to helm the Department of Homeland Security.

Cuban-born Alejandro Mayorkas, a former deputy secretary of DHS who Biden has nominated to lead the department, will be tasked with rebuilding an agency that carried out some of the most draconian measures associated with President Donald Trump's hardline immigration policy, including family separations at the US-Mexico border. Biden's pick for director of national intelligence, Avril Haines, a former top CIA official and deputy national security adviser, will also make history if confirmed by the Senate.

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RE: A Biden administration

in Politik 23.11.2020 23:57
von Willie (gelöscht)

Longtime Biden Aide Tony Blinken Will Be Secretary of State
Other Obama-era officials returning to the national-security world include Avril Haines as director of national intelligence and Jake Sullivan as national security adviser.

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RE: A Biden administration

in Politik 24.11.2020 14:52
von Willie (gelöscht)

Dow futures rise 300 points as Trump administration begins transition
U.S. stock futures climbed early Tuesday in relief over the Trump administration’s move to begin the transition process.

Futures on the Dow Jones Industrial Average rose 308 points, or 1%. S&P 500 futures gained 0.8% and Nasdaq 100 futures added 0.3%.
The move higher in futures came after General Services Administration chief Emily Murphy told President-elect Joe Biden that the Trump administration is making federal resources available for his transition into office.

zuletzt bearbeitet 24.11.2020 14:52 | nach oben springen


RE: A Biden administration

in Politik 24.11.2020 15:06
von Willie (gelöscht)

The Adults Are Back In Charge As Joe Biden Adds Experienced Leaders To Cabinet

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RE: A Biden administration

in Politik 24.11.2020 15:39
von Willie (gelöscht)

Last-minute-Beschlüsse, die Biden schaden
Trumps zynisches Endspiel
Donald Trump gibt seinen Widerstand gegen Wahlsieger Joe Biden auf. Trotzdem versucht er in seinen letzten Amtswochen noch, Biden anderweitig zu sabotieren – mit schlimmen Folgen für viele Amerikaner.

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RE: A Biden administration

in Politik 24.11.2020 18:25
von Willie (gelöscht)
zuletzt bearbeitet 24.11.2020 18:26 | nach oben springen


RE: A Biden administration

in Politik 24.11.2020 22:03
von Willie (gelöscht)
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RE: A Biden administration

in Politik 25.11.2020 00:02
von Willie (gelöscht)
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RE: A Biden administration

in Politik 25.11.2020 11:53
von Maga-neu | 35.189 Beiträge


Warum ich das hier einstelle? Weil eine Biden-Administration "liberal" sein wird. Sie wird - das sehe ich anders als Hannity und Co. - nicht links sein. So gesehen haben die Wall-Street- und Silicon-Valley-Milliardäre alles richtig gemacht: Sie sind den unberechenbaren Donald los, haben aber Bernie verhindert. Noch besser wäre natürlich Bloomberg für sie, aber vielleicht auch nicht. Bloomberg wirkt zu elitär, was man Joe nicht vorwerfen kann.

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RE: A Biden administration

in Politik 25.11.2020 14:33
von Willie (gelöscht)

Fox paid seven figures to settle lawsuit over bogus Seth Rich conspiracy story
Just as star anchor Sean Hannity and other high-profile Fox News figures were due to be deposed about their promotion of a bogus conspiracy theory about the death of former Democratic National Committee staffer Seth Rich, the cable network last month threw in the towel and moved to settle a lawsuit brought by Rich’s parents that threatened to expose a wealth of new details about one of its most embarrassing screw-ups in recent years.

The settlement between Fox News and Rich’s parents, Joel and Mary Rich, was publicly disclosed Tuesday, but with no details about the terms. But legal sources tell Yahoo News that the settlement includes a lucrative seven figure payment to the Rich family consistent with the size of payouts Fox News and related corporate entities have made in other cases that have brought them negative publicity.

The hastily arranged settlement also had the benefit of sparing Hannity and other Fox News figures — including network president Jay Wallace and contributor Newt Gingrich — the ordeal of being grilled under oath about claims in a series of broadcasts in May 2017 that blamed the leak of DNC emails to WikiLeaks on Rich. At the time, Hannity called a Fox News story attributing the DNC leak to Rich an “explosive” development that “might expose the single biggest fraud, lies, perpetrated on the American people by the media and the Democrats in our history.” ...

zuletzt bearbeitet 25.11.2020 15:44 | nach oben springen


RE: A Biden administration

in Politik 25.11.2020 14:38
von Willie (gelöscht)

Mnuchin Plans to Put $455 Billion Beyond Yellen’s Easy Reach
Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin will put $455 billion in unspent Cares Act funding into an account that his presumed successor, former Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen, will soon need authorization from Congress to use.

The money will be placed in the agency’s General Fund, a Treasury Department spokesperson said Tuesday. Most of it had gone to support Federal Reserve emergency-lending facilities, and Mnuchin’s clawback would make it impossible for Yellen as Treasury secretary to restore for that purpose without lawmakers’ blessing. ,,,

Behinderung um jeden Preis. Reine vindictiveness. Das Wohl des Landes geht denen am Arsch vorbei. Genauso wie Moscow Mitch und Co. auch. Das ist die Repugnian Party heute.

McConnell pushed Trump to nominate Barrett on the night of Ginsburg's death: report

zuletzt bearbeitet 25.11.2020 15:44 | nach oben springen


RE: A Biden administration

in Politik 25.11.2020 15:37
von Willie (gelöscht)

Biden to deliver Thanksgiving address
President-elect Joe Biden will deliver a Thanksgiving address on Wednesday, his White House transition team announced in a press release.

A news release Tuesday evening indicated that the live-streamed speech would touch on the "shared sacrifices Americans are making this holiday season" while delivering a message "that we can and will get through the current crisis together."
The statement could allude to plans to address the millions of Americans facing food insecurity this holiday season; charities around the country have reported historically long lines for meal assistance in recent weeks while millions remain out of work due to shutdowns put in place to stop an initial surge of coronavirus infections earlier this year.

Dies im Kontrast zum -noch- sitting president:
Trump is expected to join Giuliani at Pennsylvania GOP lawmakers' voter fraud event
President Donald Trump is expected to join his attorney Rudy Giuliani in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, on Wednesday, where Republican state lawmakers are holding a "hearing" on allegations of fraud in this month's election, two sources familiar with the plans told CNN.

Der "President elect" macht den Staatsmann -waehrend der "actual President" das self absorbed crybaby macht, weil der seinen Wahlverlust nicht verkraftet.
Die Unterschiede koennten nicht groesser sein.

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RE: A Biden administration

in Politik 25.11.2020 16:52
von Willie (gelöscht)

Israeli military prepares for possibility Trump will strike Iran
The Israel Defense Forces have in recent weeks been instructed to prepare for the possibility that the U.S. will conduct a military strike against Iran before President Trump leaves office, senior Israeli officials tell me.

Why it matters: The Israeli government instructed the IDF to undertake the preparations not because of any intelligence or assessment that Trump will order such a strike, but because senior Israeli officials anticipate “a very sensitive period” ahead of Biden's inauguration on Jan. 20.

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RE: A Biden administration

in Politik 25.11.2020 17:55
von Willie (gelöscht)

Marco Rubio@marcorubio
Biden’s cabinet picks went to Ivy League schools, have strong resumes, attend all the right conferences & will be polite & orderly caretakers of America’s decline
I support American greatness
And I have no interest in returning to the “normal” that left us dependent on China
8:08 AM · Nov 24, 2020

"Little Marco" (trumski) ist natuerlich auch nicht "the sharpest knife in the drawer" -aber immerhin, er ist ein Repugnian Senator. Das verdient Beachtung. Und er ist heute natuerlich ein full blown trumski "suck up".
Im Kontrast dazu die Realitaet:

Kel Varnsen@_Kel_Varnsen_
Replying to @marcorubio
America's decline? Have you seen what's been happening over the past 4 years?
8:13 AM · Nov 24, 2020

Replying to @marcorubio
Already with the revisionist history?
Our trade deficit with China got larger under Trump, Marco. We lost the trade war. Americans pay those tariffs. And those ppl Trump hired weren’t just impolite...they were unqualified and incompetent too.
8:15 AM · Nov 24, 2020

Replying to @marcorubio
How in God's name are we great right now, Marco? How?
If there was a place for us to decline, Trump found it. Constitutional norms, decline. World standing, decline. Health and wellness, decline. Economy, decline. Morals and ethics, decline.
General competence, decline.
8:17 AM · Nov 24, 2020

Nunca Trump@NeverTrumpTexan
Replying to@marcorubio
Our trade deficit with China hit a 12 year high. We are more dependent on China than ever.
8:21 AM · Nov 24, 2020

Karen Collin@karencollinsnyc
Replying to @marcorubio
Please tell us about the great Trump foreign-policy successes.
There is no great new China trade deal, the trade deficit is bigger. North Korea and Iran have more weapons and nuke progress.
We have apparently switched to dictators as allies. The decline would be trumps doing.
8:25 AM · Nov 24, 2020

Mit den Tariffs, die der amerikanische Konsument bezahlt und die in den Steuersaeckel wandern, werden anschliessend die Farmer im Mittelwesten subventioniert und so -zumindest teilweise- am Leben gehalten -nachdem denen durch trumski's actions, der chinesische Absatzmarkt weggebrochen ist und viele von denen vor dem finanziellen Ruin stehen.
Smart. Very smart, trumski und "little Marco".

zuletzt bearbeitet 25.11.2020 17:57 | nach oben springen


RE: A Biden administration

in Politik 25.11.2020 17:58
von mbockstette | 12.380 Beiträge

Wird Biden Trump begnadigen???????????????????????????????????????????????

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RE: A Biden administration

in Politik 25.11.2020 17:58
von Willie (gelöscht)

Zitat von mbockstette im Beitrag #140

Wird Biden Trump begnadigen???????????????????????????????????????????????

Nein. Hat er zumindest gesagt.

Aber erst muss der Halunke ja mal vor den Kadi. Dann wird man sehen was wird. Und fuer alles was der Staat NY gegen ihn hat, gibt es kein Presidential pardon.
Da muesste der schon auf Gov. Cuomo hoffen. :-)

zuletzt bearbeitet 25.11.2020 18:05 | nach oben springen


RE: A Biden administration

in Politik 25.11.2020 18:07
von mbockstette | 12.380 Beiträge

Zitat von Willie im Beitrag #141
Zitat von mbockstette im Beitrag #140

Wird Biden Trump begnadigen???????????????????????????????????????????????

Nein. Hat er zumindest gesagt.

Das klingt sehr nach: "Wer mit dem Schwert kämpft wird durch das Schwert umkommen".

IN DEN FÄNGEN DER JUSTIZ: - Wenn Trump nicht mehr unantastbar ist

Als Präsident genießt Donald Trump weitreichende Immunität. Wenn er nicht mehr im Weißen Haus ist, drohen ihm Verfahren an vielen Fronten. Oder will Joe Biden das verhindern?


zuletzt bearbeitet 25.11.2020 18:10 | nach oben springen


RE: A Biden administration

in Politik 25.11.2020 18:15
von Willie (gelöscht)

Zitat von mbockstette im Beitrag #142
Zitat von Willie im Beitrag #141
Zitat von mbockstette im Beitrag #140

Wird Biden Trump begnadigen???????????????????????????????????????????????

Nein. Hat er zumindest gesagt.

Das klingt sehr nach: "Wer mit dem Schwert kämpft wird durch das Schwert umkommen".

Oder nach -der President sollte sich zurueckhalten, die Funktion der Justiz auszuhebeln, nur weil es sich um eine bekannte Persoenlichkeit, oder von politischer Wichtigkeit handelt- nach der Methode, "die kleinen faengt man, die grossen laesst man laufen".

Vielleicht kann sich Biden dem widersetzen. Der Druck auf ihn wird zweifellos immens werden es zu tun. Bestimmt kombiniert mit allerlei politischen Zuckerbroten der Repugnianischen Kaste, von McConnelll und den anderen konservierten Verbrechern.

Wenn ich mich recht erinnere hat trumski bereits am 11. December ein Treffen mit dem Gericht wegen des Vergewaltigungsvorwurfs. Wo AG Barr ihn erst noch kraft seines Amtes vor zu schuetzen versucht hatte, was das Gericht aber bereits zurueckgewiesen hatte. Das muesste am 11. Dez. kommen.

zuletzt bearbeitet 25.11.2020 18:22 | nach oben springen


RE: A Biden administration

in Politik 25.11.2020 18:25
von Willie (gelöscht)

Trump’s Next Two Months of Mayhem
Even while sulking, the president and his minions will keep swinging the wrecking ball at Biden.

Even if he’s off sulking, Trump has ample opportunity over the next two months to abuse his powers or throw sand in the federal machinery Biden will inherit. In this context, Trump loyalists overseeing the bureaucracy, including Attorney General William Barr, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, acting Defense Secretary Christopher Miller, Treasury Secretary Stephen Mnuchin, Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar and senior adviser Stephen Miller, may be just as important to watch as the president. ...

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RE: A Biden administration

in Politik 25.11.2020 18:27
von Willie (gelöscht)

Trump Is Racing to Bring Back Firing-Squad Executions Before He Leaves Office, Says Report
The proposed rule cleared White House review on Nov. 6, according to the report, so it could be finalized any day. However, the archaic method may never be used—all five scheduled federal executions are expected to be carried out with lethal injection, and President-elect Joe Biden opposes the death penalty.

Elsewhere in the report, it’s stated that Trump is also trying to push through a regulation that would exclude transgender people from federally funded homeless shelters and loosen water-saving standards on showerheads—a personal grievance the president has frequently railed about to rally crowds.

U.S. To Continue Executions Through Transition In Break With Precedent
The Justice Department is proceeding with plans for more federal executions in the closing days of President Trump's administration, including two scheduled shortly before the inauguration of President-elect Joe Biden.

Attorney General William Barr announced the moves, connected with what he called "staggeringly brutal murders," in a statement late Friday.
The Justice Department said the directives amounted to a continuation of its policy since last year when it relaunched federal executions after an informal moratorium that had been in place for 17 years.

If the Justice Department plan moves forward, 13 people will have faced death by lethal injection during the Trump administration. Legal experts who follow capital punishment said that would be the most since the presidency of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who served 12 years in office before his death in 1945. ...

... "In a normal presidency that followed the traditional norms of civility, you wouldn't see executions during a transition period," Dunham said. "The outgoing administration would defer to the incoming administration in matters like this."

"Taliban" notions.

zuletzt bearbeitet 25.11.2020 18:50 | nach oben springen


RE: A Biden administration

in Politik 25.11.2020 18:53
von Willie (gelöscht)

Trump Races to Weaken Environmental and Worker Protections, and Implement Other Last-Minute Policies, Before Jan. 20
The Trump administration is rushing to approve dozens of eleventh-hour policy changes. Among them: The Justice Department is fast-tracking a rule that could reintroduce firing squads and electrocutions to federal executions.

Six days after President Donald Trump lost his bid for reelection, the U.S. Department of Agriculture notified food safety groups that it was proposing a regulatory change to speed up chicken factory processing lines, a change that would allow companies to sell more birds. An earlier USDA effort had broken down on concerns that it could lead to more worker injuries and make it harder to stop germs like salmonella. ...

In some instances the Trump administration is using shortcuts to get more rules across the finish line, such as taking less time to accept and review public feedback. It’s a risky move. On the one hand, officials want to finalize rules so that the next administration won’t be able to change them without going through the process all over again. On the other, slapdash rules may contain errors, making them more vulnerable to getting struck down in court. ...

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RE: A Biden administration

in Politik 25.11.2020 18:59
von Maga-neu | 35.189 Beiträge

As Biden Taps Blinken as Secretary of State, Critics Denounce Support for Invasions of Iraq and Libya
"In the U.S., there is no accountability for supporting the worst foreign policy disaster in modern history. Only rewards."

Biden's Foreign Policy Picks Are From the Hawkish National Security Blob. That Is a Bad Sign.
Biden’s incoming team helped shape some of the most militaristic policies of the Obama administration.
Mist, jetzt sind sogar die Linken Trumpisten geworden...

Report: Biden to Name Russia Hoaxer, CNN Analyst Tony Blinken Secretary of State

Toll, ein Mann, der den Irakkrieg enthusiastisch begrüßte, der die Idee der "Russia collusion" verfocht. Endlich sind die warmonger des Lincoln Project am Ziel.
Senator Hawley hat recht: A bunch of corporatists, war enthusiasts and Big tech sellouts.

Aber vielleicht wird es ja zur Abwechselung mal einen Aufstand der amerikanischen Linken (und damit meine ich nicht die Pseudolinke, die Willie hier vertritt) gegen die Politik von Uncle Joe.

zuletzt bearbeitet 25.11.2020 19:01 | nach oben springen


RE: A Biden administration

in Politik 25.11.2020 19:32
von Willie (gelöscht)

China sends a message with Australian crackdown
Pressure by Beijing offers a glimpse of the road map for a more illiberal order

For a glimpse of the future in a world dominated by China, a good starting point is Australia.
Beijing’s embassy in Canberra last week handed the local media a short document detailing 14 grievances that China says are the cause of its rapidly deteriorating relations with Australia.
The document contains many familiar complaints: Beijing says Canberra has been interfering in its sovereignty through critical statements on Taiwan, Hong Kong, the South China Sea and Xinjiang, and has unfairly excluded Chinese companies like Huawei from Australia’s 5G telecommunications network.

The truly illuminating detail, however, lay in the other multiple grievances, about hostile local media coverage, foreign investment restrictions, critical think-tank reports and MPs speaking out on human rights.
As Rush Doshi of the Brookings Institution in Washington notes, the list is revealing in its hypocrisy. After all, Beijing routinely directs attacks at its critics through its state-controlled media, regulates local think-tank output, screens foreign investment proposals and regulates the speech of Chinese officials.

China’s most prominent Oceania scholar followed the document’s release by calling Australian foreign policy “bizarre”, “immature”, “stubborn”, “belligerent”, “mindless” and “juvenile”, among a litany of other pejoratives. And that was in just one article.
The list of grievances also complains that Australia is forcing the state government of Victoria to ditch its participation in the Belt and Road Initiative, because it conflicts with Canberra’s refusal to sign on to Beijing’s flagship infrastructure programme.

Needless to say, if a Chinese provincial party secretary signed an agreement with Australia which Beijing had not sanctioned, he or she would be sacked forthwith.

It is little wonder that Australia has become the canary in the coal mine of an emerging illiberal Chinese world order. Australia is a close US ally, and a core member of the Anglosphere’s Five Eyes intelligence partnership. ...

Prominent Australians have also been critical of Canberra’s hardening line, saying that the intelligence community has taken over policy at the expense of diplomacy and commercial interests.
They also complain that Australian leaders’ efforts to keep on the right side of Donald Trump has ended up making them look like they were trailing dutifully behind him. ...

Thanks trumski. You have done a hell of a job there.

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RE: A Biden administration

in Politik 25.11.2020 20:34
von Willie (gelöscht)
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RE: A Biden administration

in Politik 25.11.2020 23:18
von mbockstette | 12.380 Beiträge

Zitat von Maga-neu im Beitrag #147
As Biden Taps Blinken as Secretary of State, Critics Denounce Support for Invasions of Iraq and Libya
"In the U.S., there is no accountability for supporting the worst foreign policy disaster in modern history. Only rewards."

Biden's Foreign Policy Picks Are From the Hawkish National Security Blob. That Is a Bad Sign.
Biden’s incoming team helped shape some of the most militaristic policies of the Obama administration.
Mist, jetzt sind sogar die Linken Trumpisten geworden...

Report: Biden to Name Russia Hoaxer, CNN Analyst Tony Blinken Secretary of State

Toll, ein Mann, der den Irakkrieg enthusiastisch begrüßte, der die Idee der "Russia collusion" verfocht. Endlich sind die warmonger des Lincoln Project am Ziel.
Senator Hawley hat recht: A bunch of corporatists, war enthusiasts and Big tech sellouts.

Aber vielleicht wird es ja zur Abwechselung mal einen Aufstand der amerikanischen Linken (und damit meine ich nicht die Pseudolinke, die Willie hier vertritt) gegen die Politik von Uncle Joe.

Für gewöhnlich spricht man bei einer ausbleibenden Pointe von einem Witz mit "langen Bart". Deine Beiträge tragen auch einen Bart, genau genommen einen: Breit-Bart.

Report: Biden to Name Russia Hoaxer, CNN Analyst Tony Blinken Secretary of State


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